Diagnostic Modes

A ship or base's computers are capable of running preprogrammed software diagnostics. Along with procedures performed by crew members, these dianostics inform the crew on the exact status of a ship or base's systems. There are various degrees used depending on the circumstance.

Level 1 - Hours
The most comprehensive systems check, a Level 1 involves manual verification by crew members, in case the system's computer diadnostics are untrustworthy. This can take many hours and may even require a system or two to go off-line during the diagnostic check.

Level 2 - About One Hour
A swifter procedure than Level 1, this level still involves crew members manually verifying certain systems, althought not necessarilty all aspects of them.

Level 3 - Ten Minutes or less
A short procedure with manual check of only key systems.

Level 4 - About One Minute
An automated procedure whereby the comuter checks for malfunctions or other anomalies in a system's performace or operation.

Level 5 - Three Seconds or less
A routine automated procedure. Used when time is of the essence or when the computer is too busy with more important, timely functions.