What is This?


This is Independence Fleet. We are an organization of Star Trek role play by email groups, also called RPBE groups, or sims. Independence Fleet provides numerous services for her member starships and starbases. People from all over the world and of all ages make up the sims in ID Fleet.


Star Trek role play by email, or simming, is what each starship/starbase does. The crew of each sim collaborates together to tell the story of their ship or base. Role play by email is creative writing by a group of people, using email as the medium. In our case, the setting is the Star Trek universe.


Crewmembers of each ship/base keep their story going by writing small segments of the story, called posts. They write them when they wish, whenever their schedules allow it. Crewmembers write posts and the story advances. Everyone contributes to the storyline with posts, some posting more frequently than others. There is no quota to fill or order to follow. Crewmembers post when they want and as often as they want.


All of this is done through email. Each ship/base uses a forwarding service. Crewmembers send posts to it and it forwards the posts to the entire crew. Each ship also has a website with ship/base and crew information. A post archive is also available on each website.


Star Trek role play by email is fun! You get to use your creativity to write about Star Trek with other fans from around the world. It's neat to watch a story develop with about 12-18 authors writing on it. You never know what will happen next, it's always a surprise.