Episode 2

The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 11b
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Back to the story

Chapter 1

"Sable to Ivanof."

After a short pause: "Ivanof here. What is it Commander?"

"Sorry to wake you sir, but the Captain was quite explicit on this point."

"I take it we've received our next mission orders?"

"Sort of. Starfleet is immediately diverting us to Sector 3-1. They have not heard from one of our research ships, the USS Goddard, in two days. They say the ship was reporting on schedule since the beginning of their mission and never reported anything out of the ordinary. Even the last report was completely normal, other than it being sent by the second officer. Then they simply stopped reporting in. Command isn't even sure of exactly where they are. There are four of seven systems in Sector 3-1 that they could be in. Since we've lost people in that sector before, Starfleet is very concerned and making this high priority."

"It could take weeks to search half a sector... Sector 3-1... Isn't that one of the sectors near the Romulan neutral zone that a starbase and some outposts were destroyed in about thirteen years ago?"

"Yes sir, one of two sectors. Believed caused by the Borg."

"Let's hope it's not them this time."

"Starfleet doesn't seem to think so."

"Good. Set course-"

"Already done, Commander. We're on our way as we speak."

"How long until we get there?"

"76 hours at Warp 9."

"Very good. I'll be on the Bridge in a few minutes. Ivanof out."

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Chapter 2

Jaquelle could hardly believe that she was outside a holodeck about to go in, especially after the events of the last mission. But is was because of that mission that she needed the holodeck. She had found that keeping attuned to the emotions on the ship took a little toll and she just wanted to relax. Where else better than that wonderful island where she and her friends used to visit while at Starfleet? Jaquelle had programmed the island herself long ago, tweaked it every now and then and now it was perfect in every detail. The perfect stress reliever.

As she walked through the holodeck doors the program was already running. Instantly her uniform turned into a swim suit with matching cover up. As the doors closed behind her she could look back and see a perfect blue ocean with a crystal blue sky. In the distance there was a coral reef barely peaking out of the water, just perfect for scuba diving or snorkeling. Beyond that she could see a large volcano rising from the ocean. (What's the temperature today) she mused in her mind. (Same as always) she thought to herself, (82 to 85 degrees with no clouds and a trade wind.) She was standing on the most beautiful beach she could imagine. The sand between her toes was so fine and warm that it embraced her feet. As she looked ahead she could see the steps from the beach that led to the hotel.

Jaquelle walked slowly across the beach to the stairs, savoring the warmth. At the top of the stairs to the right was a small pool built out of a rock formation with a waterfall. This was where children and their parents often played. Jaquelle loved to see the interaction and hear the laughs of the children. Around the left side were so many varieties of earth orchids, Jaquelle could not begin to count. She just took in the smell of the flowers backed by the fresh air. As she curved to the left she could see two beautiful stone fountains rising out of a large pool. There were whirlpools formed into each side of the pool. Sloping up on all sides of the pool were three levels of lawn chairs with cabanas and orchids every where the eye could see.

As Jaquelle made her way to the nearest whirlpool an attendant approached her.

"May I set you up a cabana, Ms. Daem?" he said.

"Thank you, yes" responded Jaquelle. The attendant quickly opened a cabana and placed a fitted towel over the chair then placed a glass of ice water next to the chair. He hurried away and quickly returned.

"Would you like a cold towel, or maybe a cool sprits?" He offered.

"No thank you, not right now," Jaquelle responded.

"How about some frozen grapes?" he countered. Hum, frozen grapes on a small spear Jaquelle thought.

"That would be nice," she said. "Could you also bring me a warm cider with a stick of cinnamon in it?" Any one else may have thought this a strange request, but Jaquelle had programmed this scenario to make it as common as people asking for coffee or tea. While the attendant left, Jaquelle finished her grapes and slowly submerged herself into the hot water of the whirlpool. The attendant came and left the cider next to her. She picked up the cup, held it close to her nose and savored the smell. She reflected on how funny it was that a drink found only on Earth could smell exactly like a fragrant flower found only in a small providence on one continent of Betazed. People would plan vacations around the time of the blooming of the flower just to smell it's fragrance. She closed her eyes just to drink in this paradise.

Jaquelle opened her eyes to find two of her best friends at her side. They were in a room that was decorated lushly in white, accented by pale colors. Behind her stood a women placing flowers in her hair the smell of cinnamon and cider. She felt happy and warm. As she talked with her friends, the woman finished her hair. The woman walked out of the room, returning soon announcing it was time. She gave Jaquelle a lovely bouquet of the same flowers in her hair to carry. First her friends left, then Jaquelle proceeded to the door.

As the door opened she looked through the gathered crowd to the front, where stood her intended. She had come to this day, really never knowing him. Her marriage had been arranged even before her birth. He was El-Aurian and her parents knew his parents and even him when he was a young adult while her mother was pregnant with Jaquelle. Arranged marriages were still the norm on Betazed where Jaquelle was brought up and her intended and his family lived, at the time. To an El-Aurian, their age difference was negligible.

Although her Earth friends could not quite understand, Jaquelle had no problem with an arranged marriage. She found it comforting. There were no reasons for Betazoid's to arrange marriages for social or economic goals, so they were matches made with the best interest of the children in mind. The intended would sure to be someone who would understand your upbringing, and why you had your goals. As Jaquelle spent time in Starfleet and in Medical training she consistently felt lucky that she did not have to play dating games that usually left one person or both sad or angry and behind in their studies.

From time to time she could sense her intended from far away. She could feel that he could sense her, too. Even before this, her wedding day, Jaquelle knew he was her Imazadi. As she stepped into the room, she could feel the warm and good feelings wash over her naked body from all present. And of course as was traditional at a Betazoid marriage ceremony, all the guest were also naked.

"Dr. Daem," came the voice and Jaquelle awoke to find herself still in the whirlpool on the island. She could recognize the voice immediately of Dr. O'Roarke.

"Yes, Doctor," Jaquelle responded.

"If you have some time, could you come to sick bay for a consultation?" said Marina. Jaquelle knew that what the doctor meant was that she had a patient in front of her and she didn't want to quite say that she thought the patient may have a psychological problem. Jaquelle realized that she really had no reason not to go.

"I'm on my way," Jaquelle stated. She called for the door. As she walked out, her swimsuit turned back into her uniform and all the wetness disappeared.


Jaquelle walked into Sick bay and was mildly surprised to see Lt. McInnis and Lt. Cmdr. Sable. McInnis was sitting up ram rod straight on a biobed. Sable looked to be pacing around a second bed and stopped when Jaquelle entered. Jaquelle could sense that McInnis was all business while Sable, acting impatient, was a bit embarrassed. After looking at them both, Jaquelle turned to Dr. O'Roarke.

"Commander Sable and Lt. McInnis both had trouble with their sleep last night." Marina explained. "Lt. McInnis did not appear on time for his daily early morning Engineering meeting. One of his staff went to his quarters to find him and they could barely wake him from his sleep. He immediately reported to sick bay on his own. Commander Sable was late for her duty shift on the bridge. 30 seconds after she was due, Commander Ivanof attempted to contact her. When she did not respond, he sent a security team to her cabin. She was hard to wake, also. When she reported to the Bridge, Commander Ivanof relieved her of her shift and sent her to sick bay. He informed me that she is not to return to duty without a note from me."

"A note?" said Jaquelle doing very well at hiding a smile.

"Well, he didn't really say a note, but I have to give her medical clearance before she can return to duty," Marina said. "I found nothing medically wrong with either of them but I thought that maybe you should meet with them."

"Certainly," Jaquelle responded. She went over to a counsel and called up her schedule. She remembered that yesterday had seemed more full than usual and today seemed busy to. She turned back to Marina.

"Is Lt. McInnis free to return to duty?" she said.

Marina answered "I have no problem with that."

Jaquelle turned to McInnis and said "You can see me at 17:30 hours after your shift." McInnis nodded politely, got up and left sickbay. Jaquelle then turned to Sable and said "I'll see you in an hour." That, she thought, would give her enough time to review Sable's record for any clues. Sable didn't say a word and walked out of sick bay.

"Jaquelle," Marina said, "can I talk with you for a minute?" Jaquelle nodded. "I've had a few other people come see me about sleep problems since yesterday. I really thought nothing about it until these two came in," reflected Marina.

"I have also seen a few people complaining about sleep problems," answered Jaquelle. "And have had more people than usual who came by just wanting to talk. I simply assumed that with so many new people aboard and a murder on our first mission, people were home sick or nervous. Possibly I need to look into this more."

"Maybe I will do some research too," said Marina.

"If you find anything, keep me posted," said Jaquelle, "and I'll let you know if I discover anything." With that she left sickbay.

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Chapter 3

As Ralph walked towards the Operations Office, his thoughts drifted towards the first officer. He wasn't necessarily rude, just very duty bound. But it irritated him nonetheless. He could tell that the first officer and he were going to be slugging it out in the future. There was no question of who would win of course, with his training he could easily take down the first officer, but he would have to try to avoid confrontations with him. It would be bad to compromise a promising career, in several ways.

As Ralph came upon the office, he took a deep breath and walked in. What he found was not impressive. A single desk, with about three dozen PADD's lying around on it, with a cold pitcher of coffee on the edge. Irritated, he began to organize the PADD's and recycled the coffee into the replicator. He then made a mental note to ream whoever had decided to leave this office in such a manner. He took a quick look at the time, and went up to the office.

{Bridge, 5 minutes later}

Ralph walked into the bridge and was immediately confronted by a woman standing in front of the turbolift.

"Sorry. Excuse me." said Ralph walking around her.

"It's ok.. Are you the new Ops Officer?"

"Yes ma'am, I am."

"I'm Captain Myst, it's a pleasure to meet you Lieutenant."

"Thank you ma'am. It's a pleasure to be here."

With that the captain nodded and walked into the turbolift, and Ralph took his station.

{Several hours later}

Ralph was walking along a corridor. The lights were out, and he couldn't tell where he was. He heard voices all around him, screaming. Not just screaming, but agonizing screams, like torture screams. As Ralph walked along, his hand found a door, and he pressed the button to open it. There, in the middle of the room, was a single light, and in front of that light, were the mutilated bodies of his younger brothers and sister. He tried to move but he couldn't. He tried to scream, but he couldn't.

"Help," Ralph screamed as he thrashed about in his bed. He had only been dreaming. "What was that?" he asked himself. He tried to lay back and go back to sleep, but couldn't. Instead, he set to work on writing a personal log on this dream. As he wrote, he couldn't help but notice that he was still sweating.

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Chapter 4

{Forward Lounge of USS Delphinius}


Fourteen-year-old Rinali Travin looked up from the window she had been staring out. Everyone around her simply went on with their conversations, as if they hadn't heard anything. Which they hadn't. Rinali and Taeva's families were among the very few Betazoids on the Delphinius. The two girls found that their telepathic abilities were extremely useful for holding relatively private conversations. Rinali turned to see Taeva standing across the room, her eyes shining. Something was up.

"What? What is it?"

"I found something. Follow me, I'll show you."

Taeva just barely waited for Rinali to get up and follow her through the twists and turns of the ship's corridors. She tried to search Taeva's mind for some idea of what the surprise was. But Taeva's thoughts seemed watery, too quick and slippery to get a hold on. All Rinali really had to go on was a nagging feeling in the back of her head that this was all very familiar.

Taeva turned a last corner. Rinali recognized the large doors to the cargo bay, just slightly ajar at the moment. The apprehension in her mind was getting stronger, but she still couldn't pin it down. Taeva was already squeezing through the crack between the doors, so Rinali put aside her worries and followed.

She remembered almost the moment they were inside. She didn't even have to look up to know that they were there. Two Cardassians, wearing the insignia of their rogue faction, armed with phasers. Taeva was regarding them with interest, but the Cardassians didn't seem to notice her. Their eyes were on Rinali, looking at her expectantly. Taeva soon turned to her as well, an eyebrow raised in question.

"It's all right," Rinali heard herself saying. "They aren't going to hurt you."

Taeva smiled and walked trustingly towards the two Cardassian warriors. When she was close enough, one of them reached out an arm and put it gently around Taeva's neck. He drew out his phaser and set it gently against the side of Taeva's head. Taeva seemed only slightly confused rather than frightened. The other Cardassian grinned and looked at Rinali.

"Thank you," he said.

Rinali didn't see the blast so much as feel it. She had expected something explosive, something that would mimic the violence of the action. But what she felt was a quick stabbing pain that tapered off into progressively softer pulses in her temples, eventually fading into nothing.

By the time Rinali looked up, the Cardassians were at the door. One was already leaving the cargo bay. The other paused for a moment and looked straight at Rinali.

"You left it open a crack," he said. Then he was gone.

Rinali took a few steps forward. She knelt down beside the prone figure that the Cardassians had left behind them.

"Taeva," she said softly. She could not cry. Every tear she had for Taeva had been shed long ago. But that did nothing to numb the pain of what she saw before her. Taeva's empty eyes gazed sightlessly at the ceiling. Her expression was not pained or frightened, only puzzled.

{U.S.S. Griffin, Transporter Room, Three days later}

"Had any good dreams lately?"

Rinali nearly jumped. For the past three nights she had been visited by the same recurring nightmare of the attack on the Delphinius. She had mentioned it to no one, but she was starting to worry. Despite her best efforts to ignore the dreams, she had been on edge lately.

Rinali looked and was relieved to see that Ensign Edward had been talking to Zosin.

"Why do you ask?" the quieter of Rinali's two assistants asked. Rinali didn't say anything, but she noticed that Zosin had avoided the question.

"Been having these great dreams lately," Edward said, obviously happy for the opportunity to talk about it. "I'm in this little ship really far away, further out than I've ever been. And Lea's there with little Josh. And all we do is fly around and explore new places together. It's just the three of us. We choose where to go, run the ship, take care of Josh, everything."

"Ready, Lieutenant?" Edward stopped talking and Rinali turned to Transporter Chief Winsor.

"One moment," she said. She turned to face the assembled team, three groups of her best security staffers plus a few doctors from the medical staff.

"We will be boarding the Goddard momentarily," Rinali said. "You are all aware that attempts to hail the ship have failed, so we have no idea of what we might find on board. All medical personnel are to stay behind security unless I say otherwise. All phasers are to be set on 'stun', initially. If problems arise, I trust your judgment."

Rinali turned to Winsor once again.

"You may commence," she said.

{U.S.S. Goddard}

Rinali guessed that they were still in a corridor, though it was hard to tell. The ship was dark and looked as if someone had run through it blasting at the walls indiscriminately. From what Zosin and Edward were reporting, it was the same throughout the Goddard. Rinali's hopes of finding anyone alive were rapidly sinking.

There was a sudden creak from just around the corner. Rinali stopped and waved her team back. She edged around the corner, phaser in hand. A man was stumbling towards her slowly. Rinali turned the corner and aimed her phaser.


The man nearly fell over. He crouched on the floor shaking, his hands raised to show that he was unarmed. Rinali waved in her team, keeping her phaser pointed at the stranger.

"Lieutenant J.G. Rinali Travin, U.S.S Griffin," Rinali said slowly. "Identify yourself."

"Starfleet?" The man looked up and Rinali could just make out dark patches beneath his eyes. "I thought you'd never find us. Executive Officer Dell of the Goddard. Please, you've got to put out the fire!"

"Fire?" Rinali was taken aback. She hadn't seen so much as a hint of light on the Goddard, much less a fire. She tapped her communicator.

"Edward, Zosin. Have either of you come across any fires?"

Both assistants replied that they hadn't. Executive Officer Dell grabbed at Lt. Travin's legs.

"I could hear them all screaming," he gasped. "But I couldn't get to them. There was so much smoke and heat. I...I think there all dead."

Dell broke down sobbing as Rinali called forward one of the doctors.

"Get him to sickbay," she said. "Ask Dr. O'Roarke to let me know if anything is wrong with him."

"Lieutenant!" Edward's voice was urgent over the communicator. "We have a situation here. At the bridge, we need back up!"

"Hang on, we will be right there." Rinali rushed down the hallway followed by her team. After a few wrong turns in the dark, they reached the bridge. Edward and his team were fending off a wild-eyed Benzite who was tossing anything he could find at the security team, then darting behind something for cover. The bridge itself was a wreck and Rinali could see what looked like an ax buried in the communications station. All around were shadowy figures which Rinali feared were lifeless bodies of the Goddard's crew.

"Get out!" the Benzite was shrieking as he threw another chair in the direction of Edwards and his group. "No more Starfleet! No more Starfleet!"

Rinali fired her phaser. The Benzite dodged just in time and hurled another piece of furniture in Rinali's direction. Rinali jumped and kicked the object in the Benzite's direction, firing again as she did. He evidently hadn't expected this and wasn't able to dodge both the chair and the phaser blast. He collapsed as Rinali's shot hit him.

"The brig would probably be best," Rinali said as two security officers came to get the Benzite. "But ask the doctor to take a look at him when she can. And keep a close watch on him."

Things only got stranger from there. The body count on the Goddard was rising and all of the survivors seemed to be convinced that there was some disaster or other going on. Some insisted that they had to get off the ship because their home worlds were under attack. Others thought the ship itself was under attack. Still others they found curled up and shaking, unable to say anything. As they approached the crew's quarters, the teams began to discover the sleepers. In the midst of the chaos, several members of the crew were found resting peacefully in their beds from which they could not be roused. Only very slight pulses and breathing indicated that the sleepers were still alive.

"Lieutenant Travin?" Zosin's voice said from Rinali's communicator as she checked the pulse of yet another sleeping crew member. "I think you'll want to see this."

Rinali headed down one more hallway. Zosin was standing outside of a doorway, looking rather grave. He explained that the door had been barricaded and it had taken his crew some effort to get in. Rinali nodded and looked into the room.

At first glance, it looked like some kind of sickbay or lab. There were about six beds, all occupied, with complicated looking machines at the sides. Zosin directed Rinali to one of the beds. A woman who looked to be of mixed human-klingon descent was resting there. Various tubes from the machine were pumping fluids into and out of her body. She looked entirely peaceful.

"Behold," said Zosin, with just a touch of sarcasm. "Captain Teraga of the Goddard."

{USS Griffin, Lt. J.G. Travin's quarters, following morning}


Rinali woke slowly. The dream had come again and this morning it lingered. Rinali could still feel the last faint pulses of her friend's dying mind. She did not cry; the time for that was long passed. Rinali simply lay in bed, wondering whether it was worth it to get up at all.

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Chapter 5

"Ambassador!" a voice called from down the corridor. Getting no response, it tried again. "Ambassador Myst!"

Priscilla turned at her name. Through the throng of officers moving in the corridor, it was hard to see who had called her. Then a hand broke through and waved in her direction. For a moment she was able to make out its owner. Smiling, she stood as much out of traffic's way as possible and waited.

"Admiral Ivanof," she greeted warmly at his approach. He offered a hand, and she gladly shook it. "So good to see you again!"

"And you," he replied with a rare smile.

"How have you been?" she asked.

"Well," he replied. "Would you like to go grab a bite to eat with me so we can catch up?"

"I would love to," she answered."

{cut to lounge}

"Congratulations on your promotion to Admiral," Priscilla said as hey carried their food to a table. "I can't think of a more deserving person."

"Thank you," Yuri replied with a touch of pride. "And how about you? Negotiating a cooperation treaty between the Klingons and the Romulans is unprecedented!"

"Thank you," she replied with a content smile as she thought back on the negotiations that had just ended. They had been tense at times, smooth at others, and every moment had tested her skills as a diplomat, which was just how she liked things to be. "But I can't take all the credit." Yuri gave her an inquisitive look. "It was inevitable," she explained. "It was either cooperation or their mutual annihilation at the hands of each other."

"Maybe. But your success has brought us a big step closer to a unified Alpha and Beta quadrants," he pointed out.

Priscilla smiled at the thought. "True, true," she said. They arrived at their table and set their food down.

"Yes," Yuri agreed to her unspoken thought. "Enough shop talk."

"You read my mind," Priscilla replied laughing. Yuri pulled out a chair for her. She half squatted, put her arms back behind her on the chair's arms to brace herself, leaned back, and slid into the chair. Yuri moved around to the other side of the table and sat.

"Speaking of congratulations being in order," he said nodding towards her swollen belly. "When are you due?"

"In a week or two," Priscilla said gently patting her stomach with pride. "The negotiations ended just in time!"

"What does Allie think?"

"She excited to be a big sister. We're all excited for the new baby. My parents and sister can't wait to have another little one to spoil. Alexander was never particularly interested in having children, but he says now that he's found how wonderful having a daughter is, he can't wait to have a son!"

"He should have known he'd agreed to having children when he married you, Captain" Yuri commented, knowing how important family was to Priscilla.

Priscilla gave Yuri a strange look. "Captain? You haven't called my that in years."

"You haven't been one for years, Captain!" Yuri exclaimed.

"True," Priscilla agreed, wondering what had caused Yuri to become so playful all of a sudden. That wasn't like him at all.

"Captain, you have to wake up!" he said next.

(Wake up?) she wondered and looked around. (I'm not dreaming. This is all too real to be a dream.) Then she began to feel herself being pulled away.

"No!" she yelled at Yuri, who jumped back from the table in shock. (I don't want to wake up!) she screamed, but only in her head, her voice no longer seeming to work.

And then she was awake.

{USS Griffin, Special Operations Control Room}

Priscilla looked up to see the face of Yuri worriedly looking down on her. His uniform and the pips on his collar proclaimed him of the rank Commander. She immediately put her hand on her stomach, and found it flat. A pained look briefly crossed her face as she blinked and her true memories began to come rushing back.

"Captain, are you alright?" Yuri asked, the concern quite evident in his voice.
"I- was dreaming," she explained. "It was wonderful. And so real."

"I almost couldn't wake you," Yuri said.

"This is getting very serious," Priscilla said stepping back into her role in the waking and present life.

"It worse than you know," Yuri reported. "We have our first sleeper."


Scott pulled his head out of the Dilithium Crystal Chamber on the side of the warp core, thus finishing his inspection as he was finally satisfied with its level of cleanliness. He set down the tool in his hand and immediately turned his attention to the dilithium crystals lying on the table he had brought over to hold everything he was working with. He picked up the tricorder he had modified specially for his analysis of the crystals and the matrix they formed. That tricorder was only one of many he had specially modified before beginning his cleaning of Engineering. Each was lying in wait to be used for its own very specific purpose.

Scott had barely slept in the last two days. Instead he had been meticulously cleaning, modifying, and fixing everything in Engineering, down to and including the smallest micrometer scratch on the chair in his office. At first he had enlisted the help of his staff, but soon he felt they could only be counted on to make sure things were within required specifications. That wasn't good enough, not this time. His uncle was coming, and everything had to be perfect. Not just perfect even, but *PERFECT.*

Not that the famous Montgomery Scott would stick his head into the Dilithium Crystal Chamber to check for barely visible residue on the upper back edge of the chamber. But he *might,* and Scott McInnis was not going to be found lacking in anything when it came to his uncle's scrutiny.

Scott shook his head slightly to clear it of these extraneous thoughts, and set all of his attention back to the task at hand.


Priscilla stood from the chair she had been sleeping in. "Who?" she asked.

"McInnis," Yuri replied. "He's in sickbay right now. Dr. O'Roarke can't find anything causing him to be unworkable."

"Just like those on the Goddard," Priscilla thought aloud. "How much longer until our crew over there have the ship ready to get underway?"

"Damage control teams reported back to the Griffin an hour ago," Yuri filled her in. "The Command staff is awaiting my arrival. I'm waiting on Engineering to give the Goddard their clearance. Last estimate was another five hours from now."

"That may be too long," Priscilla said with a shake of her head. "We don't know how fast this will effect the rest of the crew. Not to mention the civilians..." she trailed off as she looked around the control room they were both standing in. Quickly she regained her train of thought and continued: "and we don't know how long it'll take us to get out of range of its effects."

"We could tractor the Goddard until it's repairs are complete," Yuri suggested.

"Yes, do that," Priscilla agreed. As Yuri contacted the Bridge the relay the orders, Priscilla ordered General Quarters be sounded and the Command Staff to an emergency meeting in the Conference Room.

Yuri and Priscilla left the Special Operations Control Room and fell in step next to each other on their way to the turbolift.

"Deck One," Priscilla ordered. Then Yuri turned to her.

"May I inquire as to why you were sleeping in the SO control room?"

Priscilla regarded him a moment. "I've been have two different reoccurring dreams as of late. One involves the destruction of the Griffin with a loss of all hands as the result of a Special Operations mission we are sent on. Now I can't shake the thought that I may have made a very bad decision in bringing a civilian carrying ship into Starfleet Special Ops."

"And you thought perhaps you could convince yourself otherwise if you saw the advantages Special Ops provided?" Priscilla nodded at his assessment.

"Then I fell asleep." She furrowed her brow in thought for a moment, then added, "Not that I was at all tired."

"Hm," Yuri commented.

"I think I am going to ask the Doctor to provide me with a stimulant, just in case."

The turbolift doors parted at that moment, revealing the short corridor between the turbolift and the conference room that lay on the opposite side of the conference room from the Bridge.

"Speaking of Starfleet," Yuri commented offhandedly. "Has anyone thought to send them an update of our status? I just realized I haven't done so myself, and I haven't heard of you doing so either, since before we found the Goddard."

"Huh," Priscilla said as she lead them into the conference room. Lt. Cmdr. Sable was already there as she had been on duty on the Bridge. "Now that you mention it, I've been so preoccupied with what's going on that I haven't thought to."

"Me too," Yuri added. "I'm going to do that right now, while I'm still thinking about it." Priscilla nodded. Yuri sat down at the conference table and began composing a quick but direct report through the console there.

Lt. Stembridge was the next to arrive, only seconds after the Captain and Commander. Yuri finished his report to Starfleet just as Lt. Daem and Lt. O'Roarke arrived together. No doubt they had been working together in Sickbay. Everyone took their seats and waited. After a couple minutes Priscilla spoke.

"Well, I am under the impression Lt. McInnis will not be joining us, right Doctor?" Both Marina and Jaquelle nodded. "Yes, but has anyone heard from Lt. Travin?" Everyone looked around the table at each other and shook their heads.

"Myst to Travin," Priscilla called to the computer. No response. "Myst to Travin, please respond," she tried again. Again, no response. "Computer, locate Lt.-"

"Travin here," came Rinali's very tired sounding voice.

"Lieutenant, were you sleeping?" Priscilla asked.

"No sir," Rinali said flatly. Priscilla looked to Yuri, who shrugged ever so slightly.

"We're having an emergency staff meeting right now Lieutenant," Priscilla explained, willing to assume for the moment Rinali had not heard the earlier summons for whatever reason. "If you could please join us."

"I'm on my way, Travin out," was the response.

Priscilla looked around the table. It seemed that everyone else was wondering about Rinali as well. "Counselor," Priscilla said finally, "if you would-" she cut herself off as Jaquelle nodded. "Alright then," Priscilla said to change the subject, "let's get started. Commander?"

"As things are getting serious on the Griffin, we're currently taking the Goddard under tow until she is ready to fly on her own, at which point I will take command of the Goddard until we reach starbase," Yuri began to recap for those who had not yet been informed. "I say things are getting serious here because we have found our first sleeper from the Griffin, that being our Chief Engineer McInnis. And we nearly had a second in the command staff, which suggests to me there may already be many yet unfound sleepers onboard."

"I agree," Marina added. "Especially amongst the civilians, who aren't scheduled to be on duty at specific times, and so wouldn't be sought for if they were late for something."

Priscilla nodded, and banished the stray thought of her nightmare before it bothered her again. Ryan looked from Marina, around that table, then back to Yuri. "If I may ask, who was almost our second sleeper?"

Yuri turned to Priscilla. Priscilla looked to Ryan. "I was," she said. "And I wasn't even tired when I fell asleep. Doctor, if you could provide-"

Just then the conference room doors opened, and Rinali stepped in. Most eyes turned to her. Priscilla just nodded. "As I was saying. Doctor, if you could provide some sort of stimulant to keep that from happening again-"

"I'm not so sure you'd want that Captain," Marina interrupted.

"Oh?" Priscilla inquired.

Jaquelle had stopped following the conversation for the moment. Her focus was completely on Rinali, and what she felt disturbed her. The Security Chief was severely depressed. Not only that, but there had been no signs of this in Rinali before, which meant the depression had come upon her within the last couple of days. Jaquelle was willing to bet its trigger had started the same time everyone's dreams had.

"Lt. Daem and I have been studying the Goddard's crew," Marina said in response to Priscilla's question, "and while we haven't gotten very far past the fact that they are completely healthy yet, we have made one discovery." Everyone looked to Jaquelle, which pulled her attention away from Rinali and back to the conversation.

"Counselor?" Priscilla inquired. Jaquelle knew what she meant.

"Not good, Captain. Not at all," Jaquelle said in reference to Rinali. "We may have our first walker soon."

"Walker?" Ralph spoke for the first time, asking for a clarification. He felt most useful absorbing all the knowledge he could, and then speculating.

"Our new nickname for those who have been affected by this phenomena, but aren't sleeping," Marina explained. "For lack of a better term."

"So we have at least one sleeper, and we're well on our way to walkers," Priscilla recapped. "Doctor, Counselor, please tell me you have something good to report."

"We do have something to report," Marina replied. "But whether it's good or not depends on how you look at it."

"How so?" Yuri asked. Marina deferred to Jaquelle.

"We are certain this phenomena is causing everyone to have very powerful dreams, even Vulcans and others considered to be less emotional, with their dreams being powerful in a non-emotional way. Logical, for example," Jaquelle began. "While all the walkers from the Goddard are experiencing some sort of catastrophe in their world as it exists in their minds, all the sleepers are experiencing states ranging from utterly peaceful to extreme bliss, and any other emotional state that could be classified as 'desired to exist in'. Doctor O'Roarke and I believe that the dreams we have all been having, are leading to the sleeper and walker states, with the type of dream being dreamt determining the end result."

"So, in essence, the walkers are sleepwalking in their own nightmares," Yuri observed.

"Yes," Marina confirmed. "So you see Captain, you may not want to force yourself to say awake. Doing so may set you into a nightmare instead of a pleasant dream."

"Why is it the sleepers can't be wakened?" Ryan asked in the lull in the conversation that followed. "Have you found any reason?"

Marina shook her head. "No, so far no scans have turned up anything along those lines. Medically, a good shake should work."

"But it doesn't," Ryan added.

"Because they don't know to wake up," Priscilla said thoughtfully.

"Captain?" Yuri inquired after her thoughts. She was thinking back to the dream he had pulled her out of.

"Remember when you woke me and I told you my dream was so real?" Yuri nodded. "It didn't just seem real, it *was* real. It still feels real to me, even now," she said.

"Real enough that you didn't want to wake up," Jaquelle said with a nod.

"Not just that," Priscilla corrected. "Not real enough. It was actually real. Just like I wouldn't know now that I should wake up, because this is reality. Even subconsciously, I didn't know at the time that I wasn't awake."

Everyone sat thinking on that revelation. Finally Marina broke the silence.

"Then the walkers don't know either," she said. "Which is why we can't get through to them just as we can't get through to the sleepers. We can interact with the walkers, but only on their terms. We can't change their perception of whatever disaster occurred."

"Which makes walkers much more of a threat than sleepers," Yuri theorized. "If walkers were to become convinced the ship was being hijacked, or something along those lines, they may end up hurting or even killing others."

Jaquelle and Marina nodded in agreement.

Priscilla turned to Ralph. "Lt. Stembridge, do you have anything helpful to add?" He shook his head.

"Alright then," Priscilla said. "The best way to keep people safe, is for everyone to sleep. However, if everyone goes to sleep, there will be no one to run the ships and get us out of here." She paused a moment contemplating her next words. Yuri looked from her to Ralph, wondering why she had asked such a question from him. Priscilla went on before he could wonder anything else. "Therefore, Doctor, you and Lt. Daem keep working. We need a way to counter this all. Lt. Travin, I'm sorry, but you are temporarily relieved of duty. Go with Dr. O'Roarke, perhaps you can help her learn more about what is going on."

Shocked, Rinali looked up at Priscilla. "Captain?" she asked with dismay. Priscilla looked to Jaquelle, and Rinali followed her gaze. Then she put it all together. "You think I'm becoming a walker," Rinali summarized.

"Yes, I'm afraid so," Priscilla said. "But perhaps if Dr. O'Roarke monitors your condition she'll be able to find something not evident in those already fully under the effects of whatever is going on."

"I understand," Rinali replied with a sigh.

"Commander Ivanof," Priscilla went on, "the crew is going to have to start watching each other closely. Let everyone know what they need to look out for, and what to do. But I don't want anyone getting paranoid. Stembridge, coordinate all the science departments, and let them know I want to know exactly what is causing this ASAP." Both men nodded in acknowledgment of their orders. "I wish we had a Chief Science Officer," Priscilla said under her breath. Then she continued. "Sable, you're job is to keep a close eye on me. If I'm heading for either sleeper- or walker-hood anytime soon, you are to be the first to know, and then to let me know. I will do my best to keep an open mind on what you tell me in that regards." Yuri moved to argue but Priscilla stopped him. "Commander, you're responsibility right now is the rest of the crew. Sable and I will handle those on the Bridge. Which is where I will be," she said as she stood, signaling an end to the meeting. "But first," she said tapping a command into the control panel in front of her. The whistle indicating a ship wide broadcast had just been activated sounded. Then Priscilla spoke.

"All hands, this the Captain Myst. I am keeping General Quarters in effect until further notice. No one, I repeat, No One, civilian or otherwise, is to be out and about unless they are on duty, until we have successfully gotten past the effects of whatever phenomena is occurring here. Civilians are recommended to try and sleep. If anyone finds someone they cannot wake, *do not worry*. Keep that person in his or her bed and report the name to Commander Ivanof. All officers are ordered to try and stay awake, and will receive directions from Commander Ivanof and Lieutenant Stembridge momentarily. Thank You. Myst out."

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Chapter 6

Priscilla stood in the middle of the Bridge facing the view screen. It currently showed the Bridge of the Goddard. Commander Ivanof was standing in the center. The skeleton crew assigned to bring the Goddard home could be seen manning the other Bridge stations. They would be relieved by other members of the Griffin crew as their shifts changed.

"Are you ready to take the Goddard under her own power, Commander?" Priscilla asked.

"Yes, Captain," Yuri replied.

"Ensign Zosin," Priscilla said to the Assistant Security Officer manning tactical in Rinali's absence, "release the tractor beam."

"Tractor beam has been released," Zosin confirmed.

"Everything looks good over here," Ivanof reported after a minute.

"Very well, Commander," Priscilla said and turned to head for her chair. "Let's keep communications frequent, and I want an open comm at all times." Standing in front of her chair, she turned back to face the view screen.

Ivanof nodded. "Good idea, will do."

Priscilla smiled. "Then let's get out of here, see you at Starbase-" Suddenly Priscilla inhaled sharply and a pained expression contorted her face. She grabbed her stomach as she collapsed backwards into her chair.

"Captain!?" Yuri exclaimed through the viewscreen.

Priscilla wasn't hearing him. All she could hear was the voice that screamed in her head. Then the voice was suddenly quiet. Priscilla placed both her hands against her forehead, trying to will the voice back. But it was no use. She had just heard her twin sister's last cry. She had felt Victoria's death, and she knew there was nothing she could do to change it. Typically their mental link didn't reach across the vastness of space, but this wasn't a normal circumstance. And Priscilla knew she would now always be alone.

The realization of what was occurring to the Captain seemed slow and produced a heavy shock upon Ryan, who had turned at the sound of Ivanof's expressed concern and sat starring for what had felt like hours beyond the actual milliseconds it took for her to react. But the moment Priscilla had stumbled back into her chair, the Lieutenant Commander was at her side, joining voice with Commander Ivanof in unease for the Captain's well-being.

"Captain?" Ryan spoke with a softer tone than her superior, who was reduced to observing across subspace radio frequencies.

There was no response from Priscilla to either, but an obviously unrelated action that had not been expected. It was a single tear, that slid in an unhurried, bending path down her cheek an into the cloth of her uniform.

"Ma'am?" Ryan inquired, kneeling somewhat nearby. "What's wrong? What has happened? Can you tell me?" Her voice seemed to take the quality only carried by counselors.

Priscilla sniffed slightly, not fully realizing that she was still on the bridge before her concerned crew, and turned a little to Sable. "Victoria," she whispered. "She's ... she's gone."

"Victoria?" Ryan asked gently.

Realizing he couldn't do anything at the moment, and that Ryan was there, Yuri forced himself to be content with Ryan handling the situation.

The Captain seemed to give a little laugh in frustration for Ryan's lack of knowledge in her family. "She's is my sister ..." she gave a little pause, "was my sister."

Ryan paused, unsure what to do next. After all, she was not a counselor ... but then, it wasn't unusual for counselors to draw a blank either. And in the end, was it not up to the patient to heal themselves? But how, in the name of Mike, was the Captain going to heal herself?

"How do you know she's gone?" Ryan finally asked, confused at how Priscilla could suddenly know such information ... unless of course it was old news, and their current situation had broken their Captain's resolve. Ryan mentally grimaced against the idea. It had to be something else ... something that she could help Priscilla fight, lest she fall into discontent at her inability to help her Captain ... and friend.

"I felt it. I heard her ... die." Priscilla finally answered after a quiet moment of her own.

Felt her die? Ryan had to rack her brain to fully understand what the Captain had just implied. Priscilla was here, on this ship before her, and according to her memory, Human and beyond, a crew member by the name of Victoria that might even remotely be related to their Captain was lacking in the manifest. She knew that Priscilla was telepathic, but to sense something like this when it had to be light-years away was impossible. It could have someone in the Goddard crew, but just as soon as Ryan had thought up the idea, by the touch of a button it was refuted. Ryan mentally sighed in near defeat. Priscilla was becoming a walker.

Another tear rolled down the Captain's face, followed by more sniffling. Ryan scowled, suddenly frustrated with her superior.

"Listen Captain," she spoke with a soft air and countenance, contrasting what she was feeling within. "You're not a lone here. A lot of us have lost loved ones," she swallowed slightly, ignoring sad memories of her own. "But we moved on. We didn't dwell on it ... we couldn't. We had to keep going. You have to keep going. You need to protect your crew, Captain. We need you to guide us, cause we're lost without you."

"What am I supposed to do?" Priscilla asked no one in particular. She looked utterly lost.

"Be our Captain," Ryan answered with a determination that captured the Captain's attention.

Priscilla looked to her second officer, a chaotic rush of emotions crossing her face like shooting stars until one of duty finally came to hide her sadness, leaving only her eyes to show that depression. Priscilla stood deliberately. She straightened her uniform before addressing her first officer still watching from the Goddard. "We have to get out of here," she said in a tightly controlled voice. "Now."

{Later that night}

Within seconds, the observation lounge doors parted and a child walked onto the bridge, her cool manner severely contrasting with Parker's enthusiasm. Commander Rustle began to whisper his disapproval, but was waved quiet by the captain. Captain Sable stood, his gray-green eyes smiling warmly with pride as the bouncing four-year-old climbed into the chair at the helm.

"Now, Miss Ryan . . ." A broad, white-toothed smile broke across the girl's lips and she began to giggle. "Ryan," the captain admonished with feigned distaste. The commander watched, smiling.

"Sorry," she replied through the last giggles. She straightened and got on her knees to see the panel.

"Set a course for Earth, maximum warp," he ordered as though he was speaking to a promising new cadet.

"Okay," Ryan replied with a small bounce, stifling a second giggle. She leaned forward, her dusty blond curls bouncing with unrestrained enthusiasm. The entire bridge seemed to lean toward the helm, watching as she quietly mumbled the order to herself and began tapping the buttons. "Okay." She replied when finished. The regular conn officer looked over the controls, then nodded in agreement.

The captain's own smile widened. "Engage."

The four-year-old reached her small hand forward, fingers tingling, toward the large orange button with the large black letters that read, "Engage," a word she had sounded out herself only days before. She was a smart little girl.

Her hand stopped just above the button as the ship was tossed violently to port. Quickly she grabbed for support to keep from being thrown. "Oops," she responded from behind the back of the chair, wary of her father's response. Her cheeks began to burn, though she still did not understand what embarrassment was.

"Report." Captain Sable's voice immediately sounded.

"It wasn't your fault," Lieutenant Parker consoled quietly as she lifted the small child from the chair and took her place at the helm.

"I'm not picking anything up on sensors." Ensign Russel replied from tactical.

The Captain picked Ryan up, grabbing for his chair as the ship was thrown a second time to starboard. "Go to sick bay." He told her setting her down near the turbo-lift at the rear of the bridge.

"But, I want to help," she pleaded.

"No, we've got to much help already. See," he said gesturing to the filled stations. "Maybe next time. Now, go."

Obediently she turned to the turbo-lift hanging her head in disappointment.

"Captain, we're accelerating." Teri called from the helm as another jolt rocked the ship, turning it toward a new heading. The Captain left, not waiting to see if Ryan made it into the turbo-lift.

"Bridge to Engineering, what's going on down there?" The Captain's voice was smooth, firm.

The commander just stood quietly, much to the annoyance of his captain, drinking in every word.

"I don't know exactly," the chief engineer responded.

"Warp eight point seven . . ." Teri called from the conn, adding to the sudden chaotic background noise of klaxons.

"There is a lot of strain on the warp field . . ."

"Warp nine . . ."

"It looks like there's something caught in the field, and it's pulling us with it."

"I'm still not picking anything up on sensors." Russel reported with a slightly complaining whine in his voice.

"Warp nine point nine seven . . . We've passed the warp barrier." A tense anxiety mixed with other less evident emotions flooded everyone on the bridge. They were the first Federation star ship to pass the impassable -- what was next?

"Activate the view screen." The captain requested.

The view screen flashed, showing a steady stream of blinding white light.

"What can go this fast?" Parker asked, watching as the speed on her read-outs continued to climb.

"You got me," Dravis replied in his regular placid tone. He was obviously not worried, or at least he was not showing it, as usual; which always irked Teri to no end. How did he do it?

The ship began to vibrate slightly in response to the strain on the hull.

"Shut down the warp core." The captain ordered.

The commander struggled to calm the rush the adrenaline was causing in his mind. This was the first crisis he had experienced with this crew, and he realized he had forgot to do his job.

"Already tried, Captain."

"Can you eject?" Commander Rustle spoke up at last.

"Yeah, but I don't know if we would survive."

"What do you mean?" He asked in a numb stupor.

"Well, we've never gone this fast before. The faster you go the less reliable the inertial dampeners become. At these speeds, who knows what could happen when we try to stop."

"That is," Parker added under her breath, almost shivering, "if we can stop."

"What if we increased power to the dampeners?" The commander suggested.

"We could try, but it's still a big leap of faith. Once we drop the warp core we'll be running off the reserves. Using the impulse engines to stop at these speeds will suck the battery dry in no time." There was a short pause. "I can give you a twenty percent increase at the most, and that won't last for long."

"Captain, look." Ensign Russel said pointing to the view screen. Before them, near the upper right hand corner lay a dark black shadow against the white. An occasional flash of gray revealed the shadow's true color.

"What is it?" Commander Rustle asked in awe.

"A ship."

"I still can't pick up anything on sensors, sir." Ensign Russel reported, baffled.

Commander Rustle stood next to the captain in thought. "Open a hailing frequency," the commander ordered after his captain had failed to do so.

"It won't do any good, Commander," Teri Parker said. "We're obviously out-running the sub-space sensor and radio packets at this speed. Any signals would be left behind."

"Do we have any way of communicating with that ship, Dravis?"

"No, Commander."

"Captain, I think they're locking on to us with a tractor beam."

A thin, neon blue stream of light cut into the surrounding white and settled on the Acari's forward hull.

"I'm reading additional stress on hull -- it's defiantly at tractor beam, Captain." Russel reported, unsure if he should be relieved.

"Captain, a disruption in the warp field is forming. The core is shutting down."

"The other ship is slowing." Parker related.

Everyone breathed a short sigh of relief and the Commander and Captain returned to their seats.

Ryan giggled, "Don't sit on me daddy."

Captain Sable's jaw tensed in ire as four-year-old Ryan jumped down from the Command chair. He picked her up and sat her on his lap, preparing to give her a lecture. "Don't be mad, daddy," she interrupted his thoughts. "I knew I could help, and I did! I told our friends to slow down."

He looked at the ship in front of them that had taken a silvery gray color once they had re-entered the warp domain, and then back at his daughter. For an instant he almost believed her; long enough to make him forget his lecture. Ryan giggled slightly, and he smiled in return.

"Captain, we're being hailed."

"On screen."

Several figures appeared on the screen, all resembling Humans with a small crystal that protruded from their foreheads. Except for the Commanding officers and their advisers who wore cloaks, each officer was wearing a uniform similar to Starfleet issue. Around them, their bridge lay in pieces.

A woman wearing a white cloak stepped forward. "I am Kuaren, Predire of the Starship Arccession. And this is Emir, Mide." Emir stepped forward and gave a respectful low bow, and Ryan giggled.

"Captain Robert Sable, of the Federation Starship Acari."

"And who is the little one?" Emir asked.

"My daughter, Ryan Sable."

"Hello," Ryan said, bubbling with the excitement of meeting a new people. Emir bowed again and Ryan, stifling her giggles, bowed in return. "What happened to your ship?" She asked after she and the mide had finished exchanging their greetings.

"We were attacked by the Sitic," Emir answered lightly.

"Oh." She replied, surprising her father by not questioning Emir further.

"My apologies Captain Sable in whisking your ship away, and causing you alarm. I'm afraid our engines sustained some damage, and the fluctuations attracted your warp field by accident."

"It's alright, Predire. We're just a little shaken -- we'll get over it," Captain Sable acknowledged.

"Captain, the ship that attacked us is still following. Your ship will be in danger if they find you with us," the Predire warned.

The Captain nodded in agreement. "I hope to meet you again."

A sudden dark shadow seemed to pass over the Predire's face. "Better if you hope not, Captain," she replied in a perplexing manner. The Predire paused for a moment. "Captain, we will stay here. You will have to use a resonance pulse in order to open the wormhole." She motioned to one of the officers on the bridge, who immediately transmitted the required information.

"Wormhole -- where are we?" The Commander inquired.

"I'm afraid it is irrelevant." She tilted her head to side in thought. "Though, you will perhaps know, in time, of the places beyond . . . The wormhole is at these coordinates ," again she motioned to the communications officer. "I suggest you waste no time in leaving, captain."

Captain Sable nodded, slightly puzzled by the Predire's behavior, disappointed that he would not have the chance to know her and her people better.

"Thank you Ryan, you have been a great help." Emir acknowledged, bowing for the third time. Captain Sable noticed a complexing respect in the mide's eyes for his daughter.

"You leave with my wishes." The Predire said before they disappeared from the screen, replaced by the mysterious silver luster of their ship.

Captain Sable looked over the information, then back at the ship from which it came. It was a beautifully designed ship.

The was a short lull as the captain waited for his first officer to give the departing order, but it did not happen.

"Helm, set a course for the wormhole, maximum warp."

"Aye, Captain."

Ryan stood next to her father with her blond curls framing her smiling face. Perhaps, he thought, looking at his daughter. Perhaps . . .

There was something oddly familiar about this place.

The Acari was dropping out of warp, she could feel it more than see it. She and the ship had been born the same year and her grandmother had jokingly said that she and the Acari were soul mates. Ryan believed it with all her heart, though she could not figure out how it was true. She was going to be a pilot some day and fly the Acari.

"Helm, full impulse. Engineering, are you ready with that resonance pulse?" The commander ordered with Ryan sitting in his lap.

"Just give the word, Commander."

Commander Rustle looked down at Ryan, who immediately responded. "Go ahead, chief."

A channel was opened and the resonance pulse was sent out, but instead of the mouth of an open wormhole, they received a surprisingly powerful torpedo across their aft shields. It felt as though the ship was going to rip apart. Instantly the red alert klaxon sounded.

"Red alert!" The captain ordered after a moment, realizing that the commander was not going to give the order. Rustle was not catching on as quickly as he had hoped. "Commander, take Ryan to sick bay. Damage report!"

"The shield generators on deck fifteen have been compromised, secondary systems are inoperable. Aft shields have been reconfigured and are holding at twenty three percent."

"Open hail frequencies."

Commander Rustle hurried down the corridor to sick bay with Ryan in his arms. What was the Captain thinking? The commander is needed on the bridge at a time like this and the captain had sent him away. Children were not supposed to be on the bridge.

At times he began to doubt whether he really was the first officer. The captain never approached him like he was.

A second torpedo rocked the ship to starboard. He turned, protecting the girl from getting smashed between him and the bulkhead. His shoulder slammed into the wall with an awful cracking noise. The commander struggled to keep from dropping Ryan, white hot pain zapping through his left arm.

"It's okay, my mother can fix that -- you'll be back on the bridge in no time." The words seemed to almost form in his own mind before Ryan spoke them. He could swear that she was a telepath, but she was Human. "Please don't be up set with father, he just wants us to be good Starfleet officers like you." The pain in Commander Rustle's arm kept him from responding.

The doctor looked up as the Commander entered sick bay and gave a short disgruntled sigh at the sight of her daughter. Sickbay was no place for children -- there was no safe place for children on a ship. The commander set Ryan down, who rushed happily to the only other child in sickbay, and looked up to see the doctor coming toward him with a tricorder. He had not realized that he had shown any pain. She scanned the arm that he let hang loosely at his side.

"You have a fracture. This way," she said, waving for him to follow.

"Doctor, I need to get back to the bridge."

Kaylen stopped and turned to the commander to tell him he would have to stay, but the ship suddenly lurched from under her feet. She fell toward him, and he did the best he could to steady her, wincing at the pain the movement caused. The lights flickered and several consoles exploded into sparks.

"Bridge to sick bay."

"I suppose . . ." She reached for a hypospray. "This is for the pain. Be careful -- try not to move it too much."

"Thank you doctor."

It had a wide mouth full of wicked teeth, posed, ready to finish butchering its prey, or at least that is what it seemed like to Ryan as she snuck back onto the bridge from the observation lounge, seeing Commander Rustle as he stepped on to the bridge from the turbo-lift and saw the ugly, small, attacking ship on the view screen as well.

"What happened while I was gone?" The commander asked, struggling to hold his disappointment and anger of not having being on the bridge down.

"We've lost our shields, there's been a coolant leak, and the warp core is fluctuating. The Sitic are deciding whether or not they want to finish us off," the captain replied calmly, staring at the view screen as though it was a window. Finally he turned from the view screen and smiled slightly. "Sorry you had to miss all the excitement."

"Yes. Do you think I could talk to you about that?"

"I suppose." The captain turned back to the view screen in thought. Inwardly the captain sighed for the . . . What number was it? He'd lost count. Perhaps he should have asked for a more experienced officer. There was a pause, as he studied the enemy ship before him. "How about right now," He said, again turning to the commander.

"Okay." Commander Rustle replied slowly, not sure why the captain would be inclined to listen to his complaints at a time like this, then turned to the captain's ready room door.

"No, here and now. Lieutenant Benton, deactivate the view screen," the captain ordered, sitting down in his chair and folding his arms. "Let's have it out."

Parker almost held her breath. What was the commander going to say, and how would Captain Sable respond? The commander had only been with them a short time, fresh from the rank of an not very ripe lieutenant. Rest of the crew and been together for four years. He had taken the place of Seagurt, their original commander and a very dear friend of the captain. Commander Seagurt had been murdered during their first deep space mission, giving his life for the life of his captain.

Commander Rustle stood quietly, holding his feverish arm near the shoulder. He could not decide whether this would be the proper place to express such concerns. He began rubbing his arm. Why did this captain have to be different, so unruly, so far from the book? He never knew how to respond. Everything the captain did evoked a feeling of annoyance. He was a top-notch officer. Starfleet had made a mistake in giving him this post . . . No, in giving Robert Sable the Captain's chair of the Acari. The Commander stopped rubbing his arm, then stepped forward.

"Sir, I know I have not been here long . . ."

"Barely three months," Captain Sable interrupted, perhaps with a little too much irritation, Parker noted.

The commander's jaw tensed. "Please sir, with all due respect, the bridge is not a place for children. And, sir, I feel as though I have not been treated as a first officer, but as an errand boy . . . a nanny. It is not my job to baby-sit. No offense, sir, they are sweet children, but that isn't what I joined Starfleet for. I'd like it sir, if I could just be a first officer and leave it at that."

The bridge was completely quiet, as though it had become the very vacuum of space. Every eye was on Commander Rustle, including the ops officer, who had not noticed the arrival of a second ship.

"Alright," the captain broke the silence, standing from his chair. "You will no longer be treated as a baby-sitter or . . . What was the other one?"

"Errand boy."

"Or an errand boy, but the first officer of the U.S.S. Acari. And we will look into limiting child visits to the bridge."

Commander Rustle tightened clenched his fists, the captain was mocking him, he could feel it.

"Captains aren't perfect Commander, they need a good first officer to fill in the gaps. And you can't do that unless you feel you are doing your job and I'm doing mine."

Or perhaps not.

"Huh, Captain," Lieutenant Benton began, slightly embarrassed for not paying better attention to her station. "The sensors have detected another ship, its attacking the Sitic ship."

Everyone immediately returned to their consoles.

"On screen."

Both ships were of a similar design, in fact, Commander Rustle realized, they both looked like the Arccession. A small voice began screaming, it was a trap, but for some reason he could not agree. The Predire's people must have been experiencing a awful war, hence her odd warning of keeping isolated from them.

The two ships swung and curved around each other. This obviously was an extremely advanced race -- powerful and maneuverable ships, far beyond that of the current abilities of the Federation.

Commander Rustle winced, the Sitic ship was taking a beating. They were having trouble keeping her shields regenerated and aligned, and she was bleeding profusely from a gaping hull breech in what looked like her engineering section. But, he had to hand it to the Sitic, they were not going to give up easily. The pilot continued to swoop and dodge with what remained, the best he could.

"Benton, send that resonance pulse. Helm, give us what ever you can get out of those impulse engines. Let's get out of here," the captain ordered, not wanting to be involved in such a fight, and slightly annoyed that his commander had again failed to give an order.

The ship creaked and groaned as it crawled as quickly as it could toward the gaping wormhole. The poor ship, Captain Sable thought. She's had more than her share for this deep space mission.

Commander Rustle continued to watch as they gained distance between them and the fighting ships. All seemed well -- and then he saw it. Under the their ship's failing systems, the Sitic had fired a torpedo, the torpedo's guidance systems had failed and it had missed the enemy ship by only a meter. It was headed right for the Acari.

"Parker, get us out of the path of that torpedo!"

Teri pushed the battered engines father than they could go, and yanked hard on the pitch, yaw, and roll. She could feel the sweat begin to dampen her fingers, making it hard to keep a grip on the console. They would be safe if she could move it just a bit farther, just a little more.

The torpedo slammed hard into their port side, making Lieutenant Benton's teeth chatter. Everyone was thrown and Parker lost control of the ship. Her console exploded, blowing shards of paneling and Parker across the bridge.

"Damage report," Commander Rustle yelled, checking the pulse of his fallen captain. Good, still alive. Parker was severely burned, perhaps dead, and the bridge looked like an obstacle course.

Benton rushed back to ops, out of breath. "We've lost twenty percent of the engineering hull, but the nacelles are still intact. And . . ."

"Warning, warp core breech is imminent. Destruction estimated at two minuets eighteen seconds," the computer reported emotionlessly. Obviously, it did not realize that the destruction of the ship meant the destruction of the computer.

"And that," Benton replied. "But I think one of the computer's v-i interfaces are down. According to the internal sensors, we have about four and a half minuets."

The Commander's stomach suddenly felt like it was falling off a cliff, a feeling he had not felt since his first mission. Okay, okay . . . "Okay . . ." He began, blowing air while trying to organize his thoughts. "Benton, do we still have communications?"

There was an appalling silence as the ops officer skimmed several quick communication systems diagnostics. "Short range, maybe," she said shaking her head slightly. "If I had ten minuets I could patch up the long range."

"Sorry, can't help you there." The commander started to breath easier. "Is the other ship in range?"

"Can't tell, the readings are really distorted. I think they're still there, but I can't tell how far," Benton replied, squinting at the read-out as though it would improve them.

"Warning, warp core breech estimated in one minuet," the cool voice reported.

"That's three minuets and forty-seven seconds."

The commander nodded. "Send out a distress signal, make sure they know we haven't got much time."

"Aye, sir."

"And can we turn on the view screen."

"I'll try."

The view screen sputtered, died, and then sputtered again. It was a noisy, constantly dying picture of probably nothing. How irritating.

"Captain, err," Ensign Russel paused, "um commander, I think another ship has entered the area," He reported, apparently still recovering from a bump on the head. "It might be the Arccession."

"I'm picking up some signals, sir. Would you like me to put it on?"

"Go ahead, lieutenant."

The static added to the picture on the view screen causing Commander Rustle to clench is teeth. The voices came in short bursts, making it difficult to figure out who was saying what.

"We must put aside . . . and help . . . This was . . . fight," the charming voice of what sounded like the Predire pleaded.

"Very well . . ."

"Tell the crew to prepare for evacuation."

"Aye sir."

"Good. Though I might have been better if you had prepared the crew earlier. Any evacuation is better than no evacuation."

The commander turned in shocked anguish, glory ruined. They were in a dire situation and his captain was playing practical jokes.

"Y-you weren't unconscious?" He stuttered.

"No . . . Well maybe for a few moments," the captain replied rubbing his tender head. "But you did well without me," he said, noticing his first officer's indignation. Still a greenhorn, huh? Captain Sable made his way to the turbo-lift. "I'll be in engineering, or somewhere down there. You have the bridge . . . number one."

The damage that had been done had sounded daunting, but to see it. There was no word to describe the destruction that had occurred. Fifteen decks of the engineering section were exposed to space and in the middle of that was a large hole that went completely through the ship. The starboard nacelle had turned a deep black, the deflector and weapons arrays had been covered by carbon scoring, and the ship's insignia had been completely burned away. How the ship had ever remained intact must have been an act of Gods, if Gods had anything to do with it.

The Acari left them in a bright, silent glory. Not just in one explosion, but in many small, powerful ones that randomly tore her apart piece by piece, ending in a burst of light that sent her once proud hull and deceased crewmembers flying in all directions; sent to wallow with the remains of the Sitic ship.

The Acari was only glowing embers now ...

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Chapter 7

Ens. Anna Krasinski sat in deck 15's science lab. She liked using that lab because it was close to her quarters. Besides, without a Chief Science officer on board she didn't really have to report daily to anyone or even show up in the main Science lab. She liked it that way. Anna didn't work well in groups. She was painstakingly shy and had the social skills of ... well, the other reason why she liked the lab so close to her quarters was because the less she had to actually walk around the ship, the fewer people she would have to come in contact with.

So she would spend many hours here studying the odd anomalies the Griffin would pass and responding to any scientific research that need to be done. She had put up some decorations and pretended that she was high enough up to have her own office and this was it. The only time she wasn't here or in her quarters was when she went to sick bay due to the numerous illnesses that seemed to beset only her on the ship, and the once a week lunch with Counselor Jaquelle. She rather liked the luncheon's. They were the only social activity that she could remember liking since she had been assigned to the Griffin before the refit. Jaquelle was just another junior officer then and was just a good and patient listener. Anna remembered Jaquelle saying that she got it from her mother's side.

Today, as in the past few days Anna was working on the same problem that everyone else was, what was happening to the ship? As Anna was researching another tangent:

"Anna," came the voice of the computer. "Are you awake?"

"Yes," replied Anna.

"Good," said the computer. "And is there a new crisis?"

"No, " replied Anna. She had programmed the computer to talk to her in regular intervals. If the computer did not get a response from the first question after five tries of increasing volume, it was programmed to alert sick bay that she was a sleeper. Additionally if Anna reported that there was a crisis, the computer was to ask questions and check it's data base to see if there was such a crisis. If there was not, it was to alert sick bay that she was a walker. Anna knew how susceptible she was to any illness that came within light years of the ship and was just being careful. In fact she was surprised that she hadn't been affected already.

But right now Anna was too involved in her work to pay too much mind to the computer. She felt that she was on to something about the ship's problem....................


Jaquelle sat in sick bay next to the bio bed containing Lt. McInnis. He was the first sleeper on board, although now there were many others. But she had talked with him after his first problem with sleeping and felt that maybe, just maybe she could mentally contact him. She had been concentrating her mind into his for hours.

Jaquelle finally leaned back. She felt hungry and tired. And this was not working. As she rubbed her eyes, Dr. Benjamin Moyer approached. Dr. Moyer was the Assistant Chief medical officer on board.

"Dr. Daem, can I get you anything?" he said. Jaquelle looked up at him.

"An answer to our dilemma would be nice. Or even to just the problem of Lt. McInnis."

"Well, Dr. O'Roarke did do a full medical scan of the Lt. after his first sleeping problem. Maybe we could do another and see what comes up. Let me get his file up," he offered.

"Wouldn't the doctor have done another scan and compared it already?" Jaquelle said. "And I ask her to keep me posted if she noticed anything unusual about anyone. She hasn't told me that she has found anything yet."

Moyer was concentrating on the medical information so much that he didn't hear Jaquelle's last remark.

"This is odd," he said. Jaquelle went over and stared into the view screen.

"When was this scan taken?" asked Jaquelle.

"This is the first scan that Dr. O'Roarke did of Lt. McInnis after his first sleep problem," responded Moyer.

"Dr. Moyer, are you seeing the obstruction in the front right cortical lobe that I am seeing?" Jaquelle asked.

"Yes," said Moyer.

"Good, I wanted to be sure that I was not becoming a walker and seeing emergencies that aren't there. How did Dr. O'Roarke miss that?" She queried.

"I don't know," said Moyer. As he was already calling up scans of other sleepers. "Look at that," he said. "They all have the same obstruction." He then called up the scans of the walkers. They had it too. "How did Dr. O'Roarke miss all of these?"

"Dr. Moyer" Jaquelle said, "scan that portion of me." Moyer complied.

"You don't have it," he said. Then he scanned himself. "I don't either."

"Well, we don't have it yet, but this raises more questions. Do we have people who are neither sleeper's or walker's but just can't function up to their normal abilities?" said Jaquelle.

Before Moyer could answer, the doors to Sick Bay opened and in walked Anna.

"Oh no, " thought Dr. Moyer, "just what we need is 'Ens. I've Got Everything In The Universe' to show up." But, Moyer did take the opportunity to scan her right front cortical lobe. Anna saw the doctor scan her.

"Oh no Doctor, I'm not ill this time," she said. Moyer was surprised by her admitting that. He looked up at Jaquelle.

"She's right, she is not effected yet," he said. He looked back to Anna.

"So why are you here?" he said to Anna.

Anna looked down at her hands, then her feet, then at any spot she could find.

"I needed to talk to someone about the ship's problem and I hear that the Captain may be a walker and Commander Ivanof isn't on board, not that I would just barge in and talk to him. And I thought that Jaquelle, um I mean Counselor Jaquelle, would be here alone and..."

Jaquelle could tell that Anna was about to let her shyness over come her. "It's okay Anna," Jaquelle said soothingly. "I know you have been working hard on this problem and when you research I have every confidence in your thoroughness.

Moyer had to agree, if anyone had looked at the problem in every minute detail, it had to be Anna. "What have you found," he said encouragingly, settling down in a chair, knowing this might be long.

"Well," Anna started, "I first looked up all incidents of Starfleet ships that encountered mind altering occurrences in space. There were really too many so I started to narrow the search. I found the history of the Enterprise extremely helpful and figured since it was always the flag ship that they encountered things first. So I ran through their history. I checked the details of each of their encounters. I excluded the incidents of disease because I knew that Dr. Moyer or Dr. O'Roarke would reasonably be doing that. I then checked the mental incidents but excluded them because I thought you would be doing that, then..."

Jaquelle knew she had to gently redirect Anna or they would hear about every encounter all the Enterprises ever had.

"And when you got to the science information, relating to us, you found?" she said.

"Oh, I found that the Enterprise had gone to the galatic barrier surrounding the Galaxy at least twice with Capt. Kirk and once with Capt. Picard. It was the Enterprise D that was most helpful. They had dreams that came alive when they had been hurled past the galatic barrier of the Galaxy. Of course we are not even near the barrier, but I remembered that a Vulcan Scientist was studying the barrier and found that there are weak spots that we might be able to use to open it up. Many scientist are against it because they are afraid that it would let into our Galaxy the dream problem.

Well, I checked the scans I had taken of the region I had done on our way. I keep scans all the time as we go on our missions," she added. "And Wal-La." Anna had made one of the Quantum leaps she sometimes makes in discussing things with other people, forgetting to take them along with her.

"What?" said Moyer.

"There is a tiny worm hole in this sector. I believe it leads to the other side of the barrier and it is affecting this space," she announced.

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Chapter 8

{Lt. O'Roarke's Quarters}

Marina wandered around her room watering the plants. She placed the watering can on the table when the door chime rang. "Enter" she called out, but there was no response. She went to the door to investigate but there was no one there. When she turned back around there was a painting hanging over her couch. It was from her old quarters, back on the Sandihote. It was the one He had given her, the one He had painted for her. She stared at it for a second until she heard the door open behind her. Stephen was standing behind her in the door way. "Marina, you know you shouldn't have left. You didn't really want to." Another voice called out from behind her. It was Lt. Gressane, from the Sandihote as well. "I told you what you had to do. If you don't leave, both your careers will be done. I'll kill him, or you if I have to." Gressane raised a gun from behind her and fired. Blood poured from Stephen's chest as he sank to the floor. Then Marina awoke.

<> her comm badge chirped. A few minuets later, after changing clothes, Marina was in sickbay.

"I don't know how I missed this." She said to Lt. Daem and the other doctor. "I need you to run a scan on me, then we have to go on from there. If I am affected it will be up to the two of you to run sickbay." A few minuets later they had the results.

"You have the same thing in your frontal lobe as the others." Lt. Daem said, sadly.

"Then the next step is to do a Biopsy to find out what it is. Since I am already here, I volunteer to play guinea pig." Marina said. Dr. Moyer nodded.

"I'll inform the captain then we will begin." He said. "I have one worry though. Putting you under sedation could be dangerous, considering the problems with sleepers and walkers we are having, and a local anesthetic might not do the job."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. Just go ahead and get started." Marina said, a slight growl in her voice.

"Very well." Dr. Moyer said through pursed lips. "Lets get started. Lt. Daem, would you please assist me? All of the nurses are confined to quarters as either sleepers or walkers, and I can't do this alone."

Jaquelle sensed slight annoyance from the doctor at that, but knew she wasn't truly annoyed. "Very well." She replied.

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Chapter 9

{Lt. Travin's Quarters}

Rinali Travin was not looking well. Ensign Zosin had seen her angry before and under stress, but the weary broken figure sitting before him was something he hadn't expected. Rinali was hunched over, her hands curled around a mug of some odd brew that Klingon warriors drank to keep awake for a few days at a time. It had been working fairly well, but from the look of the lieutenant, the drink was losing its effectiveness. It was taking all of Rinali's physical and mental resources to stay awake.

"Parasites coming through a wormhole?" the security chief said. Zosin nodded. "I hear they're doing a biopsy as we speak. Hopefully we'll be able to figure out some method to counter the effects, if not destroy the parasites altogether."

Rinali sighed. The news didn't seem to have brightened her spirits much. "At least we have some idea of what we are dealing with now. Though it would be useful to know more about how they operate."

Zosin inclined his head to one side. "How so?"

"Well, I wonder what exactly it is that they feed on. If they were either just causing people to fall into comas of happiness or go mad from nightmares, it would be simple. But why do they affect different people differently? What purpose does that serve?"

Zosin figured that Daem and O'Roarke were probably wondering the same thing. He hoped they would have some answers soon.

"How is Edward faring?" Rinali asked.

"He turned sleeper two days ago." Zosin rubbed the back of his hand. "It seems like such a strangely cruel dream?"

"Cruel?" Rinali was skeptical. "I think he gets the better end of the deal. Nothing but dreams of flying around space with his family."

"Ensign Edward is...." Zosin paused for a moment, hunting for the right word. "....'estranged' from his mate. She isn't fond of space travel and neither one could cope with being apart for such long periods of time. Edward only sees his son for brief periods of time when he has leave." Rinali stared at Zosin for a minute and the ensign chuckled.

"You would be surprised, Lieutenant, at how much people are willing to tell you when they see you as the quiet, thoughtful type."

Rinali smiled, the first time Zosin had seen her do so since her nightmares had started. She took another drink of the Klingon concoction and grimaced.

"It no longer works," she said. "I can feel it."

"Have you tried meditating?" Zosin knew that the security chief put great faith in the powers of meditation.

"Too much of a risk," Rinali answered. "If I even close my eyes for too long, I start..." Rinali tensed at the memory and fought to keep her composure. "Zosin." Her voice was almost whisper quiet. "You should not come to see my again until I am cured."

Zosin looked at Rinali, puzzled. Initially, the lieutenant had insisted that he come and update her on the situation daily. Why was she sending him away now?

"You are familiar with my...background," she continued. "The Delphinius."

"I had read about it." Zosin was starting to see where this was going.

"My dreams involve what happened then. Right now, I see you as my assistant officer, someone I can trust. But if the dreams continue, if I can no longer see that they are not real, I may come to see you..."

"...as just a Cardassian," Zosin finished. Rinali nodded.

"Understood," Zosin said. "I will check with the medical staff on your condition."

"Thank you," said Rinali, as Zosin left.


Zosin was keeping a sharp eye on Captain Myst. He had seen her near breakdown earlier and was making sure that any signs of Priscilla becoming a full-fledged walker didn't go unnoticed. Zosin didn't like to think about what would happen if the captain became unable to perform her duties. Ivanof was capable to be sure, but Zosin didn't know if his businesslike methods would get the crew through this highly emotional crisis.

For now, the captain seemed to be holding it together. She looked tense, but so did pretty much everyone. And given the apparent severity of her waking nightmare, tense wasn't bad at all. Something about her sister; Zosin would have to read up on the captain's bio sometime. He wondered if she had some way of assuring herself that her nightmare wasn't true. He was having enough trouble convincing himself that he wasn't returning home on a nightly basis, unlikely as that was.

A small blip on one of his monitors caught Zosin's attention. He looked at it and froze. He checked it again and looked over his other instruments. Provided that this wasn't a nightmare, it was serious.

"Captain," he said slowly.

"What is it, Ensign?"

"Captain, the wormhole just expanded."


"Yes. An unidentified ship is coming through. It's headed in our direction and it appears to be armed."

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Chapter 10


“Hail them,” Priscilla ordered.

“Hailing frequencies open,” Zosin said after carrying outthe command. Priscilla stood from herchair and stepped closer to the viewscreen. It currently still showed the moving star field as the Griffin warpedby.

“Make sure the Goddard is monitoring,” she said to Zosinbefore directly facing and addressing the viewscreen.

“This is Captain Priscilla Myst of the Federation Starship Griffin,” she began, using the standard Starfleet hail. After a few moments of no response she added: “Unknown vessel from the wormhole, please identify yourselves.”

After a few more moments Priscilla turned to look at Zosin. He checked his station’scontrols and sensors again before responding. “They are receiving us, Captain.” She nodded and tried again.

{Unidentified vessel, in an unknown language}

“There’s another communication.”

“Exactly like the first?”

“No, slightly different. Probably the same meaning with different wording.”

“So not an automatic communication...”


“How can this be? Wewaited more than enough time. They should all be affected!”

“According to readouts, one of the ships is fully affected.”

“Only one of them? Wait, you mean there’s more than one?!”


“There was only one when we started.”

“Yes. It appears another arrived more recently.”

“Which is why they aren’t affected.”

“Not exactly. Some should be affected, just not all. Yet.”

“How long?”

“That depends on how many there are, and what stages the affected ones are currently in.”

“Can you speed up the process?”

“Of course.”

“Do it.”

“We’ve been through this before. That could be very dangerous to both them and us.”

“I’m willing to take the risk.”

“And if one of them perceives our ship as a threat in their delirious state before they become inept?”

“Make them all sleep.”

“You know we have no control over that.”

“Then do whatever you have to.”

“We should just retreat and wait for-“

“I’m tired of waiting.”

{Bridge, Griffin}

“Commander Ivanof is hailing us,” Zosin reported.

“On screen,” Priscilla said. The moving starfield was immediately replaced by the image of theBridge of the Goddard. “Commander,” she acknowledged.

“Captain,” he began, wasting no time. “Our scans show they are receiving your hails,they’re just not responding.” Priscilla nodded in agreement.

“Captain,” Stembridge interrupted from the Ops station. (This must be important,) she thought, and turned towards him signaling for him to continue. “According to the biopsy results from sickbay-“

(When were those reported in?) Priscilla wondered briefly. She was constantly fighting to keep herself focused on the here and now, so she wasn’t really surprised she had missed, or possibly even forgot, something.

“-scans also show that the beings on that ship have biosigns similar to the parasites affecting our crews,” Ralph reported.

“Then they are behind this,” Yuri commented.

“We don’t know that it was an intentional attack,” Priscilla replied. “Unless they make anaggressive move first, or any move for that matter, we’re not going to assumeanything. First let’s see if we can getthem to stop this effect peacefully.”

(Always diplomacy first with Captain Myst,) a few of the crew thought.

“Zosin, continue hails,” Priscilla ordered.

“Captain,” Yuri said, calling for her attention. “I think-“ He didn’t get the rest of his suggestion out before they received aresponse from the aliens.

On both the Griffin and the Goddard’s bridges officers cried out in pain. It only lasted a brief moment. But the affect was unmistakable.

On the Goddard, the conn officer attempted to tackle Commander Ivanof. One of the two security officers assigned to watch the crew stunned him by the time he was one step away from his chair. The other security officer fell to the floor unconscious all by himself. In Engineering, the assistant engineer stopped right in the middle of the repair she had been working on and looked dumbfounded at the tool in her hand and all the equipment around her, no longer having any idea what she was supposed to do or how.

On the Griffin dozens and dozens of people either fell to sleep, began hallucinating their worst nightmares, or lost all knowledge of even common abilities. On the Bridge, Zosin no longer saw himself at the tactical station, but on his way home. Priscilla found her sister’s limp and lifeless body lying at her feet. It did occur to her that it was very odd for this to have happened on her bridge, but when she looked up to see Yuri, she found her father in his place, and suddenly everything made sense to her.

“This seems like an aggressive first move to me,” Yuri said through the viewscreen. “Sable, take command of the Griffin,” he ordered. Ralph moved from ops to tactical to take over for Zosin. One of the security officers on the Bridge to watch the crew stepped up to the conn for Ryan, pushed the ops chair out of the way, and sat so he could man both stations at once.

Priscilla wondered what her father was talking about, and why her family was moving in such a peculiar manner about her and her sister. But the name Griffin sounded familiar to her. Wasn’t that a ship she knew?

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Chapter 11

Yuri began running possible scenarios in his head. He was on board the Goddard, a science vessel. He quickly opened a secure channel to the Griffin. Commander Sable's face appeared on the screen.

"Commander Sable. I think you understand the gravity of this situation. "

"Absolutely Commander." Sable replied.

"I would recommend activating the EMH programs across the ship and ordering them to take over at essential stations. The computer can compensate for their lack of essential knowledge. Keep them off of us. Meanwhile we are going to use this science ship for something useful. We are going to try to develop a scattering field to keep these beings here. If they cant run or send for reinforcements this will become a more even match."

"Agreed Commander. Sable out."

With that the screen went black.

"Computer, Ivanof began. "Am I correct that you have a cognitive and theoretical capacity as this is a science vessel."

"Correct. Would you like to initiate?"

"Yes." Responded Ivanof. Immediately a bald middle-aged hologram in a blue uniform appeared.

"Hello I am the Theoretical Holographic program. Please state the nature of the anomaly."

Ivanof sighed.

{Bridge Griffin}

"Alright, Stembridge, can you ascertain what type of weaponry they may have."

"Readings seem to indicate a form of phaser but I'm also reading possible Romulan and Ferrengi technology. Perhaps they are hoping that we'll all be asleep."

"Alright. We're going to try a move from the playbook. Stembridge activate the sensor cloak- TCD. Helm. On my mark institute the Picard maneuver. Stembridge prepare all weapons. We're going to ram them down their throats. Hopefully this will be enough to wake the crew up."

{Bridge, USS Goddard}

“Commander. The alien ship emitted a particle stream, which was able to pass through both ships shields. It’s an advanced micro biotic organism with light mimicry properties. That’s why biosensors couldn’t read them. I am modifying the internal sensors to detect the creatures. And I’m also isolating a means to eradicate them.”

“Doctor that is all well and good, but if they are able to escape they could cause more problems.”

“Very well. I will begin by ascertaining how we detected them in the first place.

“Look! Doctor I need an answer and I need it quickly.”

{Bridge USS Griffin}

Priscilla’s sister was dead. As she looked into her sister’s dead eyes, she began feeling the emotions around her. From the people moving she could feel the tension. People were shouting what sounded like orders.


What was that?

(Wake Up!)

It sounded like her sister. But her sister was dead.

(I’m fine and your ship needs you! Now WAKE UP!)

Priscilla rolled as if her sister had slapped her. Her sister’s body was gone. She was on the bridge. Her bridge, and she remembered there was a ship out there that was trying to hurt hers.

“Commander Sable. Return to your station. Stembridge to yours as well.”

“Captain?!?! Are you awake?”

“Fully commander. What’s our situation?”

“We are in (The ship gives a lurch) battle with a ship of alien design and comparable armament. Currently they are maneuvering into a position to fire again.”

“Alright. Make current heading 304 mark 213. Ready another volley of quantum torpedoes.” Priscilla said as she retook the captain’s station.

“Targeted and ready captain.”

“Good. While firing target the same sections with phaser fire. Let’s get those shields down.”


“Good. Fire.” Myst ordered.

As the torpedoes streamed past the view screen red streaks of phaser fire struck just after the first two torpedoes hit.

“The aliens shields are fluctuating.”

"Fire torpedoes again," Myst ordered.

Another volley of torpedos fell like fire-rain across the unknown ship.
"Alien shields have failed."

“Attempt to hail them, all frequencies and known languages. Tell them to surrender.”

The transmission was responded to by several phaser blasts being thrown back at griffin.

“Shields Holding. They are moving off. They seem to be trying to escape.” Sable reported.

{Bridge Goddard}

“Oh no you don’t. Doctor Now!” Ivanof ordered.

The Goddard fired 4 class 8 probes and soon a highly charged scattering field surrounded the alien vessel.

{On board the alien ship And in another language}

“Commander the first ship has begun emitting a scattering field and we can’t open a gate.”

“Very well.”

Suddenly the view screens of both the Griffin and the Goddard were filled with light as the alien ship exploded.

{Goddard Bridge}

“What happened??” Asked Ivanof.

“They appear to have set off a self destruct device. They had attempted to use their wormhole technology and when it didn’t open their power system overloaded.”

“Commander, Griffin is hailing.”

“On screen,” said Ivanof.

Captain Myst’s face filled the view screen.

“Commander Ivanof. What happened?

“Captain Myst. I’m not entirely sure. We were successfully able to eliminate their means of propulsion and we’re theorizing that they initiated a self destruct.”

“Very well commander. I just wish we could have ended this more amicably.”

“We also have figured out a means to rid the parasites from our bodies. We will be beginning on the Goddard. Stand by.”

“Good luck Ivanof.” Myst replied.

“Doctor if you will?” Yuri asked.

Soon the vents of the Goddard were emitting a sour smelling gas into every room and corridor.

“The compound should do its job in just over 8 hours. I’ll direct the EMH to monitor the sleepers in sickbay. Will there be anything else?”

“No. But take helm control, please.” Yuri ordered.

“Ivanof to Griffin. I’m transmitting the solution to our sleeping trouble. It’s a slow moving compound, which should begin to revive the sleepers in about 8 hours. Walkers may come around sooner, but I wouldn’t expect anything for several hours at least.”

“Commander how did you come by this compound?” Myst asked.

“This ships theoretical hologram actually came to the solutions to both the wormhole and parasite issues. It is a micro biotic organism which has…What was it? Ivanof replied gesturing to the hologram at the helm.

“Light mimetic properties. That’s why ships biofilters could not screen them. Goddard’s biofilter has begun and when you input that protocol we’re transmitting, the Griffin’s will as well,” stated the Hologram.

“Thank you,” said Capt Myst.
“We are setting course for Starbase 351. That still is our destination?” Ivanof asked.

“That is correct. Carry on commander.”

“Helm. Engage.”

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Chapter 11b


Scott had meticulously cleaned the entirety of the ships engineering area, as well as anything he could get his hands on. On top of this, every system he could think of which tied into the operation of the ship, was tweaked to optimal performance. It was a rare feeling Scott could have, that moment of contentment when everything seemed to be going just right.

Then, without much notice, Scott sat up from the bed in Sickbay like a shot, and headed for the door. Security was of course holding him back as they had been ordered to. To make sure that the sleepers were kept from harm, they were cordoned off from the rest of the ship.

With effort and a struggle, Scott tried to break free, to no avail. He was an engineer, not a security officer. Just before being detained completely, Scott cried out.

"He's coming, I don't have much time. I HAVE TO GET THIS PLACE READY!"

Within that moment, the gas had begun to flow into the ship, and the effects of the organisms were being worn through, as Scott collapsed into the area of the security officers. Scott had been the only one on the ship to be a sleeper and a walker...

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Chapter 12

{Science Lab Deck 15}

Jaquelle stood over the shoulder of Ens. Anna Krasinski peering into the view screen. She had come to Ens Krasinski to verify her own conclusion about the "treatment" that Commander Ivanof had initiated throughout the Griffin. She was sure that Anna was the one person who would not just accept Commander Ivanof's decision to let something into everyone's body, especially her's without fully investigating it, most likely to figure out what disease she might get from it.

"You are right Jaquelle," Anna said. "It's not me that I should have worried about, it's the ship's bio-gel packs. They are being negatively effected by the gas that the Commander has flooded the ship with. If not stopped immediately there is going to be irreparable damage. In fact I believe it has already started at the sub molecular level, too minute at the moment for our internal safeties to detect yet. It has to be stopped now!"

Jaquelle knew from her own suspicions that Anna was absolutely correct. She did not hesitate.

"Computer, stop the gas emissions into the air filtration now." she ordered.

"Cannot comply, Command authorization required," replied the cool voice of the computer.

"Computer, medical emergency over ride ‘Jaquelle beta purple', stop gas emissions into the air filtration, now."

"Emissions have been discontinued," replied the computer.

{Bridge of the Griffin}

"Captain," Sable said as she turned towards the command chair, "The gas emissions aboard the Griffin have ceased."

"That's odd," Captain Myst responded. "Did Commander Ivanof stop them from the Goddard?" The chirp of the computer interrupted.

"Captain Myst, Counselor Jaquelle here. I have stopped the emissions due to a medical emergency. May I meet you and the senior staff in the Conference room to explain?"

"Senior staff to the Conference room immediately," responded Captain Myst. "Sable, patch me through to the Goddard." Immediately Commander Ivanof's face appeared. "Commander, Counselor Jaquelle has ceased the gas emissions on board due to a medical emergency, senior staff are meeting in the conference room, I'll establish a visual and audio link for you."

"Should I stop emissions here," asked Ivanof.

"Since the counselor has not done so already, don't stop them yet," Myst said.

{Conference Room}

Jaquelle and Anna were already siting in the Conference room as the other senior staff arrived. Lt. Comm Sable immediately set up an audio and visual link to the Goddard. Commander Ivanof's stern face appeared. All were present when Captain Myst entered.

"Counselor Deam, would you care to explain?"

Jaquelle calmly stood and introduced Ens Krasinski. Jaquelle was not about to be rushed through this briefing.

"Ens. Krasinski was the one who discovered the mirco wormhole and the complications that it caused. As those of you who know her are aware she continually monitors in great detail the scientific aspects concerning the ship. So it was natural for me to consult her when I felt uneasy about the air treatment of the ship."

(That should answer the questions of why Anna was present,) thought Jaquelle. She then turned to Captain Myst directly.

"As you know Captain, I requested admittance to the ship prior to anyone being on board so that I could get the feel of the ship itself. After the start of the gas, I sensed that something was not right. I first thought it was the crew, but really felt it was something else, in fact it felt like the ship itself. I then remembered that the Bio-gel packs are susceptible to contamination. I went to Anna whom I was sure was monitoring the parasites and the gas emissions." Jaquelle turned to Anna who for a moment had a flash of fright. But she looked up to the Captain and shut everyone else out.

"I found that the gas emissions were adversely effecting the Bio-gel packs." Anna said, and then punched a few buttons on a pad. On the view screens in the conference room both on the Griffin and the Goddard came a magnified view of one of the gel packs. "In fact as you can see, there are already problems. I believe if the gas had continued," she switched to another view, "there would be degradation in the packs culminating in malfunctions in the ship, then ultimately the demise of all of the gel packs rendering the ship inoperable."

Dr. O'Roake looked over to Ivanof in the view screen. She was not happy in the first place that Ivanof took it upon himself to initiate the suggestion of an EMH without consulting with at least someone on her staff. "Commander," she said, "aren't these Bio-gel packs the culmination of your parent's life work. Didn't you think of them?"

Jaquelle could feel the frustration of Marina and the defensive mind set of Ivanof. Calmly but firmly she stood up and said:

"Let us not forget that we were all in some way effected by the parasites. Many of us still are." Next to her Anna working on her padd and momentarily oblivious to the rest of the people in the room said to herself out loud:

"It's really no body's fault." Jaquelle turned to Anna and said:

"That's right." Anna looked up and saw everyone staring at her. She was so embarrassed that she looked down trying to look through the padd, through the table, the bulkhead and into that other galaxy.

Captain Myst had noticed that Ens. Krasinski had been working on her padd. "What is it that you have found?" she said.

Anna looked up and tried to answer the question. "Well, it's, I mean..." Captain Myst said nothing, but waited patiently. Anna finally blurted out: "the Goddard hasn't been refitted with Bio-gel packs yet." Everyone remained silent while Anna gained her confidence. "What I mean is, the EMH on the Goddard is just a computer. A sophisticated one of course, and some, like the one on Voyager have evolved." Jaquelle reached over and put her hand on Anna's shoulder. "Oh, yes," Anna continued. "But the Goddard's EMH will basically answer what is asked of it and formulate decisions using it's vast computer knowledge. So when Commander Ivanof asked it to solve the problem, it did not take into account Bio-gel packs. It didn't need to do so. So what he did was reasonable. Had the Goddard EMH asked the Griffin EMH, or the medical staff, they would have found the problem. It's simply a design problem."

Jaquelle could feel the tension in the room lessen. Captain Myst was impressed. She thought how commendable it was that Ens. Krasinski looked at the problem not as human error, and trying to assign blame, but as a scientific problem to be solved. (Ens. Krasinski could go far aboard the Griffin), she thought, (if only she could overcome her shyness.)

"So, Ensign, how do we solve the problem?" asked Myst.

"Well, since the Goddard has no problem with the gas, we could beam the crew over there to have treatment, with those seriously affected going first." Anna suggested. "And I will attempt to restore the damage to the Bio-gel packs."

"Very good idea," answered Captain Myst. But Anna continued:

"Except that we don't know if the advanced micro biotic organisms with light mimetic properties are sentient beings. If so, then destroying them would seem to be a violation of the Prime Directive, even if it did mean saving ourselves. After all we don't know if they were just being used by that alien race. We don't even know if the alien race had purely hostile intent or were trying to save themselves." Suddenly, Anna looked around and realized she was running on again on some tangent. No one said a word.

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Chapter 13

{Sick bay}

Marina looked at the model of the chemical composition of the gas, then at the current DNA strain in the ships Bio Neural Circuitry. If she could adjust the DNA to have a trait that would make it resistant to the gases effects, they might have a chance at keeping the ship intact. She fiddled for a moment with the DNA on the screen, searching its recessive codes until her eyes hurt. They only had a little time, and the idea of using the ship's genetics as a defense had only just come to her. Time was of the essence. She looked up for a moment, stumped at the problem, when Ensign Anna Krasinski walked into the room. (Krasinski, who had caught the Milian Flu on Philos IV. The same Milian Flu that had just the right characteristics to beat the worst of the gasses side effects,) Marina thought. (The rest could be dealt with later.)

"God Bless you." Marina said as she walked past Krasinski and towards the opposite computer screen to pull up the DNA of the Virus. "Do you know anything about Genetics?" she called over her shoulder to Anna.


"Then get over here and help me isolate some of these codes." Was Marinas reply. Less than five minuets later they were loading the new genetic code into the gel pack, and the gel pack into the wall circuitry.

<< Captain, >> O'Roarke said as she tapped her Comm badge. << We loaded the new gel pack. It should transfer through out the ship in less than two minutes. It will stop the worst of the effects, we didn't have time to stop and find an antidote to the rest. >>

<< Good work. Thanks for being so quick, we can work out the bugs later, >> was Captain Myst's reply.

<< Don't thank me, it is all due to Lt. Krasinski. O'Roarke out. >>

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Chapter 14


As Scott came to, he found himself again lying on the bed, in sickbay. Standing next to him were Dr O'Roarke, and Counselor Daem.

"Well then, it seems like you are finally waking up. It's good to see you Scott." Were the first words, which came from Counselor Daem.

"Yeah, well, it's nice to be up." Scott thought for a minute. "Umm, when are we?" The question seemed totally logical to Scott. He had no idea how long he had been out. The doctor chimed in.

"You have been resting for a couple of days. You had come under the effect of a medical issue we had upon the ship. We are still investigating it."

"Then it has been corrected at least with me?"

"Yes, you seem perfectly fit now."

Scott stood quietly, and turned to begin he walk to the door.

"Thank you doctor, now if you will excuse me, I have some things that I am sure need to be worked on."

With that, Scott began to walk toward the door.

"Um, excuse me, Lt." The counselor spoke from nearly next to him, as she had walked up to speak with him.

"Yes Counselor, what can I do for you?" Scott replied as he continued his walk to Engineering.

"I was hoping you would take a few moments out of your schedule to talk to me about what your waking dream was. I have been reviewing the reports of others, but you seem to be the only one on the ship who experienced both. Could I take a moment of your time to discuss them?" Daem asked with a courteous feel to her voice.

As Scott stepped onto the turbo lift with Daem he replied.

"Deck 36. I am sorry counselor, but I have a great deal of things that I am sure have fallen behind. As much as I would love to help, the functionality of this ship comes before a dream."

As the turbo lift progressed to deck 36, the counselor gave only one other comment, because she could sense the absolute fear in Scott. It was an unquestionable fear, as well as a slight sense of anger. He had no Vulcan blood in him, but she thought he kept his outward emotions amazingly well in check.

"Scott, it's alright to talk about things you know. Things that might impair your abilities should they grow too weighted."

Scott stepped quietly out of the turbo lift, saying only one thing as he walked.

"It was a pleasure talking to you counselor."

The icy tinge to his voice could have frozen a warp core.

{Captain's Ready Room}

The chime of the computer and a voice said:

"Captain Myst, this is the bridge, the wormhole has opened again."

Captain Myst nodded as her voice rang true with precise orders.

"Go to Yellow Alert. Scan the hole, as well as all activities concerning it. I want to know everything we can about it, as soon as possible. Give me a channel to Cmdr. Ivanof.

Ivanof's face came up on the view screen. "Yes Captain?"

"Commander, we have a visual on the worm hole reopening. In the event of signs of conflict, I want your people ready to be transported off that ship immediately."

"Understood, Captain."

Before Yuri's face even left the view screen he was issuing orders to the away team. The Captain continued the array of controlled mayhem.

"Helm, bring us about to heading 320 mark 36. Put us between the wormhole and the ship. Open hailing frequencies."


Scott looked through the relays of the computer as quickly as his human carcass could move. Frustrated he called out to an ensign.

"Blieze, I need three replacement Gel-Packs and I need them yesterday."

He slapped his communicator. "McInnis to Captain Myst."

"Go ahead Scott, and please be quick about it."

"Captain, we have a problem here in the main computer relays. I don't know what you did, but whatever it is, don't do it again. The smell of the GelPack is not pleasant."

"A bit more precise please, Scott."

"Captain. When you activated the communications gear, for hailing, the Gel Packs in relay 324 started melting. In short Captain, you have no Universal Translator…"

"Understood Scott, ETA of repairs?"

Captain Myst looked up at the view screen, she had hoped for a diplomatic resolution here…but without the UT, any hope of conversing with them was gone.

"I need 10 minutes Captain."

"We will give you what we can."


As she spoke, what appeared as a much larger ship, nearly blinked into existence through the worm hole.

Commander Sable spoke nearly at the same instant. "Captain, opposing Vessel has come out of the Worm Hole. It has shields up and weapons armed. It is making a decisive direction change and is headed for us."

Then the report from communications. "Captain, I am getting a message here, but it sounds more like squeaks and growls, than any understandable language."

"Send them a universal message of peace. Just because we can't understand them, doesn't mean they can't understand us."

"Captain, they are changing course, trying to go around us. They are making a move for the other ship."

The Captain nodded.

"Transporter room, emergency teleport the away team back, now."

Myst turned to tactical.

"When they are onboard, go to Red Alert, bring the shields up, but keep the weapons down."

When all was in place, the away team arrived on the Griffin, and the shields came up. A moment later, the Alien Ship opened fire on the "disabled" ship, with a barrage of torpedo and phaser fire that would have been impressive for the Romulans.

"Captain, the ship is continuing to hail us, but I can't make any sense out of it."

Myst chimed in. "Helm, bring us straight back, away from the alien vessel, and do it slowly. I don't want them to think we are running or being hostile."

Myst thought to herself. (Just buying Scott time.)

"Captain the communication is consisting of more growls now than chirps now. I may be assuming things, but it seems host… Captain, the UT is back online."

Though the communicator came the following message.

"…signs of hostility towards our vessels as an act of war."

With that, the Alien ship let loose with a hellish barrage of weapons fire, at the Griffin.

"Captain, shields at 53% and holding. That was impressive even for us, Captain."

"Weapons up, bring us around, heading 310 mark 64. Get us to their aft. Fire torpedoes, with concentrated phaser fire to the aft of their ship. I want them disabled, not destroyed."

All the weapons fire ground into the opposing vessel, dropping their shields. The part that stunned everyone, was that it had only dropped the shields on the aft starboard side of the ship. It seemed this ship had regionally controlled shields.

"Incoming fire!"

Sable's quick helm work kept the Griffin from taking the brunt of the fire, but still, there were damages.

"Captain, we have damage on most forward decks, though the breaches have been contained."

"Very well. They have made their intentions quite clear. Weapons, all torpedo bays and phasers, concentrate fire again on the aft of the ship. Keep phaser firing on high concentration until near overload."

The barrage of weapons fire from the Griffin all but torn the rear off the enemy ship. No one knows the cause, but in moments, the energy of the enemy ship spiked, and caused the ship to explode, leaving nothing behind but unanswered questions.

{Conference Room}

"So what do we know?" asked the Captain, at the post combat senior staff meeting.

Scott piped in almost immediately. "We know very little captain…"

"And why is that Scott?" replied the captain, curiously.

Scott lowered his head. "…because in order to bring the UT back online, I had to reroute through the sensors. Unfortunately, in doing so, the effectiveness of our sensors were compromised. I attempted to increase the power to them, but 4 additional GelPack relays melted… currently I have cordoned off the holodecks from use, because they are the only route I could establish to power the UT and the Sensor array."

The Captain nodded, and Yuri spoke up for a moment.

"My apologies for the situation Lt. I hope that all can be corrected in short order by your staff."

Scott looked up at Yuri, his face calm, and his words icy.

"I am sure Commander, that the error that you made will be corrected as soon as my well trained engineering crew is able to replace the GelPacks."

A slight twinge was visible in Yuri's Eyes as he replied.

"I am sure that you can handle your job Lt., I can assure you that the GelPacks will be easily replaced."

Scott could see he hit a nerve and fired back, slightly.

"Assuming no additional mishaps occur, due to monkey wrenching, things should be completed within the hour."

"I can assure you that my actions were taken with the best intentions for the Griffin and its crew in mind."

"I don't doubt that."

Captain Myst spoke briefly. "Gentlemen, I think we digress. If there is nothing else, you are all dismissed. Doctors, please call in the Goddard's Chief Medical Officer and Counselor. Lt. McInnis, can I see you in my ready room in fifteen minutes." It wasn't a question.

Scott knew he was walking a fine line, and didn't want to cross it. The commander backed off as well without incident.

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Chapter 15

{Conference Room, five minutes later}

Priscilla stood in front of the viewer in the conference room waiting for her communication to be patched through to one of Starfleet's Admirals. At this point she didn't much care who it was as she had been informed her ship's division head, Admiral James West, was unreachable on some away mission.

Vice-Admiral Star appeared on the view screen. (At least he's from the Independence Fleet,) Priscilla thought.

"Captain Myst," he said by way of greeting.

"Good Afternoon, Vice-Admiral," Priscilla responded.

"What can I do for you?"

"I don't know if you have been informed as to my ship's most recent mission," Priscilla began, "but Admiral West is unreachable and we need things dealt with ASAP. The short summary of our results is this: We found the Goddard and recovered her entire crew. The details of what had happened to them, and began happening to my crew as well, are in the formal report I am sending." Priscilla paused long enough to tap the command to send the report and get Star's acknowledgment that he received it. "We also discovered that the cause of the problems was a formerly unknown race from beyond our galaxy's borders. They were using a minute wormhole, which they appear to have the ability to open at will, to facilitate whatever they're plans were. Both of our two encounters with this race were unfortunately combats. The details of which are in my report. The important things to know are that we lost the Goddard during the second battle and that the wormhole still exists. While we seem to have a definite advantage on them offensive-wise, the Griffin is unfit to wait near this wormhole for any extended length of time. The reasons for this involve a parasite 'weapon', and I use that term loosely, that they have which affects humanoids, and the cure for these parasites which involve rapid detrimental effects to our Gel Packs. So if we stay either the crew will be affected, or the ship will."

"So what you're saying," Star thought aloud, trying to figure out everything he had just heard without the benefit of the detailed report to explain it all, "is that the wormhole needs to either be watched in case more of these aliens appear, or collapsed, which we don't know how to do yet. And in order for either of these to occur we need a heavily armed ship to defend against the aliens if they appear again, without a Bio-neural system in it, and with scientific capabilities to determine what to do about the wormhole or the aliens themselves."

"Yes," Priscilla replied with a mildly relieved tone.

"I'll see that such a ship is redirected there immediately."

"As soon as we hear which it is, we'll send them everything we have on the aliens, their ships, and how to defend against the parasites."

"Very good," Star replied. "Will you be able to wait long enough for said ship to arrive before leaving?"

"We will stay just within sensor range of the wormhole unless we begin falling under the alien's affects again," Priscilla replied.

Star nodded. He was about to end the conversation, but got the distinct impression from the four officers standing behind the Captain that she wanted to discuss something else.

"Who is that with you?" Star asked to open the new subject. Priscilla turned as she did introductions.

"This is Jaquelle Daem, Ship's Counselor- Marina O'Roarke, Ship's Chief Medical Officer- Larry Forloth, Goddard's Ship's Counselor- and Frank Yabouth, Goddard's Chief Medical Officer," Priscilla said. Each nodded in turn at the Admiral out of respect when their name was given. Priscilla turned back to face Star.

"Each of them is highly recommending a specific treatment for the recovery of both our crews, and I must say that I agree with and support the idea."

"Which is?"

"That the entire crews of both ships be given at least a week of R&R with their family members and friends. This will be easier for the Goddard's crew, as the Griffin's still have a ship they are needed on. But I feel that since we need to dock at Starbase 351 for repairs, we can hold our departure and have the visitors meet us there."

"That's a mighty tall order, Captain," Star replied.

"Please hold off on your decision until after you read the report," Priscilla argued for the cause. "Then you'll see why we are asking this. Our crews have been through hell, in some cases literally their own personal nightmares. They need to be assured what they experienced wasn't real. And the others are going to need assurances that what they experienced isn't unattainable. Only family and friends know you well enough to give you that kind of support."

Star looked pensively at the Captain, and then at each officer in turn. "I will take everything under consideration," he said finally.

"Thank you," Priscilla replied genuinely.

{Captain's Ready Room}

"Scott, do mind telling me where you think you have the right to berate my first officer in front of the Senior Staff?"

Scott attempted to reply but was cut off by the Captain.

"Let me make it clear to you that Commander Ivanof is the second highest ranking officer on this ship, and that I have complete confidence in him. You will not make such a display again, I hope you understand this Lt."

Scott got to speak this time, as the Captain had made her point.

"Permission to speak freely Captain?"

"Granted, within reason."

Scott stood down for a moment and looked to the Captain.

"Captain, I and my staff have worked the required hours, doubled, to make sure that this ship, is in the best condition possible. I have been given a ship, which has experimental technology on it. The TCD is shaky at best, and with Gel Packs being corrupted, and mind you I have to go through ALL of them, I am not sure it will work when asked to. We have Sensors being run through the holodecks for goodness sake. I can appreciate that his parents developed this stuff, but HE didn't. He is certified to fly everything under the sun, and I can appreciate it was an extenuating circumstance and in my opinion, he should have at least spoken to you or the doctor, but he is not certified to FIX anything on this ship as well as I am. I do my job, and I do it well, but Engineering is my life, and this ship like my child. I don't leave it in hands I don't trust. On an engineering level Captain, I would rather the ship be in my Uncles hands then his…"

The gravity of that last part isn't truly understood until you understand Scott's reaction to the next few moments.

"Understood Scott, and I can respect that, but you can expect to be overruled on that on occasion, so I would like you to work on that, which is why I have ordered for you to take a few hours out of your busy schedule to meet with Counselor Daem."

Scott blinked, that is about all.

"Oh, yes, and by the way…"

The Captain walked over to her desk and picked up a PADD.

"It would appear Starfleet is giving us some social time, and in doing so. They have arranged to have our families brought to the ship, so that we can see them. It says here, that your Uncle, Montgomery Scott, will be the one coming to visit you. It will be a privilege to have him onboard; I am excited to meet him."

Scott turned staunch white.

"You are dismissed."

With that, Scott hurried out of the office and nearly ran to Engineering. His Nightmare....had come true.

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