Episode 15

Left Hand Doesn't Know What the Right Is Doing

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Back to the story

Chapter 1

{A Week Later, Main Conference Room, 0800 hours}

The Senior Staff assembled for the routine staff meeting. For the last week the Griffin's only mission had been getting back into routine. As well as getting back into Federation space. Starfleet had decided the Griffin had spent too much time on the outskirts in the last several months, and so was bringing them "closer to home" for their next few missions. Priscilla felt the reasoning for that was actually that the Griffin had been getting into too much "adventure", and therefore Starfleet was worried both about the strain on the crew and on reputations.

"We've received our next assignment," Priscilla announced with a wane smile. She was about to stand, when she noticed Daem a step ahead of her. She happily differed control of the meeting to Daem. Priscilla was still feeling drained because the last couple days had been more straining on her than most. After getting her crew all set back in their current ages, or not in a handful of cases, and settling up the story with Starfleet Command, Priscilla had gotten a message from Victoria saying there was a chance their parents were dead. The news had been an incredible shock to say the least. Victoria had been trying to contact any family for days, but she hadn't been able to find anyone, and family friends could only say when last they had seen Robert or Alorria, which wasn't recent for anyone. Victoria had also contacted all four governments of their family for official confirmation. Two reported they knew nothing and had no records either way. Ligonian had yet to answer as the planet was so far away. But Starfleet somehow had notes in both twins' records that their parents were deceased, which is where Victoria had initially found out about the possibility. The only thing that gave either sister hope was that the records claimed the deaths were almost three months ago, and both were certain if that had have been the case they would have heard by proper notification by now!

This morning Priscilla had finally heard from Ligonian. And it was a message from her Mother! The crisis was over, thankfully happily. It turned out their father had surprised their mother with a three week long get-away-form-everything vacation ending with a visit to their mother's parents on Ligonian.

So now Priscilla was happy again. But she was also still worn and tired from the worry and lack of sleep.

Daem had called up a set of star charts on the small view screen and was pointing out the three planets of particular note to the Griffin's next mission. "They are in neighboring star systems, so Starfleet feels we can handle both tasks at once. Both are considered minor in effort, but important in outcome," she explained. "First, an outbreak of Diaphoid syndrome has been reported at the Palodian colony. It seems to be a slightly mutated version from the common strain, but Starfleet Medical believes from the information they have that the typical treatment will work. We are to deliver and administer the medications, which is a two stage treatment."

She moved her hand slightly so that she was now indicating a different star system, and pointed with both her pointer and middle fingers. "The Hilian system has three naturally inhabited planets, Hilian Two, Hilian Four, and Hilian Seven. Two of them, Hilian Two and Seven, have been at war for nearly forty years. Hilian Four has not been involved until recently as they have not developed space flight. Yet despite this huge disadvantage they've somehow managed to keep either of their neighbors from attacking them. Several months ago they even started an initiative towards peace between their warring neighbors. Now they've asked for the Federation to host the peace talks. What official reason they've given the other two races, Starfleet doesn't know. They've informed us that they want us there to keep an eye on things as we have technological abilities they don't, and they are worried about the two sides trying to sneak in something detrimental. They also have asked if we would mind acting as role models of good interspecies relations during the talks. With the impressive track record they have displayed at keeping the peace this last year Starfleet isn't overly concerned about the safety of holding the talks on the ship, but they have cautioned us to be on our toes nonetheless."

Done with her briefing, Daem sat back down.

Priscilla nodded and looked around the table. "Any questions?"

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Chapter 2

{Griffin - Holodeck}

Rinali checked the time and nodded to herself. There had been a few small delays which she would make a mental note of, but overall, the security staff had assembled in a timely manner. By now they were used to having such meetings in the holodeck. Rinali felt that it gave her a broader canvas on which to illustrate her points. Taking one last glance at the notes on her PADD, Rinali turned to the assembled and began.

"Thank you for coming here so promptly." Rinali generally got the pleasantries out of the way in her first sentence. "I realize that our last mission was very difficult for some of you. But I expect that by now you have finished dealing with whatever problems were left over from that. If you have not, report to me immediately to be removed from active duty until further notice. If you are not sure that you will be performing at your best, I do not want you on duty.

"As you have all been informed, our next missions are to be a diplomatic ones. Some of you may consider diplomatic missions to be easy, dull, or unimportant. I do not. If any of you start to treat these mission as if they are not worthy of your full attention, you will answer to me.

"I have compiled several files with information about the Palodian colony and Hilian Two, Hilian Four, and Hilian Seven. Regardless of whether you think you will be in the first shift or what mission you believe you will be going on, I want all of you to have read those files by the time we arrive. Do not even think of skipping over the sections on local culture. It is essential for any diplomatic mission that we all conduct ourselves respectfully towards our hosts.

"Because the Griffin is undertaking two missions, the security force will be divided into two teams. I will have lists of the two teams by tonight at 1900 hours and the roster for the first shifts by tomorrow at 2100 hours. I still expect you to familiarize yourself with the specifics of both missions. If something unforseen happens. you may be needed on the other mission.

"Because neither of these missions should include hostilities, the number of active personnel on each will be relatively small, at least at the start. I am currently speaking with the medical staff about our exact security needs for the Palodian colony mission. The Hilian mission numbers will be set as soon as we know the layout for the talks and how much security is present on the ground already.

"The objectives of the Palodian colony mission are to prevent loss of civilian life and to protect and assist the doctors. The doctors will follow your lead on matters of security; you are to follow their lead on matters of medicine. Depending on the situation, you may be called upon to assist the doctors with medical procedures. The medical staff has sent files outlining the administration of the medications to me and I have added them to the files you are expected to read.

"The objectives of the Hilian mission are to provide security for the people attending and the location itself. While we hope there will be no complications, there may be factions interested in disrupting the peace talks. Your duties will include guarding the participants, helping to escort them to the peace talks, and guarding the peace talks. Once we arrive, we will be meeting with the head of security for Hilian Four. Within Starfleet guidelines, every order from him is to be treated as is it came from me.

"In both missions, I want all phasers set on 'stun' unless you are told otherwise by one of your superiors. We want to show these people that we are there for peaceful reasons. Every one of you is going to be a representative of the Federation out there and I expect you to act like it. Understood?"

"Yes, sir!" the security staff replied. Rinali let the incorrect gender reference slide as she always did.

"Good," she said. "Dismissed."

The security staff headed off to their various destinations. Rinali shut down the holodeck meeting room program and headed off to Daem's quarters.

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Chapter 3

{Commander Daem's quarters}

Jaquelle looked at the private message, added Commander Davidson's and Lt. Crawford's names then sent it. Jaquelle then wandered over to the replicator.

"Chocolate, hot with whipped cream," she ordered.

Jaquelle knew she would be the point person on the Hilian Four peace mission. She was fully aware that waging peace was often dangerous and even deadly. No matter how successful Hilian Four had been in keeping out of war, Jaquelle knew that sentiments could change in a heartbeat and she would need her most effective asset.

{Later the same day, at 2000 hours. Turbo lift leading to Commander Daem's quarters}

Lt. Crawford entered the turbo lift on deck 20.

"Deck 18," he said. The lift stopped on deck 19 and Commander Davidson got on.

"Lieutenant, " Davidson said and nodded. "Deck 18," he then ordered the lift.

Crawford did not really know Davidson at all. Davidson had just been a passenger on the Griffin for a short time before events leading up to his becoming young and remaining as second officer. Crawford thought that it was proper that he at least say something. But was unsure what. He was also unsure why he had been called to Commander Daem's cabin in a secured private message. It had only listed a time and the order to come.

"Looks like we are both going to..um," Jason stopped. It was a private message, what if Davidson wasn't going to Commander Daem's quarters?

"Commander Daem's?" Davidson finished his sentence. "Yes," he continued, "and it would behoove us not to be late," he said with a raised eyebrow and a determined look.

Jason could sense the gravity of the situation and started to wonder what type of secure stealth mission he was going to be asked to go on. He knew as Chief Engineer he would be asked to go on more away missions, some of which would be dangerous, but it never dawned on him that there would be undercover work for the Chief Engineer. All he knew was that he was determined to do his best.

The door to Daem's quarters opened and Davidson strolled in with a sense of confidence. Crawford wasn't so self assured. As he looked around he was surprised at what he saw. The entire senior staff, minus the Captain was present.

Daem, holding a padd, looked up at the two of them but addressed the rest of the staff.

"Mr. Crawford starts with the standard credits, but it appears Mr. Davidson is a seasoned player. I called up the records of his last post and it seems he has amassed a tidy sum." Davidson maintained a classic poker face.

Jason looked at the table, saw the poker chips and the cards and relaxed a bit. 'So, they think I'm a rookie,' he thought, 'this should be fun.'

Jaquelle could sense Jason's change in emotions, but the purpose of restarting the 1st Officer's poker game wasn't to welcome the two new officers. It was for Rinali. For some time now Rinali had been working with Jaquelle and the telepaths aboard ship to regain her former self, to control her emotions and maintain her mental block. Turning back to a teenager may have even helped the situation. But Jaquelle had to be sure, she needed a strong Rinali on the peace mission. Jaquelle wanted to know, in more ways than one, that Rinali was at the top of her game.

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Chapter 4

{Daem's Quarters}

Ryan Sable looked on the exchange between Daem, Crawford, and Davidson with some amusement and then boredom in turn. It brought her unconscious habit to bear, of raising her eyebrow and solemnly blinking. Something about the situation, her presence there felt out of place or uncomfortable. She wasn't quite sure, or rather, couldn't decide what she felt at the moment.

She was happy to be in company with them, anticipating the game at hand, and yet ... she felt strangely put out. Not only did she feel out of place, but she also felt there was a piece lacking on the playing field. But with all the chaos still floating in her mind, she couldn't pin point what that thing was.

Determined to remain in the pleasant company however... and not displease them with a sudden, unprecedented excuse to leave... Ryan took her place at the card table, eyeing the crowd with her usual speculative and half-smiling expression...

{Later. Ten Forward, Upper Level}

The games had gone well. Ryan was convinced however that something had severely distracted her during the play, as Davidson, and then miraculously, Crawford... in a manner of slang... "owned" her. Good thing the bets were merely imaginary credits/money and not the true gambling folly Otherwise, she might have been out of her quarters... again in a manner of speaking.

Ryan sipped at her drink again, washing down the last bite of her food when she noticed a familiar face entering the lounge below. Lieutenant Gordon Freeman. It didn't take much to come to a decision... Ryan was quick to get to her feet, leaving her dishes to the waiters. She hurried down the stairs, unconscious of the tugging smile at her lips.

"Freeman," she called from behind as she settled to the main deck. She hustled to join him as he half halted He appeared to be out of sorts though.

"Hey," he replied, turning around to face the voice who called his name.

"Are you doing anything?" Ryan rushed to ask, before her usual social nature took control.

"Nope, not really," Freeman replied. "But how many times do I have to tell ya? My name is Gordon," he stated, breaking into a laugh a moment later. Being called Freeman made him remember classes, not friendly meetings.

Ryan smirked. "Sorry," she answered, a little shocked by his laughter. Perhaps she had read him wrong... she remembered vaguely that she had always had trouble when it came to interpreting his body language. "Uh... would you like to do anything?"

"On one condition," he replied, turning the Freeman charm to maximum.

Ryan narrowed one eye and raised the eyebrow of the other as she turned her head slightly. "And that is?" she asked, feeling a sense of amusement return.

"You call me Gordon."

She smirked again, then turned deathly serious... her only form of sarcasm. "I might... be able to arrange something," she replied in a contemplative manner. "You do realize I'll have to write a new program... its not easy being part computer."

"Baby... I'll do it myself if I have to," he replied with a smooth smile and wink. "Now how about a drink and dinner?"

Needless to say, Ryan was somewhat taken back. But a smile soon found it's way to the surface. "Lead the way... Freeman..." She gained a faux look of shock and pardon. "I meant Gordon." For once she actually felt giggly and full of sarcastic, but pleasant jokes. It took some control not to bust.

"That's better," Freeman replied with a knowing smile. With a smooth movement he took her arm and escorted her to a table near the windows. "No need to worry... I'll have my man servant here shortly to take your order."

But she didn't have enough control, and snorted out a loud laugh. After all the changes happening so fast... this would be a good change...

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Chapter 5

{Location: Ten Forward, lower level}

"You're acting a little strange today... Gordon," Sable said, tilting her head to the side. Freeman had just finished ordering the most complex sounding meal she had ever heard of. The waiter had also done a double take, and quickly rushed off to fill it. Outside the window they were sitting by, the stars crawled by slowly.

The Griffin was at sub light speed now, and making her way through the system on her way to the two planets. The mission seemed complex, but yet straightforward at the same time. However in Operations in was a complex mess. Every time something needed planning to the last detail... Operations was responsible. Thankfully Freeman had experience in a similar mission on the Ambassador once, and had known roughly what was required where.

"Really? I feel fine. Not every day I get a date with the ships most eligible bachelorette," Freeman replied, making himself comfortable in his seat. Sable turned a slight shade of red. Gordon had assumed she wasn't used to flattery quite yet... which was a good thing, because Gordon Freeman was quite good at it. He threw in a little wink for good measure.

The waiter returned with a bottle of wine and their salads a few moments later. As soon as Freeman approved the bottle, he poured two glasses. Bowing, the waiter left with a grin. Freeman waited for a reply, glancing out at the stars. They were quite amazing, even after all his years among them on starships.

"Um ...," Sable muttered softly. She still felt a little awkward in situations like this, and the silence didn't help very much at all.

"Actually, I'm just in a good mood today. It's the first time in YEARS I haven't been loaded with a ton of Operations reports. Well... no more than expected. That poor guy they have running the show now is in charge. I have free time... and I'm loving it," Freeman replied, taking a bite of his salad. He was naturally talkative, and enjoyed a good conversation.

"Ohhh... I see," Sable replied, settling down in her seat. She appeared to be more at ease now. If Freeman's hunch was correct, she was feeling more at ease.

"I was actually able to finish my book on quantum physics. I have been reading it for months now," He laughed softly for a few seconds. "But anyways, I know enough about me... why don't you tell me a little about yourself Ryan?" He leaned forward intently, waiting for her reply. He knew very little about her, and this was his chance to learn... and maybe progress things to a new level.

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Chapter 6


Stone sat in his office reading over the current situation he was about to face. He knew very little of the Palodians but he was very familiar with the procedure... and with what information Starfleet Medical was producing it looked like it would be very simple.

Stone put down the padd, leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. There was something about the hum of the computer that could just put him to sleep.

"Doctor... are you ok?" Captain Myst asked.

Stone opened his eyes and blinked away the light. "Oh yes ma'am, I've had trouble sleeping the last week."

"Everything ok?"

"Oh yes ma'am," he half lied. "Just some nightmares."

"This transmission came for you from Starfleet Medical."

"Oh must be more information on the Palodians."

Myst shook her head. "They informed me that they sent all they had."

Stone hesitantly took the padd. (I wonder what it could be?) He activated the padd and looked over its contents. Within seconds a paleness fell over him. His throat dried up and he was overwhelmed.

"Are you ok doctor...," Myst asked. "You look like you might have seen a ghost."

Stone looked some what confused. "I... umm... yes... I'm ok." He put the padd on his desk and walked out of sickbay.

"That is odd," Myst commented. She picked up padd and read: Location of James Daniel Stone

"Computer reference the name James Daniel stone relation to our CMO."

"James Daniel Stone, Lt., Last known status is Lost on Alpha Prime," the computer replied.

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Chapter 7

{Science Office}

Ensign Dumas walked in as she did every day since she was moved up by Lt. Krasinski; and just like every other day since, there was Karenek already at his terminal. There was one detail that was not like every other day, however. Karenek's terminal was not on. No stellar charts, no scans, no ship details... just a blank screen.

"Is everything okay, Vosch?" Dumas inquired as this was definitely not Vosch-like. After an awkward silence of about fifteen seconds or so she asked again, "Vosch? Are you alright."

The helmet of his environmental suit turned slowly to face her. "Everything is fine, Ensign," Vosch responded in a monotone, hollow speech. Vosch then turned back and faced the blank screen.

"Are you sure?" Ensign Dumas inquired following with a slight chuckle in the hopes that whatever was pre-occupying Vosch might be temporarily undermined long enough for an honest answer to come forth in response to her question.

Vosch spoke again in the same non-characteristic monotone voice, "Who do you think will lead the diplomatic mission at Hilian, Ensign?"

"Damned if I know Vosch. Only Captain Myst can answer that question." Ensign Dumas then looked at Vosch with bewilderment, "Why are you interested in that? And why are you calling me Ensign? Didn't we agree that we could use our first names in when superiors are not around?"

Vosch just nodded and stood up. "You are quite right Ensign. I guess I am not feeling quite well. Tell Lt. Krasinski I am going back to my quarters for sleep." Vosch then proceed to leave.

"I think you need your head looked at. One too many bumps taken from Krasinski more like it."

The comment was made in such a tone that expressed concern with just a hint of jealousy, but when no retort was made by Vosch, Terri became worried.

{Vosch's Quarter's}

"Computer. Location of Captain Myst." Vosch inquired.

"Captain Myst is currently in the Captain's Quarters," was the response from the computer which at this time was displaying more emotion.

Vosch stared off into space for a moment or two as if he was trying desperately to retrieve from memory. Then he spoke again, "Captain, this is Lt. Karenek."

"Go ahead." Was the response over the comm badge.

"Can I meet with you? It is urgent and must be dealt with discreetly. It's about your parents." Vosch continued.

(I wonder what the issue could be. I just heard from them and there were no indications of anything exciting happening except the surprise that Dad gave Mom,) Myst thought to herself.

Normally, Captain Myst frowned upon letting crew members discuss issues with her unless it was in her ready room, or maybe some place in public. She didn't want anyone thinking she was acting an inappropriate behavior. Therefore, normally only the closest of friends or highest of officers were asked to her quarters. However, this was an exception that could be made because it did involve her parents.

"Very well. I am in my quarters," responded Myst.

Vosch then collapsed on the floor of his quarters. A weird radiant light then filled every gap and seem of his suit, and then poured forth on to the floor. The light/liquid then found a seem in the wall and disappeared into it.

{Captain Myst's quarters}

The tone went off shortly after Vosch said he wanted to speak with Priscilla. "Enter," she said. The swoosh opening of the doors and then the closing could be heard. In a mere fraction of a second all power shut down in the Captain's room. Priscilla turned quickly to face Vosch, but it wasn't him she saw. What she saw was a liquid hand of bright light reach out and forced it's way into her via mouth. Shocked and stunned Priscilla didn't have time to resist. The lights came back on line in her room.

Captain Myst then spoke in the same sort of monotone inflection that Vosch was using earlier. "Computer, mission file on Hilian peace project." Myst scanned, or at least what was in her scanned the file. "Computer, personnel file on Commander Jaquelle Daem." Again the scan proceeded. "Computer, ships logs of new arrivals and those scheduled to arrive prior to the Hilian mission." After looking at the personnel files that were listed on the mission manifest, Myst then hit the comm badge. "Myst to Daem. Report to my quarter's"

A stunned Daem responded, "Yes Captain." Daem proceeded to the Captain's quarters thinking, (Either something is terribly wrong or she got up on the wrong side of the bed.

The door tones went off. "Come." Ordered the Captain.

"Is everything alright, Captain?" Daem asked.

"Everything is fine, Commander," answered the Captain. "I want you to lead the diplomatic mission at Hilian. I want you to take the two listed in that file and then whomever else you deem necessary." Priscilla's eyes narrowed, "I don't think I need to tell you how important this is, do I?"

"No Captain," was the only response Daem could come up with. Daem turned to leave but stopped at the doors and turned back, "Priscilla, are you sure you are okay? You don't seem like yourself today."

"I am fine Commander."

"Would you a least go to see the doctor and get a quick check. You seem very stressed." Daem said trying to find a legit reason to get her to go see Doctor Stone."

Captain Myst began wringing her hands as if she was becoming annoyed with Daem. Then a false smile came over her lips. "Very well, Commander. I will take a quick nap, and if when I awake, I still feel stressed I will go to see the doctor. Is that okay, Comman... I mean Jaquelle?"

"I guess that will have to do. I will be in my quarters going over the paperwork for the Hilian mission if you need me. I am also going to let Dr. Stone know to expect you." Daem then left Captain Myst.

While proceeding to her quarters, Daem contacted Dr. Stone, "Doctor Stone, this is Daem. I just wanted to let your know that soon you should be getting a visit from the Captain."

"Received, is everything alright?" Stone asked.

"I really don't know. She seems overly stressed, but the weird thing was I got no emotional feedback from her."

"You mean she didn't care, apathetic?" inquired Stone hoping this was not a case of depression setting in with all that has gone on as of late.

"No, I mean no emotions at all. It was is if she was totally void of emotional response. Just give her the once over."

"Very well, Jaquelle. Maybe you should stop by, too." Stone suggested.

"Maybe after supper I will just do that," Jaquelle said.

Meanwhile back in Captain Myst's quarters, no sooner had Daem left, when Priscilla fell face first, passed out on her table. The entity which forced its way in, left her and entered the walls, and disappeared.

Shortly after, Captain Myst awoke to the sounds of her comm link, "Captain Myst, can you read me?"

Captain Myst shook of the grogginess and hangover feeling and put together some coherency in order to reply. "I am here. Go ahead."

"This is Crewman Leonid. Doctor stone wanted to make sure you were stopping by. Something about checking your stress levels, and also going over some of the details on the Palodian mission."

"Very well, I am on my way." Myst responded. Priscilla shook her head once or twice, and vaguely remembered meeting with Jaquelle and her asking Priscilla to see the doctor because she looked stressed. Priscilla also remembered giving Daem the point on the Hilian mission. Which was slightly odd because she wanted to do that herself, and at least thought she was still debating the decision. But still, there was a short period of time that she could not recall what happened. Again she shook her head, "It'll come back to me I am sure," she thought. "I better go see what the good Doctor needs."

Priscilla then headed towards Sick Bay.

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Chapter 8


"Other than a severe depletion of Electrolytes, you're perfectly fine," Doctor Stone informed Priscilla. He went to the replicator and ordered a glass of water with a peculiar mix of what Priscilla recognized as basic elements. He returned and offered her the drink. "Have you been exercising heavily?" he asked.

Priscilla shook her head. "No, in fact I haven't gone to the gym or holodeck in a long while... I just haven't had the time," she replied with a touch of regret.

"Hm. You haven't been throwing up or suffered diarrhea for the last couple days, have you?"

She shook her head again as she swallowed a first gulp of the terrible tasting drink. "No. I would have come to Sickbay."

"I'd hope so," Jack replied absentmindedly while deep in thought over the situation. "Hm... Well unless you were recently subjected to a large amount of electrical current...?"

She shook her head one more time.

"... I can't explain the low Electrolytic levels," Jack said with a small frown. "And they are low enough to worry about, especially without a cause." The thought for another moment. "I'm going to program the computer so that drink can be accessed from any replicator under the name Stone Elixir number Four. I want you to take one every hour for the next eight hours. Then we'll do another check up and see if your levels are back to normal and holding."

"Yes, Doctor," Priscilla agreed somewhat begrudgingly. This drink did NOT taste good!

"Now, the mission," Stone said, moving to pick up a PADD. He was trying very hard to concentrate on all his duties at hand, but he couldn't help thinking about that letter every now and again...

"Doctor?" Priscilla asked a minute later.

"Hmm?" Jack asked coming out of his thoughts and looking up from the PADD in his hand.

"The mission?" she prompted.


"You started to say something about the mission..."

"Oh!" he sighed and shook his head slightly. "Right. This is the wrong PADD. Here we go." He silently berated himself. "We're going to need extensive use of the replicator systems for the next couple hours to make the altered cure Starfleet Medical has advised using."

"Okay," Priscilla replied, sliding off the biobed she was on. "Let Davidson or Freeman know you request is top priority, and one of them can coordinate with the rest of the departments."

After Priscilla left Sickbay, Jack tapped his communicator. "Stone to Daem. I just saw the Captain and did a basic through checkup. Except for an unexplained loss of Electrolytes she's fine, and it's definitely her. Everything matched as perfectly as it should."

"Alright," Daem's voice replied. "Perhaps my being unable to sense any emotions from her was something wrong with me then. I'll be in later today."

{Bridge, an hour later}

Priscilla stepped out of her Ready Room with her second of eight glasses of that water mixture.

"We're in orbit of the Hilian Four," the officer at conn reported.

"Good. Commander Daem to the Bridge," she ordered. She would wait to contact the planet until Jaquelle was there so that they could meet the person they'd be working the most with. After that contect was made, the first set of Hilians would be beamed up to approve the rooms set up for the peace talks. Then the peace delegations from Hilian Two and Hilian Seven would be retrieved. And once everyone was on board, the Griffin would head over to the next star system to the Palodian colony to being administering treatment there while the peace talks were going on on the ship.

Nodding to herself at the well laid out plan, she just hoped nothing would happen this time to derail things. Like tended to happen off and on around here.

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Chapter 9

Jaquelle looked at the padd. Captain Myst had listed the new ship's counselor as one of the members on the peace mission. Jaquelle not only thought that it was a good idea but had for a while wanted an excuse to work with the counselor without it appearing that she was intruding. It had already been awkward that members of the crew wanted to still see Jaquelle for their problems. On that issue, Anna reverted to her shy preadolescence self and would not even talk to the new counselor.

As Jaquelle stared at the padd given her by Myst, she still could not shake the thought that something had been wrong with the Captain. She had gotten the report of Doctor Stone, but it still didn't ease her conviction that there was simply no emotions coming from the Captain during their last visit. But she had other issues now, as she stood on the empty Holodeck.

"Computer, run Jaquelle, peace talks," she called out.

The set up for the peace talks was critical. Jaquelle looked at every minute detail. She had spent hours devising this set up. She had designed an oddly shaped table that allowed each delegate to see every other person in the room, yet not have any delegation in arm's length of an adversary. The lighting was such that the area where the Shadrachs (Hilian Two was called Shadrach by the inhabitants and they referred to themselves as Shadrachs) would naturally gravitate towards was brighter than the area where the Abednegoes (the inhabitants of Hilian Seven called their planet Abednego) would go to. Was she trying to manipulate the seating subconsciously?...of course! The Shadrachs were closer to the sun and more comfortable in a lighter area. Whereas the Abednegoes were far from the sun and lived in darker environs. However the area behind the Abednegoes was bright so that when the Shadrachs looked at them, they would see light. The Meshachians, (Hilian Four was called Meshach by the inhabitants) were set in an overall neutral light.

The doors to the Holodeck opened and Rinali walked in. Before Jaquelle had come to the Holodeck, she had called for Rinali to come look at the space surrounding the negotiation area to see what she wanted concerning in room security. Rinali studied the room, walked around the table and looked at the lighting.

"Nice," Rinali said. Jaquelle smiled. "excepted you forgot a space for the facilitator." Rinali commented dryly.

Jaquelle just looked at the table and her smile dropped. She had not put a seat for herself. Rinali took only another moment of thought.

"I'll but security, there...there...and there." Rinali pointed. She then turned and left the holodeck.

Jaquelle just shook her head.

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Chapter 10

{Griffin, Ten Forward, Lower Level}

Sable pursed her lips in thought. She had been asked similar questions before, but the situation was different this time, more informal. It caused an unusual sensation... a loss for words.

"Well..." Sable trailed off softly. For a moment she wasn't sure if she wanted to share.

"You were born, I hope," Freeman jokingly, yet half seriously, encouraged.

Sable laughed. "Yes, I was. To Robert and Kaylen Sable. My father was the captain of the USS Acari, and my mother was the chief medical officer. I was accepted at Starfleet Academy by the age of 15. My first posting was the USS Akagi. And now I'm here."

Freeman lifted an eyebrow. For a moment he seemed as though he might accept the narration, but then his expression changed. "Now, why don't you tell me the real story?" Freeman questioned with a sweet smile. Sable nearly sighed in discomfort, but something pressured her inside to please her company and reveal more of her life...

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Chapter 11

{Karenek's Quarter's}

When Karenek awoke, he was face down on the floor and still in his environmental suit. (This is odd,) he thought to himself. Then it hit. A sudden feeling of nausea that could only be rivaled by the storied hangovers expressed by some of his crewmates after consuming too much Romulan ale from the night before. After a few moments the nausea subsided.

"Computer, what time is it?" Karenek inquired.

"The time is 0937 hours," the computer reported.

(My goodness, I AM LATE!!!) Karenek didn't verbalize this horrendous thought, but those who observed his movements as he left his quarters had no doubt as he almost ran over everyone without apology. Even Lt. Cmdr. Travin and Lt. Freeman almost got caught up in the wake of what could have been interpreted as a linebacker who had his sights on a quarterback with no lineman to block. They parted to either side of the corridor, let the truck that was Karenek pass, looked at each other in amazement, then proceeded back into what they were conversing about.

When Karenek entered the Assistant's Science Office, as it was now unofficially dubbed, Dumas was already at her station and Krasiniski was at his waiting, and not looking to pleased. "Glad to see you could join us Vosch. Did you enjoy your... let's see... 28 hour nap? Don't let it happen again." Karenek was used to Krasiniski's sarcastic humor that had developed between them, however, he also realized that there was no humorous tone in her voice this time.

"Was I really out for 28 hours, Terri?" Vosch turned to his friend to ask.

Without so much as a look from the screen, "Yep," was her answer. Her voice was edged with a coldness that not even the coldest regions of the Antarctic could challenge.

Vosch looked over in bewilderment. As long as he had known Terri, she had never acted in such a manor, and he couldn't figure out if she was upset and if so, about what.

"Oh lookie. It is MY break time. Maybe I will go take my... hmmm... 28 hour break in 10 Forward." Dumas said aloud for the sole purpose of expressing her displeasure for the previous day's conversation. What she didn't realize is that Vosch had not had much experience when it came to reading Human emotion, and therefore was not equating her statements to an apology she felt was due to her. Terri then got up and walked to the door. Before leaving she turned, "Oh, don't worry, I won't be 28 hours like someone was, Lieutenant."

The rest of the shift went rather uneventful. Dumas did come back, but the cold arctic breeze continued to emanate from her as if the second dawning of the ice age had fallen upon the both of them. She only spoke to Vosch when she had to do so, and it was only about work. Upon the shift's end she got out of her seat and started away. "Well, I am done. Time for supper in 10 Forward and then to MY quarter's for a NORMAL stint of sleep time." Dumas stated.

"Have a nice night. See you in the morning." Again, the lack of Karenek's experiences in 'reading between lines' shone forth like a beacon in the night. Frustrated, Dumas proceeded to Ten Forward.

{Ten Forward}

Karenek entered into Ten Forward as he normally did after work. He found that this was the best atmosphere to get to know those he worked with and even more so, for. The normal cast of character's were there, however, he had noticed that Terri had isolated herself in a far corner and was eating. Maybe spearing her food is more of an appropriate description, and between each bite she was obviously muttering something to herself.

Karenek scanned the room again, hoping to find the new ship's counselor. He had hoped that she might be able to shed some light on why Terri was acting in such a fashion. Unfortunately, the Counselor was no where to be found, however, Commander Daem was. Just as he was about to approach, the former ship's Counselor, that feeling of nausea came of him, yet again. (I should go get that checked,) he thought. He then approached Commander Daem.

"Excuse me, Sir," Karenek started, "I was wondering if I could ask you something."

Daem looked up from her plate initially as if she was going to blurt, "Why are you bothering me at meal time?" However, her facial expression softened as she put down her fork and spoke, "Sure, Vosch. Take a seat. What's on your mind?"

Karenek proceeded to tell Daem all about what happened from the day before until the this very moment, making sure no detail was left out.

Daem chuckled, "Are you sure you were only trained by a Vulcan and not are one instead?" After an awkward moment of silence she continued. "It is obvious from what you have told me that Terri cares about you and is probably even a little jealous when you speak so much of your superior officer. You may truly only mean it as complimentary and professional, however, Humans... especially her age," Daem gave a casual glance over to Terri as she speared the last of her dinner, "view such overwhelming praise as flattery and admiration. Sounds like she was getting jealous and is just looking for an apology."

Karenek nodded and was about to stand when Daem continued.

"You said you have not been feeling well though? Captain Myst also wasn't feeling well. She went to see Dr. Stone and I suggest you do the same."

Karenek stood. "Thank you Commander. I will take your advice and I will also apologize to her."

Commander Daem nodded and went back to her meal.

{Commander Daem's Quarters}

Jaquelle was getting ready for some night time reading. She wanted to go over the personnel files of those on the peace mission as well as the mission itself. As she sat down getting ready to review the, information, she chuckled and shook her head as she reflected upon the earlier encounter with Vosch. (So much intelligence, yet so naive. Vosch, there is more to life then sports and science. You will see that soon.) Her thoughts then turned to her feelings about the actual act of Counseling again. She had come so far, but yet, sometimes nothing could be more rewarding then helping people even with the smallest of issues. This lead her to the record of the new Counselor who would be aiding her on Hillian.

Suddenly all power was lost in Jaquelle's quarters.

"Computer, lights." Daem ordered.

There was no response.


Again no response. Jaquelle quickly got up and walked to the door to her quarters, but they would not open. Then from over her shoulder a bright light appeared. Startled, she turned quickly to face it. It had a vague shape of a humanoid, but it appeared to be made of pure energy. The entity radiated no emotion. The entity quickly approached in the same manner as it did Vosch and the captain, but this time stopped just before it was about to attempt to enter Jaquelle's body. It stared at Jaquelle. It then held up a shape that almost looked like a hand of sorts and one finger to her as if to say "Wait." The entity turned around and entered the screen of the terminal on her work desk and then the screen flickered. Words appeared as if it had somehow been converted into an archaic TRS-80 which hasn't existed for hundreds and hundreds of years. The following text typed across the screen.

"You must succeed. The children of seven must live with children of two. Seven is dying. Eight will soon be born. Children of eight is ours, do not approach."

These words flashed across the screen several times before the screen went blank. The entity reappeared from the terminal and again looked at Jaquelle. It then entered the wall and disappeared. Only moments later, all power came back to her quarters.

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Chapter 12


"The last of the delegates are on board," Freeman reported.

Davidson nodded. "Conn, set course for the Palodian colony," he ordered. "Bridge to Sickbay. Just letting you know we're on our way to the colony."

"Acknowledged," one of the nurses replied. "We're ready. Sickbay out."

{20 hours later}

"We're arriving at the colony," Sable announced.

"Put us in a synchronous orbit over the treatment site," Priscilla ordered. She turned to Doctor Stone. "Hail the colony," she said to Zosin as Rinali was currently heading up Security for the opening session of negotiations.

The worn face of an older woman appeared on screen. "Palodian colony, please tell me you're the ship Starfleet sent."

"We are," Stone replied. "My staff and I have already replicated the entire first stage of the treatment and are ready to begin administering as soon as-"

"The people have been lining up ever since word got out you were coming!" the woman informed him, her movements seeming a bit jerky and wild and inconsistence with her words. "At least, those who could still move on their own. A building has been cleared and prepared for you. I hope you will find it suitable for your needs."

"I'm sure we will," Stone assured her. "We'll beam done within the hour."

"Thank you. Thank you so much," the woman replied with a relived smile, which quickly turned to a grimace. " Palodian colony out."

"Sirs," Zosin then said to get Priscilla's and Stone's attention. "From the sound of things, I think it would be wise to send some security down with the medical teams." Stone gave Zosin a skeptical look. "To make sure everyone waits their turn," Zosin added.

"Given the magistrate's tension over what's going on down there, I agree," Priscilla replied. "But perhaps we shouldn't be so obvious about it. That could raise tensions as well," she added in deferment to Stone. "Just a few people, perhaps a couple not even in Security but who can handle themselves if the need arises?"

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Chapter 13

Jaquelle stopped and took one last look at the reception going on in Ten Forward. It had gone very well, all things considered. The Shadrachs conversed pleasantly with the Meshachians and Starfleet personnel. The Abednegoes conversed pleasantly with the Meshachians and Starfleet personnel.

But what was really superb was watching Captain Myst work a room. In the reception line she was the epitome of a diplomat. She walked up to each delegate looked them directly in the eye, gave them the authentic greeting from their region of their planet, as if she had known them for years. Each delegate was made to feel as if they were the only person in the room. She would be three delegates down the line and they would still be mesmerized by her presence. Then as the reception progressed, each planet's delegation would be given exactly the same amount of her time while she drank and munched on food from the appropriate planet, appearing to enjoy it as if it were her favorite made by her own grandmother.

Jaquelle quietly slipped out of Ten Forward. It had always been the case that large parties were just too taxing on her. Especially where she had to constantly monitor the emotions of everyone, just to be sure no one was being insulted. But all seemed to be well, besides she had last minute briefings to read before negotiations started the next day.

{1200 hours the next day}

The morning negotiations had gone almost too passively. If one had not read the history, no one would believe that the Shadrachs and the Abednegoes were mortal enemies. In fact the animosity they displayed emotionally at the reception was gone. It was almost as if their brains were engaged but their emotions were off line. It was disconcerting. Then Jaquelle remembered that it was the same feeling she got from Captain Myst when Jaquelle talked with her about the proposed personnel for the peace talks. Luckily each planet was use to a sort of siesta time after lunch for several hours. Jaquelle decided to spend the time talking to Dr. Stone about what he had learned when he examined the Captain.

{Sick Bay}

Jaquelle walked in and looked around. It was unusually quiet. But hen she heard a familiar voice. "Good afternoon Dr. Daem," Nurse Elizabeth Maxwell called out from a medical cubicle. Jaquelle smiled warmly. Nurse Maxwell knew Jaquelle from when she was first posted to the Griffin as a Lt, Jg. and she would help out as a doctor in sickbay. Elizabeth always called her Doctor when she came in.

"Where is Dr. Stone?" Jaquelle asked.

"He's on the planet." Elizabeth answered.

"Do you know when he is returning?" Jaquelle inquired.

"No, I think he is there for the long run, along with most of the other medical staff," the nurse responded.

"So who is in charge in Dr. Stone's absence?" Jaquelle queried.

"I think you are," Elizabeth laughed. And then after a moment she added:

"No, really, I think you are."

All Jaquelle could think was ‘as if I did not have enough to do.' But she knew she had bigger worries. She was convinced something was wrong with the delegates. And if it was medical, she would need help.

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Chapter 14

{Palodian colony}

With Daem and the new counselor dealing with the peace meeting, and Travin keeping a close eye on the delegates, Myst doing her duty staying in charge of the ship, Doctor Stone decided having Freeman and Sable come along with Zosin and the medical team would be the best choice.

On the planet, things had gone very well in administering the first stage of the treatment to the population. Upon seeing the extra non-medical Starfleet officers, even the most agitated or impatient or sick people decided to properly wait their turn, just in case they were more than they appeared to be. Only once did Freeman have to step up to a man and "ask" him to be patient.

It took nearly a day for the first round of treatment. Then most of the Starfleeters relaxed, a few even went on a tour of the colony offered by one of the stronger colonists. Doctor Stone kept one nurse and a handful of volunteer colonists in the temporary medical building for observation.

The next morning, Stone was frowning.

"What's wrong?" Sable asked.

"We knew the outbreak here was mutated slightly, but the updated treatment isn't working as expected," he informed her. "In fact... and I've checked another twenty patients to be sure, in nearly half the population it doesn't appear to be working at all."

Sable frowned now as well. "Can you alter the treatment again? What about the second round," she then added to her question as she remembered it, "isn't that the actual cure?"

"Yes, it is," Stone replied. "But it's effectiveness is based on the improvement in the immune system that the first round of treatment is supposed to cause. Without that, the second round will most likely kill the patient as well as the sickness." He shook his head. "We have to develop a new version of the treatment."

"Do we have the time?" the nurse asked.

Sable looked from the nurse to Stone, wondering the same thing.

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Chapter 15

{Assistant Science Office}

Karenek was already at his station when Dumas walked into the room. Just as the previous day, she said nothing. Dumas just sat at her station and began her daily routine of logging power fluctuations within the ship's structure. This became the routine due to a special request on the part of Chief Security Officer Travin. After the unexplained power outage in Commander Daem's room, Travin wanted to make sure that her bases were covered as it pertained to the security of the ship and the delegates that were on board. Then it would be back updating the cartography records of the star clusters in this sector as well as the constant scan for potential new phenomena that could present itself. This included a constant long range scan of the seventh and eighth planets in the Hilian system.

Karenek looked over to Terri and began to apologize as Commander Daem had suggested when Lt. Krasinski entered the room. "What have we found out about the power fluctuations?"

"I have been continuously scanning and have come up empty," Dumas explained. "Since the blackout in Commander Daem's office, we have not experienced any abnormalities. I have also been continuing to scan both Hilian seven and eight, and the results are the same; no change."

Krasinski then looked at Karenek, "And your thoughts on this?"

"I am not sure what to think. We don't have enough data to make any educated hypothesis, never mind a theory."

Krasinski looked and saw the tension between Karenek and Dumas. "I see. Keep looking. There has to be something that can explain this." As she began to exit, Krasinski paused and turned, "Karenek, your lesson is going to be postponed until after the peace negotiations. Right now the security of that mission is of the utmost importance in the eyes of those above us." Krasinski turned as she walked out she was heard saying, "I will be updating Captain Myst for about 15 minutes if you two have anything you need to hash out." Then the door closed behind her.

Karenek offered his apology to Terri even though he still didn't have a full understanding of why she was upset. However, he did know that they would have to work together if they were to figure it out. As for Terri, once the apology was had, her demeanor returned to normal as if a weight had been removed from her shoulders. Little did Karenek know how difficult and exhausting it was to hold a grudge.

No sooner had the pleasantries been exchanged then something blipped on Karenek's screen. "Terri, did you catch that?" Karenek inquired.

"Catch what?" Dumas said in response.

"Pull your screen up to Ten Forward. There it is again. There is a slight increase in power in the electrical system. What do you make of it?"

"Computer," Dumas began the command, "analyze the power surge in circuit 27A in Ten Forward."

"All power levels normal," was the computers response.

"That makes no sense." Dumas said as she looked with bewilderment towards Karenek.

Daem was making her way back towards 10 Forward from Sickbay to rejoin the gathering. This was going to be the last day of pleasantries as the real work was going to begin at 0800 the following day. Karenek reported his and Dumas' findings to Daem. Daem, concerned that what happened to her might be happening at the reception, picked up the pace. Daem also notified Travin and Myst. Daem also requested that Krasinski, Karenek, and Dumas also report to 10 Forward. Daem actually hoped not to find anything, but if there was something, the Science crew might be able to shed some light on this "ghost" they had been chasing if they saw it first hand.

{Ten Forward}

Myst was already in the room, trying to act as if nothing was of concern but yet maintain alert. She vaguely remembered bits and pieces of what had happened in her quarters, but one thing rang through her mind and that fact was that whatever happened was not pleasant.

Daem and Travin arrived almost simultaneously, with the three Science officers arriving shortly after. As Daem had hoped, nothing. All was as it should be. She conferred with Myst in private and the Captain also confirmed nothing out of the ordinary.

After a brief sigh of relief, the Science members were about to leave when the doors to 10 Forward would not open. Trying not to make a scene that would cause undue stress or panic, Krasinski walked over to Travin and let her know of the situation. Travin walked over and as quietly as possible tried to override the computer, but there was no affect.

Travin then turned to inform Myst there was a problem when the lights went out. There was sudden panic as those within the confines were now surrounded in total darkness. It was only a matter of seconds when bright lights appeared to come forth from the facial orifices of the three Hilian diplomats. The apparitions went from the diplomats and entered Dumas, Karenek, and Krasinski. They then spoke while the audience in the room was held captive by shock.

Then Krasinski spoke, but not in a voice like hers. It was monotone and without feeling "The time grows nearer. The children of seven must live with the children of two. Seven is dying. Eight is ours, do not approach."

Daem remembered this message from the computer screen in her room. She need to know more, and was just about to ask when the entities left the three Science officers and left the room as much the same way they had in the past. The lights in the room came on as suddenly as they had gone out. Daem was then flooded with the emotions of rivalry and hatred exuding from the ambassadors that she had originally expected upon first meeting.

The senior officers quickly assessed the situation and noticed the three Science personal unconscious on the floor. Myst thought (That must have been what happened.) Then acting quickly, Myst had Travin get the three to Sickbay, while she and Daem worked on coming those at the reception, in particular the ambassadors whose conversation fell from civility to vicious accusations of each other trying to sabotage the negotiations. It was quite obvious that both Myst's and Daem's patience was about to be tested in these negotiations.

But what does the message from the glowing entities mean? This was a question that Daem could not shake. Maybe the ambassador of Hilian Four could help. He was a historian of the system as well as an expert on the Hilian system's mythos. Daem asked to meet with him after she and the captain could regain control and calm tempers that had flared.

{The temporarily empty Assistant's Science Office}

Meanwhile, as the scenario unfolded in 10 Forward, the scans that the computers were conducting in the Assistant's Science office continued. All of a sudden, a report was logged and Karenek's computer kept verbalizing the following observations: "Hilian Seven has developed a build up of hydrogen and nitrogen over its southern pole. It's diameter is 10 kilometers."

It repeated the same statement increasing the diameter recognized by 0.75 kilometers every 15 minutes. Meanwhile, Dumas' computer registered the following on Hilian Eight, "Hilian Eight has an increase in Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Chlorine over the Northern polar region." The increase was in the same proportion as the increases located on Hilian Seven.

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Chapter 16

{Captain's Ready Room}

Priscilla shook her head slightly then looked back at the screen before her. Of course the treatment wasn't working. Why would a simple relief mission actually turn out to be simple on this ship? It almost made her want to laugh. Stone had reported yesterday that the medication wasn't effective. Now the news was worse, he didn't have the expertise needed to understand the mutation in the little time there was left. "I'll have someone from Starfleet Medical contact you immediately when you get back to the ship," she assured Doctor Stone. "If you need any-"

Stone shook his head forcefully, then spoke in hushed tones. "I'm not coming back to the ship. None of the away team can. As of this morning, we're all infected."

Priscilla frowned. Then she closed her eyes for a moment. "Alright. We'll send you whatever you need," she informed him. "If you need any specific tools that Sickbay doesn't have, send specifications and Engineering will replicate them for you. Or talk with Lieutenant Crawford directly."

"Will do," Stone replied.

"Keep me informed," Priscilla reminded him. At his nod, she nodded back once. "Myst out."


Priscilla gave Davidson a look as she entered from her ready room.

"That bad, huh?" he asked quietly as he stood to relinquish the command chair to her.

"Just tell me things are going well with the Shadrachs and Abednegoes?"

"They are still a bit rattled by last night's experience in Ten Forward, some you might say are even on edge, but they have all behaved and stuck to areas near their own quarters so far. The Meshachian Ambassador is planning to come to the conference room in an hour to speak with you and Commander Daem as requested."

Priscilla nodded, at least things were somewhat alright with the peace mission side of things for now....

"However," Jack then continued, and Priscilla's stomach sank. That was not a good sounding however, "Science has made a very... interesting report. When Lt.J.G. Delaney showed up this morning to cover for Lt.J.G. Krasinski while she and the others are in Sickbay, he found monitoring programs were still running and had been tracking a disturbing change in both Hilian Seven and Eight. The atmosphere on Seven is becoming inhospitable, the rate of degradation being point seven five kilometer diameter increase every 15 minutes. Which means in roughly three and a half months the atmosphere will be completely changed. In about two thirds of that the planet will be unable to support it's population. Conversely, on Eight an almost class M atmosphere is forming, at the same rate."

"And we've all been warned off from Hilian Eight," Priscilla remembered aloud.

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Chapter 17

Jaquelle walked out of the meeting with the Captain and the Ambassadors even more troubled. Before the Ambassadors had joined them, the Captain briefed her on the medical mission. Jaquelle started searching her mind to figure out which personnel on the planet had family members aboard ship. They would need to be talked with.

Jaquelle then realized that out of necessity she was slipping back into the mentality of ship's counselor. However she had too much work being first officer, chief negotiator and senior medical officer to also be ship's counselor. Besides, she had fought long and hard to get a new counselor on board, and right now she needed the assistance of that Counselor. But Ensign Alexandria Sandraian was no where to be found. She was never anywhere to be found.

Both Jaquelle and Captain Myst had overlooked the Ensign's failure to report immediately to one of them upon boarding the ship. Jaquelle also understood that receptions and parties could be taxing on the young Betazoid, and excused her appearance at them during the peace negotiations. But Ensign Sandraian had not only neglected everything about the peace talks but all meetings since she arrived. And right now there was a need for both a negotiator and a counselor and Jaquelle could not be both and first officer, too.

"Computer," Jaquelle called out, "where is Ensign Sandraian?"

"Ensign Sandraian is in her quarters," answered the cold voice.

Jaquelle thought this might be better handled face to face. She strolled resolute to the counselor's cabin.

Alex heard the chime at her door. Her eyes widened, she looked around at the mess in her cabin, then looked down at herself covered with paint. She tried to sense the person outside her door, but couldn't. Either it was a Ferengi, or a strong enough telepath to block her reading of thoughts. Unfortunately she knew there were no Ferengi on board. She wondered if whom ever it was outside her door would just leave if she said nothing, but she knew better. Alex looked up as if to find a device to speak into.

"Come in," she said meekly.

The doors opened and Jaquelle walked in, instantly noting the disheveled look of both the room and the counselor. She also sensed that Ensign Sandraian was, well simply put, scared. Starfleet had warned her that there was not an experienced enough counselor available at the time and if they really needed one, they would be getting someone "still wet behind the ears." Jaquelle remembered wondering at the time just what that strange earth saying actually meant. Now she knew, but Jaquelle put aside all of that.

"Ensign, you are a Starfleet Officer on one of the Fleet's finest ships. This is a prized assignment for which numerous officers would leave behind their first born child to be a part of. A lot of experienced people believed you were the right person for this job. I choose to believe they can't be wrong. You are to put on a Starfleet ensign uniform, join me in ten minutes in the situation room right next to the peace negotiations and I will help you prove all those people right."

Jaquelle turned and walked out the door. She could sense that Alex was shell shocked. Jaquelle knew she would help her get over it.

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Chapter 18

Stone stepped back into his tent after another exhausting day. He sent a message back to the Griffin requesting someone to start running tests on other crewmembers that might possibly be infected. It was a minuet point at this time since there was not enough time left to find a cure. Stone's expertise was not in the mutation. He felt like he has been defeated. This was the end. Before he could fully relax he was already requested to entertain a guest.

"Doctor are you in there?"

"Yes come in. I how may I help you."

A man walked in with a very elegant robe, a woman, and two servants following.

"Doctor, I am Premier Ja'can." He pointed to the woman, "this is my wife Shanor and my servants."

The doctor nodded in a tired manor. "It's a pleasure to meet all of you... but," he said but was interrupted before he could finish.

"I heard the vaccination didn't work."

"How did you find this out already? I haven't told anybody but my Captain," he argued.

"Calm down doctor."

"Well may I request to the purpose of your visit."

"What would you say if I told you I know where the whole thing started?"

"It might help me find out what mutated it," Stone replied sitting down on the seat and offering a seat to the others.

"About 3 years ago a man came from the stars just as you did. He offered us a way to protect ourselves from our enemies." Ja'can started telling the story.

"Who might your enemies be?"

Ja'can completely ignored the doctor's question. "After the visitor left we were scared to open the gift he presented to us.... He said that we would know when to open it. Years passed and nothing out of the ordinary happened till last month. Our enemies decided to invade our world. We were so unprepared that they had done so in less than 3 days time. We knew our only hope of destroying our invaders would be the gift from the stranger."

"The gift was this disease," the doctor pointed out.

"It did the job it was intended to do... and more," He announced ashamed of the actions of his people. "Why didn't you tell us about this man before we came."

"This man belongs to a race your federation covets."

"Who?" Dr. stone pressed.

"It's a sister planet of ours." Ja'can announced with the intent to surprise. "I believe they've requested the federation's help also but for a different matter."

Ja'can spent the better part of an hour explaining to the doctor just what happened of the last 3 years in every detail. He told them how this man came from a distant star system. Stone excused them as he thought over the story he was told.

{USS Griffin}

The communications officer looked around the bridge, couldn't find the Captain so he requested the presence of Commander Daem for the communication from the planet.

"How is everything Dr. Stone?" she asked not trying to sound to down giving the circumstances.

"I need you to do me a favor Commander."

"What is it Doctor?"

"First off," the doctor stated coldly, "I need you to run tests into the crew to check for any contamination that might have occurred that we are not accounting for."

"But Doctor, none of the away team has been aboard."

"Commander someone brought this disease here... and I don't know why but if what I heard is correct you have the prime suspect aboard the ship now."

"Doctor, are you saying the Hilians are responsible for this?"

"Commander I don't know what I'm saying... I just know for some reason in my gut it makes sense."

"Okay," Daem stated, "I'll see what I can find out."

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Chapter 19

Lieutenant J.G. Jacoby was exhausted, and not feeling well at all. Things had been hectic on board to say the least, but he had little to do with the major goings on. Instead he was reduced to organizing equipment and supplies for several possible relief missions and or landing parties deep down in one of the cargo bays.

His work kept him in engineering or in the cargo facilities on the ship and left him very little time to relax, or even get the proper amounts of sleep. Because of the ship's heightened tension, several crewmen were out of commission, including several in operations.

"All right Harley ... run the computations again please," Jacoby asked with a stifled yawn. His assistant Annette Harley nodded, and entered a few commands on the closest computer panel.

"Damned computer," she cursed. "The container is RIGHT here. Why won't it show up?"

Jacoby wrinkled his brow and looked at the computer panel.

"It's been doing this for a little while now. Things in the inventory all over the ship are not registering, or showing up as present when actually gone. I don't know what to make of it ... the computer must be on the fritz," Jacoby replied.

Harley sighed and sat down on a pallet of emergency blankets from sickbay.

"Jacoby to O'Bannion. We're going to need a full level computer diagnostic. The damn thing is going haywire."

"Sir, I can't do that without the Captain's permission."

"All right, I'll see if I can get it." Jacoby replied with a groan. Sometimes going by the book pissed him off. At least when he was thirty hours behind on sleep, and the computer was acting like a retarded old PC that used ancient Microsoft Windows.

"Jacoby to Captain Myst ..."

And that's when the lights began to flicker.

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Chapter 20

{Captain's Ready Room}

Jaquelle awaited the arrival of Ensign Sandraian before entering the ready room to meet with the lead Meshachian delegate. She knew it would be most inappropriate if she had to ask the delegate to please wait on revealing vital information while she go got a member of her Starfleet team because that member was nervous. However, right on time and as requested Ensign Sandraian arrived. Jaquelle looked at her first with the gaze of a superior officer, but then it softened ever so slightly. A quick memory of how it was on her first assignment as a counselor, and that was not quite as intimidating as this first assignment. "Ready?" Jaquelle asked Sandraian. Sandraian offered only a quick nervous nod in reply. "Well let's go then. Don't worry you will be fine and just remember your training," Jaquelle advised and they both entered the room.

Already sitting there was the Meshachian delegate and Captain Myst. Also present via the computer communications were Dr. Stone from the Palodian Colony as requested by Jaquelle, and Chief Security Officer Travin, from her office aboard the Griffin.

Ensign Sandraian surveyed the surroundings as her training did indeed kick in. She was still in a bit of awe as in this very room was the highest ranking officers aboard, and then her; just an Ensign. She quickly surveyed the emotional state of all in the room, and became concerned when she could not read the emotional state of Gauron, the Meshachian. She could see that something troubled him as he sat uneasily to the right of Captain Myst and across from Commander Daem, but she could not read anything. Sandraian made a mental note and quickly leaned over to ask Jaquelle, but instinctively before any verbalization could take place, Commander Daem said, "I know. Just keep watching and listening and learning."

Commander Daem then stood up and thanked Gauron for meeting with them. She introduced the new ship's counselor to all and then performed a ceremonial greeting which she had learned just the night before in the hopes of relieving some of the tension that was undoubtedly about the build up. Commander Daem then began to address her concerns about what had transpired over the last couple of days. They ranged from the peace negotiations, to the spiritual entities as she was now calling them, the warnings of Hilian Eight, the atmospheric changes on seven and eight, and now what was even be more disconcerting is the possible link between the outbreak on the Palodian Colony and one of the factions in the Hilian system, if what Premier Ja'can had said was accurate and the adverse affects it has rendered on those it had gone to help. By the time Commander Daem had concluded her opening presentation, all could see the physical and emotional wear these past few days had placed upon her. You did not need to be empathic to tell.

Empathy was also not needed to see the discomfort that had formed across Gauron's brow. "It shouldn't have come to this," he said under his breath.

"I am sorry, Gauron. What was that?" Ensign Sandraian chimed right up as now she was no longer the nervous painter that was in her room, but the Star Fleet officer she was trained to be, which caught everyone except Daem a little off guard. "What do you mean, Gauron?"

Gauron stood up and looked towards the wall at the back of the room almost as if he was somewhat embarrassed. "I mean, it should not have come to this. It should not be that civilizations are at the brink of distinction and that innocent persons who only came to help like yourselves are also pulled into this tangled web of despair. We are we who are all brothers in such dire straights?"

Captain Myst then spoke up in the hopes of releasing some of the responsibility from Commander Daem and also helping to ensure proper decorum in this scenario. "Maybe you can help us, really help you. Can you shed some light on what we are dealing with, the big picture?" The Captain's tone went right into the lines of her training as a diplomat. Firm but understanding and a true willingness to help laced her words.

Gauron turned and sat back down. "In order for you to begin to understand, you must know where we have come from. Many years ago we were all one people. All brothers and sisters. We were all Meshachian. We all lived on Hilian Four, as you call it, in peace.

"Now according to our religious doctrine we believe that there will be a new level of enlightenment that we shall all achieve. Where those worthy will be able to explore the farthest reaches of the galaxy in search of knowledge and be granted the ability to bring peace and hope to destitute worlds. Those worthy will be able to shed there husks and move about as do the lights of the stars. In short, we believe those that are worthy are granted the ability to become, as you call it," Gauron looked over towards Commander Daem, "a spiritual entity. In actuality we call it achieving an Elysiastic state of mind and body where one can travel as pure energy removing the bonds that tie us to certain worlds and atmospheres and living conditions."

Commander Daem pardoned herself, "Are those the entities we have been encountering on the ship?"

Gauron looked at the surface of the table gleaning the reflection of his on face and answered, "Yes. They are my brothers who have achieved that state and that is why they took measures they did as your peoples are not able to understand us on such a high level of energy and consciousness." Gauron then looked up but gazed over Daem's head and continued, "However we did not always believe that this was a truth, and as with many races, we too feared what we did not understand. Then came the first to reach that state. He was a boy who just loved life. Once he entered your equivalent of puberty something strange happened. He was able to leave his body for short periods at a time. We saw the energy visage. Rather then embracing this as our prophecies coming true, we feared it and cursed it, and that is when the divisions came.

"It was decided by our council of elders that the boy, his family, and all blood relations were to be exiled. Of course it did not stop there. As with all paranoia struck societies, we included all sympathizers and those that would stand opposed to this exile. We sent them to what you now know as the Palodian Colony. These decisions eventually led to violent civil war which only ended after one faction decided to settle on Hilian Two, and the other on Hilian Seven. Those of us who felt that neither side was right stayed upon Hilian Four, and so it has existed for years upon years upon years until now our days of reckoning have finally caught up with us."

Ensign Sandraian slumped back into her chair in disbelief. She had heard of such stories of races in uncivilized worlds, but she had never met a person so close to the experiences.

Commander Daem, however, sat more upright and began to ask the tough questions now. Specifically about what was happening to the descendants of the exile that was now on the Palodian Colony. She asked if she new of the strange man and if the Meshachians had any information that could help those besieged by the outbreak.

In response Gauron nodded, almost guilt ridden, and then continued. "We realized that this new form of ours was not a religious prophecy, but a scientific progression in our molecular state which has only affected those of us on Hilian Four. We do not know why it has only affected us, but that is the status to date. After this we realized that what we did to those exiled to the Palodian Colony was wrong, even though no one wanted to admit the mistake. Too many years had gone by and we did not wish to reopen old wounds. Therefore we decided to watch over them from a distance.

"Because most of us can shed our husks for periods at a time, we could travel over distances to watch, learn, and keep track. That is why we have little to no need of space travel equipment unlike our brethren. We had realized that those on the Palodian Colony had fallen behind slightly on technology and therefore made them vulnerable to raiders or invaders of other races. As a result we arrived at an agreement with a Human trade ship under Starfleet support, which was doing business with us some time ago. As part of an arrangement we asked him to bring a bioshield which would help fend off enemy transgressors. We new they would accept a Human's offer over ours. They had been doing reliable trade with humans for years. We were still the ones who exiled them. We had no idea that it would become a death blow to them. We were trying to protect them."

Gauron paused. Those in the room with him tried to digest the information. So much had been offered as an explanation, but much more was needed to come up with an answer to the newest equation put before them. Hilian two plus Hilian seven, equals Hilian peace and the survival of those on the Palodian Colony. Yes that was the solution to the puzzle, but how do the pieces fit together. That was the current quandary that occupied each and every person's thoughts.

Ensign Sandraian then sat up much like Commander Daem had done. If you were an outsider on the scenario, you would say she was trying to emulate her to a fashion. The Ensign rubbed her hands together, cocked her head slightly to the right, and while everyone watched to see what she would say, she finally spoke. "Okay, we know that you made one hell of a mistake, maybe two, three, or four hundred of them over the years. So have all races who become civilized. It is also obvious you are trying to remedy it but are having no luck. So, what is the plan now?"

That is when Dr. Stone who had been also digesting all of the information interjected, "Gauron, if you have been monitoring the situation here all along, then what went wrong with the bioshield?"

"Good Doctor," Gauron began, "as I am sure most have figured out a bioshield is just that. It is a living shield. We derived our version from the J-Harek Shield which I do believe a member of your crew may have some insight on. Anyhow, it is NOT the J-Harek shield but a version of it. It was supposed engage with the planet's atmosphere causing in affect a defensive barrier to fend off enemy invaders. However, what we didn't know is that there is a unique bacteria which the bio elements of the shield mutated with when it was activated. The shield never did become engaged. When the enemies breathed it in, it killed them. When those who already had the bacteria inside of them, it appeared as Diaphoid but it isn't. It isn't a virus and that is why you have been unable to cure it."

"Then what do we do?" inquired Dr. Stone.

"There are two stages that need to take place. The first is the easy step, remove yourselves from the environment so you stop breathing in the bacteria. The second step is more difficult. You need to be in a slightly chlorinated infused oxygenated environment to help destroy the bacteria already taken in."

"Can we create such an environment?" Dr. Stone inquired. "I think the medical isolation chamber-"

"We have already begun." Gauron answered.

"Hilian Eight." Captain Myst stated.

Gauron nodded. "That is why it is so important to make these talks work. In order to create the atmosphere needed to save those on the Palodian Colony, we needed to adjust the orbits of both seven and eight. Unfortunately this means death to seven. The is plenty of room on Hilian Two for both to coexist and allow the relocation of the Palodian Colony to Eight for their recovery."

Commander Daem continued to evaluate all that was being said as was Captain Myst. Then Myst asked a key question, "Why can't Hilian Seven move to Hilian Four?"

Gauron then frowned. "The adjustments made to the orbits of Seven and Eight will eventually cause a gravitational pull that will cause Hilian Four to break apart and become nothing more then an asteroid belt within our system. We make the sacrifice of our home because we can move without or husks. However, those others involved cannot. We hope that this will atone for or lack of foresight over these many years and maybe even in some small way, reunite our people."

After that, a hush that was deafening fell over the room. (Now what,) entered all of there minds.

Captain Myst then spoke, "Thank you, Gauron." She then looked at Ensign Sandraian, "Escort Gauron back to his quarters." After the door closed behind the two, Captain Myst looked to Daem, "Assemble the senior staff. Bring back Ensign Sandraian and also bring Karenek if he is well enough. I want options. Meet here in one hour." Captain Myst stood up, "I don't know how much time we have, but I feel it running out faster then we would like." She then turned to the monitor with Stone's visage, "You hang in there, we will bring you home."

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Chapter 21

{Palodian Colony}

"Sickbay reported that no one on the ship is infected," Nurse Alex Fort informed Stone.

"Finally, some good news," he replied as he looked through the open door into the other room where the rest of the away team was starting to fight off symptoms.

{Griffin, Main Engineering}

Jason Crawford frowned at the readouts before him. "Of all the times for a glitch to manifest," he mumbled.

Jacoby nodded from beside him. "It'd be bad if this interfered with the negotiations."

"Yes," Jason replied resolutely. "Alright, we'll take care of the diagnostic," he informed Jacoby, meaning the Engineering staff would spend the several hours running one manually. "You guys bang on everything you can and see if you can isolate any more symptoms that might help us track this down."

Jacoby nodded. The Operations department usually got stuck with the boring or time intensive busy work. At least this time the Engineering department would be working just as hard on just as mind-numbing stuff. (Misery loves company?) He wondered briefly to himself with a silent chuckle. (Or perhaps we all just need some sleep....)

{Ready Room}

Priscilla looked at Davidson. "You need some sleep," she observed as he finished his report on the ship's status.

"I can say the same of you," he retorted.

She waved her hand. "I'm fine. I wouldn't be able to sleep anyways. My mind is racing too much."

"I know that feeling," he answered with a nod.

The door chime rang then.

"Come," Priscilla said.

The door opened to reveal Jaquelle. She nodded at Davidson as she walked by him.

"Sirs," he said to them both with a half nod, then headed out.

Jaquelle stood across from Priscilla. "The crew is not infected," she told the Captain.

Priscilla nodded. "Operations has reported a computer problem which they do not believe is minor. I've given Engineering permission to perform a level one diagnostic. Which means a few systems will be taken offline for short periods of time throughout tonight."

Jaquelle sighed. All they needed was another problem now! "I just spoke with the lead delegates of both the Shadrachs and the Abednegoes," she filled in Priscilla. "The Abednegoes are scared. Understandingly so. They are willing to continue with the negotiations, and have also asked for our assistance in evacuating their plant if the negotiations fail."

"We wouldn't be able to do it ourselves," Priscilla mused quietly. "And there might not be enough time for enough other ships to arrive." She looked at Jaquelle. "I'm going to send a message to Starfleet requesting assistance now. They can be called off later if necessary."

Jaquelle nodded. "The Shadrachs seem intrigued by the turn of events, and wish to stay at least long enough to find out what is actually going on. They have an uncanny intuition. I did not tell either side what Gauron revealed to us. But I would not be surprised if the Shadrachs know more than they should at this point."

Priscilla "hmm"-ed at that thought. "It's almost time for the staff meeting," she said then. "I'll be there as soon as I finish my letter to Starfleet."

Jaquelle nodded. "I'll check with Engineering on the schedule for the system outages and the negotiations to make sure none coincide."

"Good," Priscilla replied. "See you in a few minutes."

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Chapter 22

{Science Lab}

Anna studied the readouts from the science station for what must have been the 100th time, at least that is what it seemed like to Karenek. He knew Anna was overly thorough in everything she did, but this was different. She had camped in Stellar Cartography from the time she found out about the problems with Hilian 4, 7 and 8, until she came back and fed the data into the science station. Then she just kept manipulating the data, over and over. Karenek couldn't figure out why, and didn't dare interrupt her to ask. He just tended to his own work. But finally he knew he had to interrupt.

"Ah, excuse me," Karenek said gingerly. Anna didn't respond.

"Excuse me," he said louder. Still Anna was lost in the station.

"Excuse me, Sir" Karenek said loudly. Anna looked up. The sir had caught her attention. She looked around to see who had come in.

"Did you call me sir?" Anna said.

"I was just trying to get your attention," Karenek responded. "It's time for the staff meeting."

Anna turned back to the station, gathered up a bunch of padds and got to the door before Karenek could move.

{Conference Room}

Anna and Karenek walked in to the conference room before both Captain Myst and Commander Daem arrived. Anna sat at her usual spot, loaded her information into her station and intently started manipulating information again. She stood up by routine when Captain Myst came in and instinctively sat back down immediately, because that is the way Captain Myst always likes it.

Commander Daem quickly briefed the staff on the state of the peace negotiations. All the while she noticed that Anna was not hearing a word she said. After Daem finished and sat down, Dr. Stone started to brief the staff about the medical situation. Daem concentration on Anna. She could sense she was troubled, and conflicted. Daem quickly sensed the rest of the staff to see if they were reacting the same way. Everyone else was concentrating on Dr. Stone, except Karenek. He was distracted by Anna, also.

After Dr. Stone finished his report, Captain Myst spoke up.

"Any suggestions?" she asked.

"Lt. Krasinski and Lt. Karenek, you both seem to be preoccupied with something," Daem stated.

Anna looked up at hearing her name. She then looked to Karenek. He just looked puzzled.

"I, hmm, just was looking at some, ah, data," Anna shuddered. "Well, actually when I heard about the planetary problem I went to Stellar Cartography, and well hmm, I programmed the ah, entire solar system but, I ah didn't add the um Palodian planet because it isn't in the solar system, even though it's being moved into the system. Not the planet but the people," Anna continued. "I, um, then started to put all the planets into their current orbits, which is necessary before changing them..."

Everyone just stared at Anna as she continued to speak, except Captain Myst who looked to Daem as if to ask ‘what has happened to make her slip back to her old self.' Daem shrugged and interrupted.

"Anna, have you made a discovery we should know about?" Daem asked slowly and patiently.

Anna looked up, realized what Daem's tone of voice meant, pulled herself together and said:

"Hilian Five is also changing. It's atmosphere will be able to sustain life before Hilian 7 dies." She said. "The Abendegoes can move there." Anna projected her findings to everyone's station.

"But even if the atmosphere comes around, how can they survive," Karenek asked. "The planet is so barren that it would take a century to terra form."

Daem understood the problem... Anna's that is. She knew why she had reverted back to her old shy self.

"Your parents could teach the Abendegoes how to live on Hilian 5 without terra forming it, can't they Anna?" Daem said.

The infamous Krasinski's, Karenek thought. They are Anna's parents! Everyone in Starfleet and well, everywhere, knows about them. How could he have never put it together?

"This is the break we need," Karenek declared. "You could just ask your parents," he said to Anna.

The rest of the senior staff was quiet. Ensign Sandraian could sense everyone's emotions and could not understand why there was only a sense of relief coming from Karenek.

Anna broke the silence. With her new found confidence she said:

"Yes, I will get them to do this," she said.

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Chapter 23

{Griffin, after crewmembers are cured}

Jack set a slow pace down the corridor heading back to sickbay. He felt so tired and still felt the sick from the mission. He really just wanted a shower and sleep but they were luxuries he wasn't going to grant himself.


Ensign Fort was there working on a few projects when she noticed the door open. She turned and greeted him and could see the effect that sleep deprivation.

"Doctor you should go get some sleep," she announce with worry in her voice.

Jack smiled back at her and told her he would as soon as everything in the universe was working normally. She frowned at this but shrugged it off.

{Doctors office}

The doctor finally drifted off to dreamland. At best it could be called chaotic. Toward the end a voice started echoing. The voice itself got closer.

"Doctor!!" she yelled finally waking him from his slumber. The doctor sat up and greeted his guest.

"What can I do for you ensign Sandraian," he asked.

"Actually I came to see what I can do for you,"

"What do you mean?"

"As I'm sure you know I'm Betazoid. I can sense your having problems sleeping... The captain asked me to talk to you about your brother."

"Ah I see, thank you Ensign but I'm fine."

"Doctor you can fool most people but you don't fool me. I know your not fine."

The doctor sighed and motioned to let her sit down while he explained about the death of his brother.

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Chapter 24

Ensign Sandarian looked to the doctor. "I know right now we are in the middle of an important mission. But if you do not take time to grieve then you will not be any help." The Ensign's brow furrowed lightly. "You need to go do something other than work. At least for the next two hours. So as ships counselor I am ordering to go think about something other than the mission." She didn't seem so confidant in the whole ordering someone to do something. But she tried really hard. "Think on it Dr. Stone, if the situations were reversed what would you order someone in your condition to do."

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Chapter 25

{Captain's Ready Room}

The chimes that used to be so inviting began to wear on Captain Myst's nerves ever so slightly. Just for five minutes she thought, just five minutes of peace to compose her mind and soul; that would be so nice. She shook her head as she thought, (and these two assignments were supposed to take the Griffin away from excitement.) Captain Myst placed her head down on her arms in attempt to garner those five minutes she longed for when the chimes to her ready room went off yet again. (So much for my five minutes,) she thought. Captain Myst composed herself and gave the response, "Come."

In walked Commander Daem. Jaquelle looked just as worn as Captain Myst from the recent events, even if she tried not to let it show. Myst and Daem had worked together long enough that the chemistry between them almost allowed the ability to finish each others thoughts and sense each other's emotions; even without using their innate racial abilities.

"You look bothered, Jaquelle." Myst started the conversation.

"Not bothered, but more perplexed. Look at this, it came in just about 45 minutes ago from Star Fleet Command." Jaquelle then handed over the communique to Myst.

Captain Myst began to read. "This is great news. After giving Star Fleet the information from Gauron, and with Gauron's help, they have confirmed that we can bring all of our away team back to full health. The have found a suitable way to simulate the atmospheric conditions without harming our personnel. Starfleet is sending the medical ship USS Hanoi who have already adapted their isolation rooms. And the Hanoi will be here... tomorrow. This is great news. Has Dr. Stone been informed?" It was obvious that this was the first "genuine" bit of good news from the tone in her voice. However, as exhilarated as Myst became, Daem became that much more concerned.

"Yes, Dr. Stone has been informed and he is prepping his away team as we speak." Jaquelle's brow then turned slightly downward and she took a deep breath, "but there is more. Read on."

Captain Myst continued to read. As she worked her way down the communique, Daem felt the exhilaration that filled Myst upon reading the news that the away team was going to be okay, fade into confusion and despair. (She just got to the bad news,) Jaquelle thought.

Captain Myst placed the communique in front of her, "What do they mean we are to drop off the Hillian representatives? How can they say we have done all we can do? Why would Star Fleet turn their backs and use 'The Prime Directive' as a scape goat for this decision?" All of these questions were rhetorical in nature, and both knew it, but they were also very fair questions to ask. After a moment of awkward silence, Myst looked at Daem, "Okay. Say nothing of the second part until I talk with Starfleet personally. For now focus on bringing Dr. Stone and his crew home."

"Aye Captain," was all that Daem could say before she left the ready room.

Myst sat in the ready room for a few minutes, looked at the communique, placed it down again and then attempted to contact Starfleet.

"Yes Captain. This Admiral Hansen."

"Sir, I have read your report, but I don't understand. We have been asked to help, and now after all we have discovered we are in a position to aid those of the Hillian star system, and Starfleet won't?" Myst inquired.

"Calm down, Captain." Hansen ordered. This took Myst by surprise. She had never raised her voice or asked the question in an irrational way. That would not be the way she would have handled it. She was almost, offended. Hansen continued, "You know as well as I that we are not allowed to interfere in the natural course of events as it pertains to a species or race of other planets, even if they are spread among several planets. This is an issue that has developed among a single race even if they use different factions. We have met all of our requirements and that is all we can do. You are ordered to return the delegates to their home worlds once you have received your away party from the Hanoi, is that clear?"

"Yes Sir," Myst replied in a harsh, but yet compliant tone.

Myst sat back and thought. (Something is not right. I am not sure what it is, but there is something that is not being said.)

"Myst to Krasinski." After a few moments, no response. "Myst to Krasinski," and again no response. "Myst to Karenek."

"Aye Sir." Karenek responded.

After a moment of thinking (Well at least the communicator is working,) "Karenek, were is Krasinski?"

"I believe she is in her quarters. She said she was going to her quarters and contact her parents about the situation on the Hillian planets. Haven't seen her since," Karenek explained.

Myst was about to ask the main computer for a location on Anna when her comm badge went off, "Bridge to Captain. You better report as we have visitors."

Captain Myst momentarily put Anna on the back burner and reported to the bridge. As she walked in she saw at least ten space ships of various sizes, none of them recognizable to her. The closest description she could compare them to where giant squids, spotted in browns and greens, but with no tentacles. "Who are they?" Myst asked.

"Sir, the computer hasn't found a match in the database yet. I don't know who they are, but we are being hailed."

"On screen," Myst commanded.

On the viewer appeared an individual wearing the same type of environmental suit that Karanek would wear. Clouds of a greenish gas sounded him and he then spoke, "I am Commander Rikku-Rasa of the Gorgelon ship Montara. We have been sent to help you with your... relocation issues. We also have two very special guests with us. I believe you know them?" From the gases stood the Krasinski's wearing oxygen masks. "Permission to come aboard."

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