Episode 12

What In the Galaxy?

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Back to the story

Chapter 1

{Science Lab}

Anna looked over all the information before her for the third time, and the crease in her forehead deepened. There was so much strange yet scientifically intriguing about it all when comparing Starfleet's records to the records from the Vulcan database. Why hadn't the Vulcans explored this more aggressively? She finalized her summary of her findings and sent it off to Starfleet Science.

Just as she finished, she coughed to clear her throat, and suddenly realized that was the second time in the last five hours that she had coughed! She immediately sought out the medical tricorder she kept stowed in her office. As she went to get it she became more and more worried about what disease she might have! Quickly, she scanned herself to check her vitals... temperature: normal... pulse rate: high... blood pressure: high...

She stopped watching the tricorder's readouts and immediately headed out to sickbay. The Doctor had asked her to not diagnose herself anymore, but to let the professionally trained medical staff do their job. She had agreed when she came to the conclusion that if they were just going to run all their tests every time she went to sickbay instead of just taking her word, it was a waste of possibly precious time for her to figure things out for herself first just to have them redo the diagnostics.

{Two weeks later, Ready Room, 0900}

Everyone arrived for the standard morning senior staff meeting in their usual order. Once Priscilla moved to take her seat, the other officers sat as well. She looked around the table with a smile playing at the corner of her mouth.

"Reports? Updates?"

Jaquelle looked around the table to make sure her forthcoming statement was true before proceeding. "The only thing new since yesterday is the pending arrival of our new Assistant Science Officer."

Priscilla nodded as Anna spoke up. "Lieutenant Junior Grade Vosch Karenek is scheduled to arrive in fourteen hours. I've already made arrangements and drawn up a preliminary schedule for him."

Before Anna could start in on all the details, Priscilla jumped in. "Thank you, Lieutenant. We will wait for him before departing to our next assignment." She gestured at the small view screen behind her chair. "If you would explain for the crew please?"

Anna nodded, and stood. She activated the viewer. "A couple weeks ago I discovered mention of a small wormhole in an almost completely empty sector of space. There is a dual pulsar star system nearby, which is incapable of supporting life. A Vulcan survey three hundred twenty seven years ago revealed the system has nothing of note within it. Except for this wormhole, there is absolutely nothing around the star system for ten light years." She had the computer split the screen and called up two sets of maps. "I was digging through stellar phenomena records two weeks ago when I came across mention of this wormhole. According to Starfleet's records, here on the left, the wormhole has been there, in the same location, since at least the day the Federation was formed, if not before! Wondering why nothing has been done about this, I discovered a note attached to the record which says the wormhole is unstable. At first I took that to mean the other end moves around like the Barzan wormhole. But Vulcan records indicate the other end is as unstable as this one."

"Did you not just say it's been in the same location for over two hundred years?" Freeman asked.

"Yes," Anna replied, but she pointed to the chart on the right. "But as you can see here, the wormhole is not mentioned. This record comes from the Vulcan database and is of the galaxy about seventy-five years before the founding of the Federation. Our label of the wormhole being unstable is a carryover from Vulcan files from before Starfleet had mapped out parts of the galaxy ourselves."

She changed the image on the view screen again, to display a false color image of the wormhole. "The Vulcans have in fact been studying this wormhole for many decades now. But they still firmly believe it is unstable, simply given it moved once already to arrive at its current location. In the past one hundred years they have sent four probes through the wormhole." Another screen change, to display the probes results.

"As you can see, the first one was designed simply to go through, then begin scanning and send the results home. It has been over a hundred years and that probe has yet to be heard from. The Vulcans did not draw any conclusions from that as many things could have happened. The probe could have been destroyed, it could have gotten caught in another phenomenon on the other side, or it could have emerged outside of our galaxy and so its transmissions are still traveling home, or any other number of possibilities.

"The second probe, sent thirty years later, was more advanced in shielding and scanning. It was programmed to reverse course one day after emerging from the wormhole. This probe did return, but not for six days. It's records showed it took the probe five days to complete its travel through the wormhole, it then spent one day taking readings of the surrounding area, and then somehow managed to spend only an hour and a half on its return travel through the wormhole. The records of the journey both ways were inconclusive in explaining the discrepancy in travel times, whether it was due to differing subspace densities that the probe passed through in the wormhole or something else. They also did not show any indication of the first probe.

"The third probe, another thirty years later, was equipped with enhanced technology and given the same mission as the second, but set to begin scans as it entered the wormhole. The intention was to get a complete understanding of the inside of the wormhole. However, this probe passed through the wormhole in four minutes on its first trip, and two on its return. It did establish that the other end of the wormhole was still in the same location as it was thirty years before, bringing back nearly identical readings as the second probe."

"The most recent probe, sent about twelve years ago, also made the journey through the wormhole in minutes each way. The other end is still in the same location, and the Vulcans now have a fair amount of data on that region of space. In that same year, data gathered by the USS Enterprise when it was taken to the Cytherian home world was used in conjunction with the probe's data to establish that the other end of this wormhole as being merely two star systems away."

"So this wormhole lets out somewhere very near the center of the galaxy," Jaquelle commented.

Priscilla smiled, then turned her chair back around to face the table of officers. "Starfleet thinks the risk of the wormhole being unstable is extremely minimal and any ship sent would be able to return through the wormhole in time at any sign of the wormhole starting to move. They want more information on this phenomenon, and want to get it more reliably that with just a preprogrammed computer. They want to send a top of the line ship, both scientifically and defensively, just in case there is something going on. And since Lieutenant Krasinski uncovered the scientific curiosity, they've decided we get to be the ones to go! Any questions?"

"Why did the Vulcan wait thirty years between sending each probe?" Sable asked.

Anna shrugged. "The location is a long way out and with nothing in the surrounding area it was never on the way for any of their ships going anywhere else. Since it is considered unstable, it wasn't ever given high enough priority to be a ship's mission in its own right."

"But Starfleet is much more intrigued, and as we're much bolder in our exploration, we're jumping right to manned exploration," Priscilla added. "We leave tomorrow morning."

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Chapter 2

Jaquelle walked into her quarters, sunk into her sofa and laid her head back. She could feel the stress that knotted from the middle of her back all the way up her spine, through her head and to her temples. It was the first day that she wondered why she had ever wanted to be an executive officer.

Two ensigns had to be punished. One of them had received a "care package" from home. It appears his father thought it was ashamed that he had missed this years batch of homemade "moonshine." After all, it was the best in years. So his father sent him some and he shared it with his cabin mate. The two of them were found in a remote access to the warp core. Not only had they disrupted the entire holo-matrix on their jaunt through the ship, but they were about to shut down the warp core when they apparently passed out. As it were, in the area they were found they were not only smashed, they were about to be roasted.

Jaquelle just closed her eyes and fell asleep, she never even made it to her bed.

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Chapter 3

It had certainly proved an interesting event, if not ironically funny to some. How the package of moonshine had arrived in the hands of a Starfleet officer on the Griffin, Ryan could hardly guess, but the glorified paper jockey wasn't about to let similar packages slip past her again. As for the ensigns, that was left to Daem. Where one was the paper pusher, the other was the people pusher-quite the ironic assignment for a former counselor.

The position of executive officer was not designed to smooth the personal problems of the ship, but more to make sure they never occurred and that business was done. In truth, it was not a personable position. Executive officers, through long standing tradition, were the hated superior. They could not let personal feelings or counselor's softness, tarnish the harder shell, or they would eventually become the welcome carpet to the captain's ready room, instead of the wall that kept problems from the captain's preoccupied mind. It is true that the captain was well informed of all the occurrences on ship, but problems usually came to the captain in solved form, through the executive officer.

Ryan pondered over the predicament she had found herself in once two drunken idiots had manipulated the holodeck controls. It had been quite a surprise. She could neither explain by what means she blinked and found her boots frozen within the ceiling and her body hanging upside down by her ankles, nor why the landscape hand changed from a warm grassy field to the inside of an icy cave. She was grateful that her clothing had managed to adapt to the new conditions and she had found herself bundled in the heavy warmth of winter wear. Moreover, she was further grateful that no serious harm had come upon her or Travin. Knowing the intelligence factor of alcohol, things could have been ultimately worse.

Ryan let a small sigh escape as she pondered silently in her quarters. She felt her chest fall with the breath, relaxing, and let her body melt, to use a metaphorical term, into the couch. It had been quiet for the last couple of weeks, yet it seemed so much occurred that she was just now catching up, and stumbling along the way. She felt a pinch of loss, going numb to the touch. She held the belief that she could work well with anyone, yet not become to close. The idea that when someone left, she could go on in life virtually unaffected. However, it was at the parting moments like these, that she was forced to admit that she was not being honest with herself.

It had been an abrupt decision to say the least. So much like Commander Ivanof; and to be wholly honest with herself, she had to admit that his parting had stung, and she missed him. Now it was McInnis' turn to be missed and the pain was mildly acute.

It was like a small weight, placed upon the heart, causing a deal of boredom and, at rare moments, vacant thought. For once, after nearly six years, Ryan wondered what she would do next, and her heart was open to the world, vulnerable or merely accessible-time would tell. When the loss of someone she had romantic admiration for could cause isolation, how ironic that it could be the loss of one she had simple admiration for that would open the doors again. However, perhaps that would be too simple of an explanation, and the truth was a thousand times more in complexity and blessing-working over patient time. Again, perhaps that is all it was: time.

{Ten Forward, Deck 9 Balcony}

Ryan finally found herself settling contentedly into her chair. She sat alone at a small table, which would comfortably fit two and luxuriously fit one. Her head was held slightly low, glazing out below the top balcony bar through the large bay windows and to the stars. Idly, she sipped from a tall cylindrical glass, a dark lilac colored drink.

"It's a nice day for a white wedding..." Freeman sang to himself as he came strolling into the upper level of Ten Forward. He paused a moment looking at the deck indicator. (I wonder if this is technically Nine Forward. So many questions ... and I have so many answers...) He chuckled. It was pretty empty in the ship's lounge right now. "Hmmm..." He looked around, catching sight of Sable over at the balcony looking down at the windows. He grinned, strolling in that direction. "Hey Ryan," he said aloud. "Mind if I join you?"

Ryan appeared a bit startled to hear Freeman's voice, and in such an informal tone, but she could not help but give a soft smile. They were, after all, off duty, and she could not deny her friendly nature nurtured by her new vulnerability, which easily swept away professional worries and smoothed her startled moment. "Please," she replied gently, sweeping a hand at the chair opposite her.

"Right on dude," he said in a type of strange punk accent, sliding into the seat across from her. He shifted slightly getting comfortable. He assumed from the empty table in front of him she had not eaten yet. "Waiter not here, or did you eat the plate too?" he asked with a smile and wink. It had been a long day, and he was HUNGRY.

Freeman's manner caused Ryan to mentally step back a moment. It seemed very unusual for the officer; he was rather professional from what Ryan could remember of him. Though if she had the ability to look upon their past meetings with a more open mind, she would find that she was the one taken to a professionally laced sociability. "I have not eaten," she replied with a soft laugh. "I was only thirsty." She felt her smile grow, and then took a sip of the sweet drink in her hand.

"Ah ha, I see. I need a martini, a whole lot of them," he commented in reply. "And ... about two whole salmon, a baked potato ... salad ... and ... and ... green beans. Then maybe a cheesecake." He looked up for the waiter again, hoping he would stop by soon and he could place his order. His stomach growled as if on cue to emphasize his desire. "What are you drinking anyways?"

Ryan tilted her head to the right upon his last question, eyeing her drink. Then she looked to Freeman, with her left cheek bared to him and gazing at him through the corners of her eyes, a contemplative beam in her lips. "Would you like to taste it?" The drink was a concoction from her youth, which she had not thought to share with any before, innocently keeping the sweetness to herself.

"Sure. I can handle any type of drink you sling my way sailor," he replied, glancing over to see what she was looking at. He looked at the pink liquid in the glass. It sort of looked like pink lemonade, but Freeman had a feeling it concealed something far more potent.

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Chapter 4

{Griffin - Commander Daem's Office}

"...was just too ridiculous to be anything but initially startling. It was really just a matter of waiting until the holodeck was back under control."}

Jaquelle agreed that a Vulcan kickline performing on a stage affixed to the holodeck's starboard-side wall was quite ridiculous. Privately, she wondered if the strange apparition one based on a program anyone actually used.

"Thank you, Lieutenant Commander," Jaquelle said as she finished her notes on Travin's account of the holodeck incident. "Is there anything else you would like to add for consideration?"

Rinali frowned. "I realize that they didn't intend to cause any harm and it seems nothing too serious occurred. But that was due more to luck than any precautions on their parts. We both know how potentially dangerous an out-of-control holodeck can be and shutting the warp core down would have tied up engineering for some time at the very least. And even putting aside the fact that the alcohol came aboard the ship, there are precautions they could have taken to ensure that nothing like this happened. I wouldn't remove them permanently, but I would take very serious action. Of course, I am sure you will handle it appropriately."

Jaquelle thanked Rinali for her confidence just as Sable's voice came over the communicator.

"Commander, we're approaching the wormhole area. As soon as you've finished with your report, the captain would like you and Lieutenant Commander Travin to report to the bridge."

"Understood. We'll be there shortly." Jaquelle replied. She rose from her chair and Rinali did the same.

"Thank you for your help with this," Daem said to Travin. "I'll inform you once I've..."

Jaquelle broke off mid-sentence. A sudden and very strong mental impression had taken hold of her mind. It was not violent in any way, but it was still extremely powerful. It was hard for Jaquelle to get a fix on the meaning of this feeling; it seemed very alien to her. But it was a very definite presence.

It was a few minutes before the feeling passed. Jaquelle expected to see Rinali looking at her with confusion or concern. Instead, the security chief was rubbing slightly at her head and looked as if she was coming out of a dazed state.

"I take it you felt that too?" Jaquelle said.

Rinali nodded. "Yes, Commander. It was rather difficult not to."

Jaquelle agreed. "Let's get to the bridge and inform the captain." she said. "I have the feeling we are being watched."

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Chapter 5

{Ten Forward}

Gordon took a sip of the pink liquid expecting a fiery alcoholic nightmare from hell ... but was pleasantly surprised when he tasted some sort of sweet liquid. It made him smile slightly, and he passed the drink back.

"Hey ... not too bad," he commented, waving the waiter over. "Hiya. I'd like two baked salmon, a baked potato, some ... green beans ... and a martini." The waiter nodded, making notes on his PADD. The Chief Operations Officer must not have eaten all day he mused before leaving for the counter.

"Some deal with that Moonshine huh? Sounds like you had more fun than I did with the whole deal." He laughed slightly. "Any idea who is replacing McInnis? I haven't heard a word."

Sable shook her head, smiling. "No, I haven't heard anything yet Mister Freeman."

"Please, call me Gordon. I'm not on duty, and neither are you, Ryan." He laughed more. The waiter arrived a few seconds later, setting his plate down before him. Gordon grinned, preparing to delve into the culinary delight before him. The salmon look cooked close to perfection, something a well programmed replicator could do.

Ryan Sable blushed slightly at his comment, her friendly nature showing through quite obviously. As she smiled and sipped her drink, Gordon Freeman started to eat his meal. Much to his credit he was tactful and polite instead of merely shoveling the food down his throat like he felt like doing. Nevertheless, fish, potato and vegetable disappeared at an alarming rate.

When he was done, and the waiter was retrieving the whole cheesecake he ordered, he sat back in his seat, relaxing. He smiled again.

Meanwhile on the bridge, the XO and Sable's stand in at the CONN were making the final adjustments in the plan to proceed into the wormhole. It was going to be an important moment for the field of science, and all over the ship maintenance crews were working with respective departments fine tuning and tweaking every instrument on the ship for optimum performance.

As Freeman sat with the lovely Ryan Sable he thought about how he didn't know all that much about where they were going, and how it might be prudent to look into it a little, so he might have a working knowledge of what they knew so far. His thoughts floated away however upon the appearance of the French Cheesecake he had requested.

"Hey Ryan, why don't you have a slice of this?" he asked, grinning. He had asked for two plates and forks with this in mind.

She shook her head and blushed a little. "Oh no, I don't know Gordon ..."

"Nonsense. Have a little of this action. Trust me, you'll love it," he insisted, placing a slice on her plate before she could leave, or continue to object. He thought he figured a few things out while on the Griffin about Ryan Sable. One, she was very shy at heart. Two, she likes to remain professional due to this shyness. Three, you can't wait around all day for her to make the first move - take McInnis for example. Gordon Freeman was not prone to making first moves, but he was going to give it one hell of a shot.

"Hey Ryan ... you doing anything later? I just dug up some cool old movies, and I have an awesome recipe for Gut Bomb Greaseball Buttered Popcorn."

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Chapter 6


Priscilla stood and walked up behind conn's chair.

"Take her in, Commander," she ordered, looking down on Ryan with a smile. Priscilla was very much looking forward to this mission. True scientific exploration! While things surrounding the mission weren't completely unknown, it was only enough for everyone to feel safe about a manned expedition. Otherwise Priscilla wouldn't have been bringing the saucer section/civilians along.

Jaquelle and Rinali stepped off the turbolift as the Griffin was about to cross the threshold of the wormhole. The officers headed for their respective stations and Priscilla turned to walk back to her chair as Jaquelle approached hers, so the two ended up moving together.

Jaquelle turned her head towards the Captain as they took their few steps. "How did you fair the experience?" she asked.

Priscilla thought a second then gave her XO a questioning look. "What experience?"

Jaquelle stopped before her chair to look up at Rinali as Priscilla turned and sat. But seeing her two officers exchange such a glance, she turned her chair to face them. "What happened," she asked crisply with no small measure of worry.

The mouth of the wormhole opened. Not in the blossoming of swirling vibrant blue colors way wormholes were typically known for. This one had muted red and orange colors that seemed to grow out from a pin point into increasingly large concentric rings.

As the Griffin passed through, Priscilla watched Jaquelle fall into her chair with eyes tightly closed and Rinali press her hand to her forehead and another to the station before her to steady herself. This time the moment quickly passed, and Rinali again massaged the effects from her mind. Jaquelle opened her eyes, and breathed deeply once.

"That happened," Jaquelle replied.

Priscilla looked from her XO to her Security Chief. "What... was that? Are you both alright?"

The two nodded. "It was simply overwhelming, not actually painful," Rinali replied.

"I- we can feel the presence of...," Jaquelle began. She trailed off in her explanation as she looked up at Rinali. "Some thing."

"Something?" Priscilla asked somewhat skeptically. More to get a better answer than to indicate doubt.

"It is too different to be able to explain well," Rinali replied. "But I," she looked at Jaquelle, "also, have the distinct impression we are being watched."

"There is only one *something*," Jaquelle added. "But despite it's intensity, it is very elusive to our minds. Which would explain why you haven't sensed it. I don't think any of the full telepaths on the ship could locate the source."

Before anything more could be said, Sable's voice cut into the conversation. "Captain, we're loosing velocity," she announced, her hands dancing across her console as she tried to correct the problem.

"Why?" Priscilla asked.

"Unknown," Sable replied, falling deep into concentration, a look of unhappiness growing on her face.

"The density of the surrounding matter has quadrupled in the last minute," Rinali reported from her station. "and continuing to increase as we move forward."

Now Priscilla frowned, turning to look at the view screen. "Is there a better course?" she asked of any who would answer.

"No sir," Rinali replied. "All surrounding areas read the same densities and rate of growth."

Sable lifted her hands off her console and narrowed her eyes at the view screen. "Even if there was a better way, I couldn't get us there," she said with frustration. "The ship is being held on a specific course, away from the one plotted. I have no control."

"The station's not operating?" Freeman asked.

"It's working perfectly," Sable replied, keeping the bitterness out of her voice. "The ship's even responding. It's just not making a difference. I can't turn, speed up or slow down. The ship is being moved by something else."

"Course?" Priscilla asked.

"Towards the port edge of the wormhole, and twenty-two degrees below horizon," Sable replied.

"All stop," Priscilla ordered.

Sable keyed the command, not really seeing what that would get them, but not questioning the order. To her surprise, the Griffin did in fact stop, at least it seemed to relative to what was surrounding it in the wormhole.

Priscilla stood. "Full external scans and analysis. Perform diagnostics on all major systems too. I want to know just what is going on here." She looked at Jaquelle. "Perhaps the Doctor and Science can somehow help locate your 'something'?"

"Sir," Freeman called for Priscilla's attention. "I believe I am detecting another ship. It's located along the course we were being carried."

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Chapter 7

Lt. JG Vosch Karenek walked into Sickbay for his required check-up. The first thing he noticed was Anna Krasinski sitting on a bio-bed. From his research he knew that Dr. Stone was attending her. He stood a bit awkwardly.

Just then the doors opened again. This time it was Commander Daem. Jaquelle looked at the scene being played out before her. She could sense Anna's usual anguish, Dr. Stone's impassivity and a person in an environmental suit's discomfort. If she wasn't so worried about what was happening outside the ship she would have slipped back into her psychiatric mode and analyzed each of them. Instead she wasted no time.

"Dr. Stone, if you could heal Anna, now, she is needed on the bridge," Jaquelle stated flatly.

Dr. Stone was a bit taken aback.

"I take it the first officer's manual repeals "bed side manner, Doctor," Stone said as he looked over his shoulder at her. (He made a point of emphasizing that she was a doctor). He then studied her for a second. It didn't take an empath to see something was wrong with her. Stone stopped what he was doing and walked over to Jaquelle. He started to scan from one ear to the other.

"You have unusual front lobe activity, Commander," he said. "I think I need to run some tests."

"Sorry, Doctor," Jaquelle replied. "I have to get back to the bridge, but I suspect you will find this same condition in all the telepaths, well at least half telepaths on board. Captain Myst is not effected. She would like you to monitor outside sensor readings to see what you can make of it." Jaquelle ran her fingers over a medical station to route external readings to Sickbay.

"Why wasn't I notified that there was a problem with all the telepaths on board?" Stone ask a bit irritated. What are the symptoms?

"We can't seem to figure it out ourselves. There is an overwhelming sense that there is some great mind out there. Rinali and I believe that all of us with at least half telepathic powers seem to experience a force at the same time, then it quickly passes. The is no real pain that accompanies the felling, but it does stop us for a few seconds." Jaquelle looked up from the station.

"However, I do need Lt. Krasinski, " she continued, then turned to Karenek.

"Welcome aboard Lt." she said. "Sorry we have to meet under these conditions. When you are finished here contact Lt. Krasinski to she if she needs you."

Dr. Stone quickly injected Anna with a placebo hyper spray.

"That cough shouldn't bother you any longer," Stone said to Anna. Anna quickly jumped down from the table, she knew no matter how near death she was her first duty was to the ship. She turned to Karenek before leaving with Jaquelle.

"When you are done, report to stellar cartography and contact me from there," Anna ordered. "You do not have bridge clearance yet." Before Karenek could answer, "Just ask the ship's computer, it will direct you any place you need to go," she said.

Karenek noticed that Anna did not cough even once. ‘Talented doctor' he thought.


Daem walked onto the bridge with Krasinski following. Anna went straight to the science station. Streams of data was coming in from outside of the Griffin all being accurately categorized and cross referenced as only Anna would do.

"Freeman, have you been able to identify that ship yet?" Captain Myst asked.

"Not yet Captain," he replied.

"Um, excuse me Captain it's a, a Bothan ship," Anna stuttered her way through the report. Jaquelle almost shook her head. How can she be so forceful when talking with Karenek and so meek here among those who know her Jaquelle thought. I really have to cogitate on this.

"Bothan?" Captain Myst questioned.

"They are a race encountered by Voyager in the Delta Quadrant. They are a fiercely territorial race of dangerous telepaths widely feared since many ships and crews have disappeared after entering their space. Bothan technology is known to be impressive but more so are their extraordinary mental powers. It is not clear if this is a natural ability or if it is artificially enhanced or created. Their ships generate a massive bioelectric energy filed with psionic properties...."

"Freeman," Myst interrupted. She knew that Anna would keep going with every little known fact about the Bothans. "How is it that this ship is not recognized immediately by the computer?"

"Unknown, Captain." Freeman responded. "Possibly Lt. Krasinski knows."

"I, um, think, Captain, that, that Captain Janeway wasn't sure that the Bothan ever existed at all," Anna stumbled. "So they are not in the primary data base."

"Regardless, Captain," Freeman said. "There is no power coming from that ship and I read no life signs. It appears that it has been in that position for a long time."

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Chapter 8

"Appearances can be deceiving," Sable interjected from her place, a heaviness to her voice; like the warning of a looming storm as it thickens on the horizon. "The Bothans, if I remember correctly, were well-oriented in the uses of telepathic manipulation. A single Bothan nearly disabled the crew of Voyager through telepathically forced hallucinations," she then explained, turning from the helm. "They were saved by the mere fact that a telepath was on board and could filter out the hallucinations." As she finished, her eyes fell from the Captain to each known telepath on the bridge, Daem and Travin, and she studied them. From there she rested upon Freeman, gazing for a moment until she shook herself and became puzzled by the distraction, returning to her console.

As she pondered, Sable found that her gaze on Freeman was an unexplainable action, but somehow felt natural, though she did not immediately venture to allow it again.

"I suggest due cautions, Captain," Sable said, regaining her voice. "An especial lookout by the telepaths on board, and a monitor of known telepathic brain wave frequencies."

Freeman noticed her gazing at him and looked sideways at her for a split second. His first instinct was that he had something on his uniform, or his hair was messed up. He brushed his uniform off and smoothed his hair, then went back to working on his sensor displays. He began to scan on several frequencies with the powerful lateral scanners on the primary hull. As he worked, he listened to Sable's warning.

"Nothing on the low end frequencies. Just odd distortions here and then. I have the computer working on them now," he reported. In front of him, a small spike in the display registered every few seconds.


The reactions it felt were curious. There was fear and caution; these it knew well from the one it kept. These were the feelings that one had felt before the one had learned that no harm was meant. The thing that was most curious about their fear and caution was that the feelings had shifted from itself to the one.

Then there was the newer feeling, the one they called curiosity. This feeling was deeply shaded, and driving. It could tell. Perhaps this was the reason that the others had sent machines to visit, it pondered. It would have been far more pleasant if the others had visited in presence, it reasoned. It would have known the others in return. Curiosity was what kept them here.

And then there were the lesser feelings, small and pushed to the side to concentrate on other things. It wished they would not push the feelings so far. It would like to know them better. Perhaps ... it could help bring the feelings out just a little in them ... to know them better ...

{Bridge, Griffin}

There was a slight gasp to the captain's side, from Daem and then Travin, and Myst knew instantly the cause. That strong mind out there, stating it's presence in her officer's minds. She glared at the Bothan ship on her screen, wondering if things were truly more than they appeared. The moment soon passed, and Daem and Travin relaxed once more.

"It was the same as before," Daem offered an explanation before Myst could inquire.

Myst nodded. "Can you detect anything telepathically?"

Both Travin and Daem answered in the negative. All they could feel was the overwhelming presence at the times it chose to present itself in power.

"What about the frequencies, do you have anything on that analysis, Freeman?" Myst questioned her chief operations officer concerning his earlier readings.

"Still no change in the Bothan vessel. Background noise increased slightly." Freeman reported, watching his screens. An idle thought drifted by concerning his like, and pursuit of Sable to his left. Smiling slightly a moment, he pushed it aside and resumed watching his screens. There had to be something that was holding them there, and making the telepaths a liability. "The computer is working on it still."

Ryan studied her readings, conducting her own analysis as well. For a thought she found herself wishing that she might be telepathic, so that she could better analyze what the telepaths were feeling. It might have helped to better understand what was possibly happening. But that was not in her control, and she shook the thought. Simultaneously, another thought entered her mind, peculiar and flooding her senses until it became quite like another reality...

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Chapter 9


It considered what it had learned, pondering what to do next. The attempts to bring out more emotion in them had proved very informative. But the stronger ones among them seemed to free themselves from it more easily. They reacted with confusion and irritation and so it decided the cease this mode of exploration. It did not want them to think it meant any harm.

But what to do now? It could simply wait and see what developed. But it was not patient. It had been waiting for so long for another to come. And there was always the possibility that they might leave. It had sent out the one it kept to try and keep them interested, and possibly to evoke some new emotion in them.

Now there was a thought. It had learned all that it could from the one now that its occupants had been sent away. It had the space and time to take them in for closer study. It had been helpful with the one, until the occupants had learned what it was and tried to control it. But It didn't sense anyone as strong among them. It decided to go with this plan. They would be afraid at first. But with more opportunity to study them, it had a better chance of learning to communicate with them, let them know that it would not harm them.

It began to draw them closer, slowly, so as not to frighten them.

{Griffin - Bridge}

The crew grabbed at anything nearby in an attempt to brace themselves as the ship gave a sudden lurch forward. Myst got back to her feet slowly and glanced around to make certain no one was injured.

"Sable, what do we have?" she asked. Sable, momentarily dazed by the ship's sudden movement, snapped to attention.

"We're moving closer to the side of the wormhole. I can't get control back."

"The Bothan ship?" Myst asked.

Sable shook her head. "It's not them. If anything, they're moving farther away."

Myst turned to Daem and Travin to see if they had any ideas of what was happening. But judging from their expressions, they wouldn't be of much help for another minute or so.

"Sable, keep trying to get the controls back. Both you and Freemen keep looking for anything that might tell us what's happening. Fortunato, stand by with weapons."


The presence of the other mind was even stronger now. Rinali still felt no pain, but she couldn't do anything to help either. And if something didn't happen soon, the Griffin was going to end up embedded inside the wormhole, with no idea if it would ever be able to get out again. Of course, the probes that had been sent in had all eventually gotten out in one piece. But there was the Bothan ship, seemingly stuck and devoid of any signs of life.

Rinali doubted that these strange occurrences and the presence of this overwhelming mental force were coincidental. If only they could contact the thing directly. But that was far too dangerous. After keeping her abilities dormant for so long, who knew what would happen if Rinali tried to contact something so alien? But if she did nothing, what might become of the Griffin, the ship she was duty bound to protect at any cost?

Rinali clenched her fists. It had been so long that the effort was physical as well as mental. She tried to open up her mind slowly, keep it controlled. Concentrate. She could feel the metal presence growing stronger. It had been overwhelming before, but now it seemed to rush in, shattering her slowly opening barriers, flooding her mind completely. She tried to block it out again, but it was too late now.

Rinali screamed.


It was startled. One of them seemed to have destroyed part of herself as it was examining them. This one had become suddenly stronger. Not as strong as the ones it had studied before. But it could sense this one's feelings much more clearly now. They were not subtle or pleasant. It sensed pain and fear, greater than any it had sensed before. It became distressed.

It tried to use this newfound strength among them to remedy the situation. It shifted its own mental patterns to be more rhythmic and soothing. Once they were calm again, it might be able to communicate with them further.

{Griffin - Bridge}

Rinali felt the change in the mental presence. Her screaming died down, but she still couldn't shut the stronger mind out. And she had the sinking feeling that once the mental presence was gone, she would be hearing the thoughts of every person onboard the Griffin. The floodgates were open and Rinali had no idea how to shut them again.

The mind she was contacting still felt very alien to Rinali. But there were certain things she could make out. There was a slow rhythmic pulse which had helped to ease the initial shock of Rinali's full powers returning. And underneath, strange but certain, Rinali felt a kind of concern. It seemed like a good sign.

Another lurch reminded Rinali of her surroundings and why she had done something so stupid in the first place. The Griffin was in danger. The mind had some connection to it. It need to be contacted before the Griffin was stuck in the wormhole.

"STOP!" Rinali yelled, both mentally and aloud.

The Griffin stopped.

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Chapter 10

{Sick Bay}

Dr. Stone chuckled slightly as Krasinski walked out with Jaquelle, "I wonder if she will ever figure it out."

"Figure out what?" Vosch asked inquisitively.

Dr. Stone looked at Vosch, "Never mind. That is truly none of your concern. Now come on out of your suit so I can give you your clean bill of health. You know my scanners can't do their job while you are in there."

Vosch opened the top portion of his suit and came out. A peaceful calming affect washed over Dr. Stone. "I just can't figure it out Vosch. For some strange reason I always seem at peace whenever I examine one of your people."

"I have that effect on most people," Vosch said with a slight snicker.

Dr. Stone performed a thorough examination and as usual, Vosch was as fit as could be. "Alrighty then, you are all set and can go back into your home away from home," Dr. Stone said with a tone of amusement in her voice. As Vosch climbed back into his suit Dr. Stone turned suddenly from what he was doing, "Have you experienced anything odd recently, Vosch?"

"Odd in what way, Doctor?"

"Like what Commander Daem mentioned; things happening to the telepaths."

"I am not a telepath, so I guess not. You might be thinking of the Barimin, but there is no need for them to be out in this sector, nor do they have any affect on people unless they can see you," Vosch explained.

"It just seems odd. Well, I guess that is for me to worry about and not you. You better get to Stellar Cartography. Oh and Vosch? Welcome aboard."

"Thank you, doctor."

{Proceeding towards Stellar Cartography}

"Vosch. Vosch, hold up," A voice sounded coming up from behind. It was Ensign Cardigan from the Brathwaite.

"Ah Mark, ready to go back to your ship?" Vosch asked.

"Don't sound so disappointed," sarcasm again exuding from Mark's lips. "Besides, you might be seeing me again before you know it." Vosch tilted his head slightly in a puzzled motion. "I have put in for a transfer to the Griffin. I have been told I still have to finish my tour on the Brathwaite, but if all goes well and there is a place for me, I will be here in about 8 months. So you aren't the only one sharking his way up."

"Sharking? What does a fish have to do with coming to the Griffin?" Vosch inquired.

"Never mind," he chuckled, "I have to go, but hopefully I will see you soon. Good luck Vosch."

"And the same to you, Mark."


Voice from comm Badge: "Lieutenant Krasinski."

"Go ahead," Krasinski acknowledging the page.

"Karenek has just arrived."

"I will be right there." Krasinski then turned towards Captain Myst who then gave her permission to leave the bridge.

{Stellar Cartography}

As the door opened, Krasinski entered the room with a sense of purpose and urgency. "Karenek, it looks as if our game is going to have to take a back seat for a while. I have put in a security clearance request with Lt. Cmdr. Travin so I can bring you all of the details, but for now, what do you know of wormholes and technology affecting them?"

"I have studied the files you had given me and to the best of my knowledge, what I know is what you have in those files." Vosch answered.

"Are you sure there is nothing else, no matter how slight of a difference?"

"Without knowing all of the facts, it is hard for me to give any further enlightenment. Although there may be one thing that you might not know."

"Okay, what?" Krasinski asked urgently.

"Back in the days shortly following the Klingon Empire formation as we know it, the Klingons experimented with wormhole technology as a means of traveling great distances through space at even faster rates then warp speed. Now of course these tests failed, however during one of these experiments, another race was encountered, called Bothan, I believe. The last tests on record before termination of the project was to send a series of frequency modulations from an emitter array. This was supposed to stabilize the portal and allow free movement in and out. I can pull up the last record before the termination from the database which contains the information if you would like."

"Please do." Krasinski said now with a tone that was a mix of urgency, excitement, and concern, all rolled into one.

{Computer Log, Translated}

Voice from terminal: "This Captain H'jduk about to commence with project test number 476.2. The frequency modulation to this point has shown to hold this portal stable. The Bothan's will attempt to open the other side and travel through."

A second voice: "Captain, this is the Bothan ship El'quahair, activating the portal." After a moment of pause, "Hmmm, it doesn"t look the same as before."

"What do you mean? What is different?" Asked Captain H'jduk

"It looks different!!! It is red and orange in color and grows out from a central point!" The Bothan explained with a sense of panic.

From the Bothan ship, "Sir, we are getting pulled in! I can't stop it!!!"

"Reverse! Pull back!!!" the Bothan commander ordered.

"I can't sir. The ship won't respond!"

Another higher voice from the Bothan ship, "Get out of my mind! GET OUT!!!"

Captain H'jduk ordered, "Terminate! Terminate!!!"

"It's too late!!! In the name of" what is THAT?!?!" exclaimed the Bothan commander.

"Captain H'jduk, we have lost the signal," explained the second in command on the Klingon ship.

"Shut down the portal." Captain H'jduk ordered.

"Aye, Sir. Captain, it isn't shutting down. There is something coming through!"

"What is that?!?!" H"jduk shouted.

"It looks like a..." (static)

{Stellar Cartography}

"That is it." Karenek stated.

A flushed look came across Krasinski's face as she began to feel the tickle in her throat the doctor had earlier corrected. She gave out a little cough, nothing like before. "Get that into the main computer database so that it can be reviewed by senior personnel. Good work and keep digging. Once Lt. Cmdr. Travin has approved your clearance, I will give you all of the details."

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Chapter 11


"Rinali!" Priscilla called out with concern as her Chief of Security held on to her station so tight her knuckles were literally turning white and screamed. She looked at Jaquelle, and seeing she was just as surprised as everyone else, concluded this wasn't the same thing as whatever was 'watching' the ship and occasionally affecting the telepaths. "Active the EMH," she ordered.

Priscilla watched, feeling quite helpless, as the Bridge's EMH popped into existence and did it's thing. It almost opened with it's catchphrase, but made the quick assumption that the medical emergency was the person currently screaming and began examining Rinali. She quickly quieted, but is was clear she still wasn't 'with' the crew on the Bridge. Suddenly she yelled "STOP!". Surprisingly...

"Reading all stop," Sable reported with a touch of awe from the CONN.

Priscilla looked at Sable, then back to Travin. Then to the EMH. "Well?"

"She's in a state of mental shock," it replied, continuing its examination. "I am reading highly elevated activity in the part of her brain controlling her telepathy. Much higher than anything she could achieve on her own."

The turbolift opened to reveal Anna. "Captain!" she spoke urgently, then abruptly stopped upon seeing the situation.

"Will she be-" Priscilla began, but the EMH cut her off.

"I recommend she be moved to Sickbay for monitoring and more in depth study."

Priscilla nodded, and turned to Jaquelle. "Go with her. She might be able to 'talk' to you."

{Sickbay, ten minutes later}

Doctor Stone shook his head at an unspoken thought, then turned to Jaquelle. "I can't find the source. And I don't dare try to block whatever she's in contact with without knowing more about what that is or what might happen."

Jaquelle pursed her lips and nodded, looking at Rinali. Whenever she tried to sense Rinali's emotions, all she could feel was that same feeling she got from whatever it was that was watching the ship.

{Deck 1, Conference Room}

"Give us a visual connection with Sickbay," Priscilla ordered. Freeman nodded, and a minute later Jaquelle and Stone were on the viewscreen. They're faces were all Priscilla needed for a report on Rinali's condition. She wasn't in any current danger that they could detect, but she wasn't doing any better. "Lieutenant Krasinski, please repeat for them what you just told us," Priscilla asked.

Sable, Freeman and Priscilla sat quietly as Anna repeated herself word for word, filling the two other senior officers in on Karenek's discovery.

"So you are saying this ship in the wormhole with us has been here for over three hundred years?"

"*Many* more than that," Anna replied, "but yes."

"No wonder there's no one left alive over there," Sable commented.

"But there may still be answers," Priscilla replied.

"You want to send an away team," Jaquelle observed with a tone that indicated she did not agree.

"I do," Priscilla replied. "Who knows how long they survived in here, what data they gathered, how much the learned. There might be something that can help us. Or at least help Rinali. From the sound of things, I wouldn't doubt that she is being affected by the same thing that affected the Commander of the Bothen ship in that log."

"We don't know what the danger of doing so is. No one has ever tried transporting while inside of a wormhole before," Jaquelle replied. "Then there's the condition of the Bothen ship. And the unknown of what's affecting Commander Travin, and to a lesser extent all the telepathically capable persons."

"I volunteer to go," Freeman spoke up.

"Your concerns are noted, Commander, but I believe we need answers quickly, and that ship is our best bet at getting them." Priscilla looked from the viewscreen to Freeman, and nodded. "Lieutenant Freeman, assemble a team."

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Chapter 12

Daem looked at the Captain inquisitively then appropriately but firmly said:

"I will assemble a team."

Myst acknowledged.

It had always been the First Officer's prerogative to form an away team, even if he or she disagreed with the order. It was the First Officer who led the team unless there was a reason not to. Basically that was only when either the Captain or the First Officer was incapacitated, or it was a minor mission, which this was not.

Since the Chief Security Officer was incapacitated, Jaquelle wanted Zosin, someone whom she and Travin trusted with their lives. Because Freeman had volunteered and the Captain agreed, he would be chosen. It seemed that Anna was the other natural person to go since she knew the most about the Bothen and their ships. She really wanted to take Sable but knew she would be needed to handle the ship if there was any problem.

"Freeman, Krasinski, obtain environmental suits and meet in Transporter room one," ordered Daem without hesitation. She then touched her communicator.

"Zosin, secure an environmental suit and report to transporter room one for an away mission," Daem called. As she walked out she could sense her own excitement for an away mission.

Krasinski stepped out of the room, also and immediately touched her communicator.

"Karenek," she said, "I need you to constantly monitor the wormhole. We are sending an away team over to the ship. Give a detailed and thorough report to the Captain if anything changes."

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Chapter 13

{Transporter Room 3}

"Captain, we are ready to beam over," reported Commander Daem over her com-link.

"Very well. Be careful," replied Captain Myst.

"Karenek, this is Krasinski. Make sure you watch those readings closely and report any changes immediately. I don't want you to think you can get out of our game by default." A slight chuckle could be heard within her comments, which brought about a raised eyebrow from Daem indicating a combination of amusement but a little concern as well.

"Aye, Sir." Karenek replied.

"Let's go," Daem said. "Karenek, the computer in Stellar Cartography is directly linked with the ship's main computer. That should help you monitor things, including our vocal transmissions." The party stepped onto the pads and Daem gave the command, "Energize."

{Bridge of the Bothan Ship}

"Griffin, this is Daem, do you copy?"

"We read you loud and clear, Commander." Daem began her initial report, "As we had expected, there appears to be no power. There are also no signs of any life or remains. It is almost as if this was a ghost ship. Space dust accumulations, not out of the ordinary for something estimated to be 300 years old." Daem looked towards Zosin and Krasinski, "Krasinski, take Zosin and see if you can find engineering and at least get us enough power to turn on the main computers."

"Yes sir," Krasinski acknowledged. "Let's get to it Zosin." Zosin acknowledged and they left the bridge via the access way that was used in emergency situations.

Freeman then turned to Daem, "What do you expect that we will find out commander?"

"In all honesty, I am not sure what we will find. We may not find anything at all. What I do know is that this ship is supposed to have been here for 300 years, and according to a computer log, got itself trapped."

"Commander Daem." Krasinski's voice came over the com-link.

"Go ahead," Daem acknowledged in her usual manor when business was at hand.

"Zosin and I have just reached the engineering deck. We have found the main power grid and should be able reroute to power the computers. There is no way we can activate life support, however. The crystals the Bothan's used are too drained for that. Once the power is rerouted you will have about 15 minutes to find what you need in the database and send it back to the Griffin for analysis. Then it will be all she wrote."

"Understood. Let us know just before you switch over."

{Bridge of the Griffin}

"Captain Myst, this is sick bay. Dr. Stone would like you to come immediately. It's about Lt. Commander Travin."

"I'll be right there. Sable, you have the Bridge." Captain Myst left with a true sense of urgency.

{Bridge of the Bothan Ship}

"Commander, we are about to start the power switch over. Because we will not have time to analyze the data before transmission, might I suggest that we buffer the computer in Stellar Cartography and transmit to there? Karenek can then begin to analyze and make sure no damage can come to the Griffin's main computers."

"That is a good idea, Krasinski. Did you get that Karenek?" inquired Daem.

"Got it sir. The buffering is already completed and you may transmit at any time," Karenek replied.

Then Daem reported, "Captain, we are about to switch over the power and begin data transfer."

"This is Sable. The Captain had to attend to an issue in sick bay. Something about Travin. We are ready, however, so lets get it over with. Something just doesn't feel right."

{Sickbay on the Griffin}

As Captain Myst entered sick bay, she witnessed Travin convulsing and trying to flail uncontrollably. In a very startled, almost controlled agitated state derived from the fear of not knowing, Myst demanded to know what was happening.

"Don't just stand there, help get the restraints fastened so she doesn't injure herself," Dr. Stone demanded of Captain Myst.

After a brief struggle, the doctor and the Captain were able to overcome the Flailing Travin and fasten the restraints.

"Just what is going on, Stone?"

"If I knew, Captain, I could do something about it. Look it her vitals. Respiration and heart rate through the roof, and blood pressure to match. Then look at this. Her EEG shows that his cerebral activity is even more elevated, though I have no idea how."

As suddenly as the convulsions started, they stopped. Travin's eyes opened wide and rolled back into her head revealing only the whites. All vital signs still elevated.

"Doctor, are we losing her?" asked now a semi-panicked Captain.

"I don't know, but we just might be if I can't figure out a way to get her vitals down to a manageable level," Stone responded.

{Bridge of the Bothan Ship}

"Here we go Commander Daem," Krasinski said as she entered the command sequence to switch the power to the computers.

The screens on the bridge began to flash. Then without warning the Bothan vessel began to act if it were being bombarded in an attack. It only lasted about 30 seconds, but it seemed like a life time to the unsuspecting away team. When Commander Daem was able to regain her senses, she realized that Freeman was missing.

"Freeman!" Daem yelled, hoping to hear from her missing comrade. She then pressed the com-link, "Krasinski... Zosin... come in!" Still no response. Nothing but silence.

Then a bright white light appeared like that which would be found in a heavenly myth. From the light walked an apparition that looked much like Travin. It even spoke in Travin's voice, "They are not here, Jaquelle. They have been sent back to the Griffin."

"Rinali, is that you? How did you get here? It can't be you, can it?" Daem inquired with confusion and wonderment.

"No, I am not Rinali. I am just borrowing his visage so that we can talk. Why are you here?"

{Sick Bay on the Griffin}

"Captain, this is Karenek."

"Go Ahead," Captain Myst responded with a tone that obviously showed her patience was lacking because she was more concerned about her friend Travin.

"There is a change is the frequency be emitted by the wormhole. There is also an electrical discharge of immense proportions." Karenek said excitedly.

"From the Bothan vessel?" inquired Captain Myst.

"No Sir. From the center of the wormhole directed at the Bothan ship." Karenek explained.

Just then, the away party appeared in the Sickbay of the Griffin without Commander Daem.

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Chapter 14

{Griffin, Sickbay}

Priscilla hated feeling helpless! It was worse than not knowing anything. She looked down at Rinali. What was going on!?

She turned to the away team and looked at Freeman and Zosin in turn. "What happened?" she demanded to know. Before anyone could reply her eyes widened slightly and her voice indicated heavy concern. "Where's Daem?"

The three officers glanced about, and also did not see Jaquelle. "Most likely she's still on the Bothen ship," Anna offered.

"Computer, locate Commander Daem."

"Commander Daem is not-"

"Myst to Bridge," she ordered, not waiting to hear the rest of the computer's reply saying Jaquelle wasn't on the ship, "Scan the Bothen ship for lifesigns and report!"

She looked back at Rinali. What if what was happening to her was happening to Jaquelle too? Rinali had Doctor Stone to help her...

"We were retrieving information from the Bothen ship's computer," Freeman began to report, "when there was a blinding flash and we appeared here."

"It did feel somewhat like a transport," Zosin chimed in.

"Scans of the Bothen ship are being blocked," Sable reported from the Bridge. "We can't even get a lock on the away team."

"All except Commander Daem are here in sickbay," Myst informed Sable. Suddenly she had a thought. "Commander, am I right in my knowledge that there are three other telepaths and five empaths on board besides the Commanders?"

Sable quickly had the personnel records checked. Stone also checked the medical database to pull up their records for analysis. "Yes, Captain," Sable replied through the comm. She then listed the eight people on board.

Priscilla looked at Zosin. "Find them. If they're still under their own power, have them report to sickbay. If not," she gestured at Rinali, "they need immediate medical attention."

She looked around for a second. "If anyone needs me, I will be here in sickbay," she announced at large.

"Acknowledged," Sable replied, "Bridge out."

Zosin nodded and immediately headed out to compete his task.

Anna looked at Freeman, then Myst. "I'm going to head to Stellar Cartography and see what information we were able to retrieve." Priscilla nodded approval. As Anna walked out, she pushed aside the wonderment of what the obviously alien transport might have possibly done to her and the others. As there were no apparent signs of trouble yet, she currently had more important things to deal with.

As Freeman turned to head back to his post, Stone spoke. "Not so fast Lieutenant. I want Ensign Fort to run some scans on you, just to be safe. If nothing's wrong, we can extrapolate for the time being that the others are fine too."

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Chapter 15

{Bridge of the Bothan Ship}

It [the wormhole], knew this being [Jaquelle] was different from the rest of them [The Griffin]. This being was not as strong as the one [the Bothan], or some of the rest of them. But it could see that this being could perceive visions out side of this linear time. That is what it needed.

As Jaquelle looked at the image in front of her, all of her El Aurian, Betazoid and Starfleet training immediately kicked in. Her Starfleet training kept her calm yet concerned about her colleague. Her Betazoid training gave her the skills to keep her mental shields strong while allowing her mind to open a bit to empathically assess the situation. But it was her El-Aurian sense that felt the wholeness of the being.

As she studied the form in front of her, the first over riding sense was the feeling that Rinali was somehow in danger.

"What have you done with Rinali?" Jaquelle communicated with thoughts just as she would to any telepathic race. Her father had insisted as she grew up that she always communicate in this manner with races that were telepathically gifted. That way, he would explain, your mind won't be thinking one thing while your mouth is saying something else.

It pondered the question.

"I have tried to communicate, but she is wrong," It replied.

"Stop the communications with Rinali and I will show you a different visage to use to communicate with me." Jaquelle thought.

It pondered this request, too. As it saw into Jaquelle's mind, it would feel that the visage she was showing it did not cause the disquiet in Jaquelle that the visage of Rinali did. It released Rinali.

Jaquelle knew immediately that it was no longer connected to Rinali. It was as if she could see the disconnection in her mind. And then Jaquelle saw Rinali's likeness fade in front of her. Curiously, the person Jaquelle was visualizing to it did not appear before her. The person just stayed in Jaquelle's mind and communicated with her from there.

"Why are you here?" It said again.

Jaquelle knew that what she needed to do was remember that she was from a race of listeners.

"To know you," Jaquelle responded.

It pondered the answer. Curiosity, it thought. Yes, that was what it had felt from them before. It knew that the others [Vulcans] were not curious enough to come, but they were. It was pleased that they came and it wanted to return the pleasure.

Suddenly visualizations of all sorts flashed into Jaquelle's mind. There were places and experiences and planes of existence and possibly even alternate realities. So many, so fast that she could not keep track of them. She thought that at any minute her head might explode. Then she realized that this was how it communicated. That was the feeling she had on the Griffin when they first came into the worm hole. But she had to slow it down and she had to do it without scaring it.

Jaquelle shut her mind. Then she pictured two hands raised in front of her, palms open, facing away from her. All around her was a galaxy full of stars coming at her and the hands were trying to catch each star, but missing almost all of them.

It pondered the image Jaquelle put up and it understood.

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Chapter 16

{Griffin - Sickbay}

Rinali regained consciousness almost as suddenly as she had lost it. She gasped for breath, relieved as her body responded to her mental commands. When the presence had attempted to contact her, her mind had been completely overwhelmed. She had become a distant observer, only faintly aware of what was happening to her.

Rinali looked around slowly, trying to get a sense of where she was and what had happened. The familiar instruments of sickbay hardly surprised her. She could see the captain and Dr. Stone standing over her. She was also aware of others in the room, confused and concerned. But how could she know that? Captain Myst and Dr. Stone were completely blocking her view. She could clearly feel their concern and their surprise at her sudden recovery. Dr. Stone was thinking over what tests he would need to run once Rinali was up to it....

With sudden horror, Rinali realized what was going on. She tried desperately to put her mental blocks back in place. But it was no use. When Rinali had let down her guard a little to try to contact the presence, it had shattered her mental safeguards. The thoughts and emotions of other minds flooded in and Rinali had no idea how to shut them out.

"No," Rinali moaned, uncertain whether she had spoken it aloud or merely thought it.

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Chapter 17

{Griffin, Sickbay}

Priscilla had been speaking with the eight telepathic/empathic officers that had reported to sickbay as ordered, discussing their experiences with the intelligence that was now doing more than just watching the Griffin and trying to come up with ether theories or ways of how to possibly defend themselves. Priscilla immediately turned her attention to Rinali when she heard her Chief Security Officer gasp.

"Her lifesigns have stabilized," Stone reported.

"Did you do that?" Priscilla asked.

"No," he replied. Both looked down at Rinali.

"No," Rinali moaned, uncertain whether she had spoken it aloud or merely thought it.

Priscilla's eyes widened slightly. In fact Rinali had done both, and Priscilla had heard both. She was suddenly reminded of the time when she had interned on Betazed as a cadet, working as an assistant to those who helped adolescent Betazeds just coming into their telepathic abilities.

"Uh oh," she whispered. Jack looked over at her with a questioning expression but Priscilla was looking over her shoulder at the three other telepaths.

They quickly nodded and moved to the biobed. "We can at least try," one of them responded aloud to some unspoken question.

After a moment of silence Priscilla nodded. "Yes, only a temporary solution, but still..."

Just then they all were slightly started, and on Priscilla's part also very relieved, to hear Jaquelle in their minds.

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Chapter 18

{Bridge of the Bothan Ship}

The visualizations that were overwhelming Jaquelle slowed. No longer did it seem that her mind was in danger. In fact it was just the opposite. Her thoughts were clearer than she had ever experienced. She was able to not only read the thoughts of the people on the Griffin, but also visualize them as they were thinking. And yet her mind was not overwhelmed.

As Jaquelle probed deeper, she could also visualize the experience of the wormhole, not just in the present and not just on this plane. It was an explorer. It was old. Maybe even older than Jaquelle's El-Aurian grandfather, although she wasn't even quite sure how old he is. The wormhole would explore by going to parts of the galaxy and just stay and wait. Sometimes it would stay for a few years, some times for a millennia, some times it would lose track of how long it stayed.

Jaquelle felt as if it were a kindred soul to her people. It was in some way a sort of listener. Jaquelle had not experienced such an incorporeal feeling such the last time she was on El-Auria. She just felt that she could stay here and visualize life for a long time. Maybe forever.

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Chapter 19

{Griffin - Sickbay}

"It's all right. Everything is all right."

Priscilla easily recognized Daem's telepathic voice, but there seemed to be some sort of low echo added on to it, less than a second behind. Priscilla looked over and realized that Rinali was muttering the same words as Jaquelle. Her inflection and timing were exactly the same. Priscilla didn't take this as a good sign.

"Commander?" Priscilla asked telepathically. "Are you all right? What's happening?"

As Jaquelle began to answer, Rinali's muttering started up again. Priscilla signaled to the other telepaths to try and help Rinali while she received Daem's reply.

"I am fine, Captain. I am currently communicating with the presence we felt earlier. It is the wormhole."

"The wormhole?" Priscilla was taken aback. She had never heard of anything like this.

"Yes," Jaquelle replied. "It's alive. It's been exploring the galaxy for longer than even I can fathom. It wanted to study the Griffin and it's crew but it intends no harm to us. That's why it stopped moving the ship when it sensed we were in distress."

Priscilla took a deep breath. It was a lot to process. They were, fortunately, out of any immediate danger. But the implications of a living wormhole brought up a lot of questions. It could mean unprecedented changes for the Federation and for space travel in general. And the knowledge from the wormhole's travels could advance their knowledge of the galaxy to incredible degrees.

But that was getting too far ahead. Priscilla looked over at Rinali and the telepaths gathered around her. Take care of the problem at hand, then worry about everything else.

"Commander," Priscilla thought, "Rinali is still suffering after effects from the wormhole...'contacting' her. She doesn't seem to be able to control her powers. Can it help to restore her to normal?"

There was a pause. Then Jaquelle's reply came.

"It didn't intend to harm Rinali. When we started moving, she apparently tried to reach out and contact it. It responded, but Rinali was overwhelmed. From what I understand, her powers are actually quite strong, but once she came in contact with it, Rinali lost control of them. It does not know how to undo the damage."

As she heard Daem's reply, Priscilla began sensing images as well. Some related to their conversation: the Griffin moving towards the wormhole wall, an amorphous shape flooding into a space, a series of doors being shattered. But others were completely non-sequitor. There were strange planets, unfamiliar spacecrafts, and other things Priscilla couldn't even recognize. She glanced at the other telepaths again. By their varying expressions of puzzlement, surprise, and delight, she guessed that they were experiencing the same thing.

"Jaquelle," Priscilla communicated, dropping the formality, "What exactly is the wormhole showing you?"

Priscilla could feel Daem's smile.


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Chapter 20

{Bothan Ship}

The images through which the wormhole was communicating began to slow down, or at least they appeared to be to the senses of Jaquelle. Then again, it might have been the fact that both Jaquelle and the wormhole were able to bring their thoughts into sync.

Finally the images stopped. The image that it had stopped on was that which brought Jaquelle her most peaceful memories. Walking closer to Jaquelle was a tall slender being. As it came into focus it changed before her eyes trying desperately to match the image of someone that would bring her the most comfort and ease. The visage finally achieved it's goal. It's smile, it's eyes, everything about it brought a feeling of peace and serenity. It continued to speak telepathically with Jaquelle.

"What do you think, Jaquelle?" inquired the visage.

Almost with a sense of awe, "It is amazing."

The visage nodded, "I need you help in talking with your leader, will you aid me?"

"What do I need to do?" inquired Jaquelle.

"Just relax and keep your mind open."

{Sick Bay}

The conversation that had transpired could be heard through Rinali's mutterings. Captain Myst watched closely for any signs of danger. Then suddenly the image of a person long from Myst's passed was next to her looking over Rinali. Then the person looked at Myst. Taken back, Myst almost fell backwards as the shock of the visage startled her. Myst could vaguely hear people asking if she was alright, but those questions seemed like distant echoes.

The visage tilted it's head and with a calming smile raised one finger to it's lips in a "shhh" motion. "It is okay Priscilla. Jaquelle is aiding me in communicating with you."

"Who are you?" Priscilla inquired. She knew she asked the question even though it did not come from her lips as she had originally intended.

"I am known by many names by many different races that I have encountered. No matter what you call me, I am the same." The visage then looked over Rinali and then looked at Myst, "I am very sorry that I caused your friend harm. It was unintentional. When I first attempted to communicate with you this one seemed the best choice."

Myst looked at the visage with a sense of concern, "Will she be alright?"

The visage looked back at Rinali, "I believe with rest, she will. I don't know how to undo what was done." A sympathetic look came over the visage. "Again I am sorry."

The visage continued, "From the beginning of time for many of the worlds you have encountered my brothers and I have traveled trying to learn as much as possible about as many as possible."

"Brothers? There are more of you?" Myst asked.

"Yes, two others and we communicate the same way as I communicated with Jaquelle. You will recognize us because we look identical. We travel and try locate those worthy of the knowledge we possess."

"So you have deemed us worthy?" asked Myst with wonder.

The visage looked into Priscilla's eyes, "Almost. Almost ready. I have learned a lot from your people and especially from Jaquelle. It gives me hope that soon, our tasks may close and we may soon give the knowledge to those who need and deserve it. We will be watching and looking for you on occasion."

The visage then walked close to Priscilla and placed a hand on her shoulder, "It is time for us to part company, for now." As he looked at her the images that went through Jaquelle's mind now flooded Myst. It only took seconds, but now she understood what Jaquelle had meant through her comments.

The visage disappeared and those voices that seemed like echoes were now much clearer and in focus.

"Captain, are you okay?" Stone asked with his hand on Myst's shoulder. "You almost fell."

"I am just fine, doctor."

Then a voice came over the communicator, "Sable to Captain, we've been pushed out of the wormhole!"

Another voice immediately came over the communicator, "Captain, this is Vosch. The wormhole... it's closing sir."

Captain Myst immediately shifted into command mode as she was well known for doing. "Chief Winsor, do we have Commander Daem?!"

"Sir, we can't lock onto her. She doesn't appear to be on the Bothan vessel." Winsor replied.

"Karanek, what is the status on that wormhole?" Myst demanded.

"Sir, it is closing rapidly. Sir, it is closed." Karanek replied.

Myst then did something that was not in the ordinary. She let out a yell, "JACQUELLE!!!!!"

Then a voice from behind her spoke up, "Yes, Captain? I am right here. I can hear you quite well with out you yelling."

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