Episode 10


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Back to the story

Chapter 1

{Ryan Sable's Quarters}

She woke up slowly. It almost felt if she had a headache, but the faint throbbing didn't feel concentrated in just her head. Looking around she recognized her quarters. Quickly she realized what had woken her: the morning alarm. She groaned before ordering the computer to shut it off. Her voice came out surprisingly weak and raspy.

Suddenly she had a thought. If it was morning, then either she'd only slept half a night or...

The doors to her quarters opened. Soon she saw Doctor Stone enter her bedroom.

"Oh," he said with slight surprise, "You're awake. That's a good sign!" He moved to her side and began scanning her with a tricorder.

"How long have I been asleep?" she asked.

"Nearly two and a half days," he replied. "I bet you're hungry. Would you like me to replicate something for you? I recommend only liquids for now. I believe you're still feeling pretty weak."

She took stock of herself for a moment and found what he said to be true. So she just nodded.

"Very good. I'll just get some soup to start with," he said as stood. "And perhaps if you're feeling up to it by then, I'll let you join me at this morning's staff meeting. I hear it's not one to be missed."

{Conference Room - 0900 hours}

Priscilla took her seat and looked around the table at her senior staff. As usual, everyone was present for the daily meeting, with one notable exception. She didn?t let her gaze linger very long on Yuri's empty seat, instead jumping right in.

"Just a couple announcements today," she said, beginning meeting. "First, Happy New Year!" The greeting sounded less jubilant than it had the year before, but still just as sincere.

"Happy New Year, Captain!" Jaquelle and Scott replied.

"Happy new year," Rinali, Ryan, Gordon, Anna and Jack also chimed in a second behind. Rinali and Ryan suddenly remembering from the year before that for some reason the Captain celebrated the rolling over of the stardate. Gordon, Anna and Jack knowing the old Earth tradition of celebrating the change of numbers of the calendar, whether or not they understood why people did so.

"Happy New Year," a voice added after all the others, the sound of the conference room doors closing just afterwards. Everyone turned to see Yuri heading for his seat with a smile. "If you don't mind, Captain, I have two hours before I can leave, and I'd like to sit in on one last meeting?"

"By all means. Captain," Priscilla replied with a smile of her own, gesturing towards the chair. "You're just in time!" Once he had sat, she turned back to the table at large. "Okay, next. I'm please to announce Captain Ivanof is not the only one receiving a promotion or honor." She winked at Yuri. "I suppose this is the trickle down theory," she chuckled at him as she stood. After retrieving some items from the replicator she began to walk around the table behind each officer, passing Yuri by first.

She placed her hand on Jack's shoulder as she passed the Doctor also. It was to let him know he was still a part of the group even though he wasn't receiving anything. Knowing he was still new to the ship he didn't mind too much, he figured before that he'd be missing this round. From across the table Gordon gave Jack a sympathetic 'I've been there too' look.

Priscilla's first stop was with her Chief of Security. "Rinali Travin, you are hereby promoted to Lieutenant Commander," she said smiling. Rinali tentatively reached out for the dark pip Priscilla offered her.

"Thank you Captain," she replied with her characteristic non-emotion-betraying voice.

"You're welcome," both Priscilla and Yuri replied. Priscilla looked back at Yuri and laughed lightly, then moved on.

"Lieutenant J.G. Anna Krasinski, you have been awarded the Legion of Merit for your skill and achievements in service to this ship during its times of crises." She placed the small medal before Anna, who just looked down on it dumbfounded. Priscilla rounded the end of the table to begin working the other side.

"Lieutenant Gordon C. Freeman, you have been given a Distinguished Service Commendation for your exemplary performance and consistent creative solutions," she said handing him a PADD with his updated record on it. "Keep up the good work!"

He nodded and she moved to the next chair.

"Scott McInnis, you are hereby promoted to Full Lieutenant." Priscilla smiled down at him as he took the gold pip from her, and with a smile of his own placed his former black pip in her hand. Then he looked over at Yuri. The two nodded once to each other. Priscilla moved on, only able to guess at what had just happened between the two.

"Jaquelle Daem," she began, and paused upon seeing the look on the Counselor's face. Somehow she had a sense of what was coming. "I regret to inform you that you are being removed from the position of Ship's Counselor," Priscilla informed her with a slight frown. A couple gasps were heard from around the table. The only face that didn't look confused was Yuri's. "However," she continued as her emotions began to betray her and a smile crept to her face, "you are hereby promoted to the rank of Commander, and as Second Officer shall be assuming the job of Acting Executive Officer due to the sudden vacancy that has just been created in the XO position."

Jaquelle accepted the new gold pip with a small smile and nod. "Thank you Captain," she replied. Then she turned to Yuri. "And thank you and Good Luck, Captain." He nodded in reply.

Finally Priscilla turned to Ryan. "Lieutenant Commander Sable, you have been given a Distinguished Service Commendation," she informed her, then paused for a brief moment. "And on recommendation are being given the opportunity to assume the job of Acting Second Officer. That is, as soon as Doctor Stone clears you as fit to return to duty."

Ryan looked up at Priscilla with surprise. "I... uh... Yes," she said, trying to figure out what had just happened. It hadn't quite settled with her yet. "Thank you, sir."

Priscilla nodded with a warm smile and returned to her chair.

Yuri looked back and forth between Ryan and Jaquelle. "I have no doubt you two will quickly earn your positions, making them permanent." He then looked around the table. "Good Luck to you all. It's been a pleasure working on the Griffin!"

"That sounds to me like a good note to end on," Priscilla said, placing her hands on the table. "The only other thing I have to say is that while we're waiting for the Diplomatic ship from Starfleet and our newest orders from Starfleet Command, we've been invited to a thank you dinner on the planet with Euraysh and his crew. Anyone who wishes may go, just let Commander Daem know beforehand."

She looked around. No one moving to say anything else, Priscilla stood. "Dismissed!"

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Chapter 2

{Griffin - Commander Ivanof's Office}

Yuri looked over his various notes one last time. Already, his mind was occupied with the challenges his new position would present, but he was trying to stay focused on the more immediate challenges that leaving the Griffin was presenting. He took his farewells to the other members of Senior Staff quite seriously. There was no telling when he would have an opportunity to see them again.

The door chimed and Ivanof put aside his notes.

"Come in."

Rinali Travin entered the room in her usual former manner, the very model of an upstanding Starfleet officer. Or so it would seem. Over his time on the Griffin, Yuri had started to notice little incongruities with the stoic face Rinali showed. That same almost unnoticeable awkwardness was still present as Rinali stood before Ivanof's desk, though he couldn't tell today if it was due to the inherent contradictions in the life she chose to lead or the promotion she had only just received. Rinali always seemed completely taken aback by any award she received for her work on the Griffin.

"Captain," she said, nodding her head.

"Until I've actually set foot on my ship, "Commander" will be fine." Rinali smiled in response.

"I had heard," Rinali said as she seated herself in the chair Yuri offered, "that your recommendation was a large part of why I received my promotion.

"Rumors travel fast, especially in security," Rinali continued by way of explanation. "I wanted to thank you for the honor."

Yuri smiled a little. "No matter what it may seem like, I didn't recommend promotions so the Griffin will remember me fondly when I'm gone. Anything you received was entirely due to your own hard work."

Rinali was silent. After a brief pause, Yuri decided to continue.

"Before I have to depart, I wanted to tell you that I've been very pleased with your work as security chief on the Griffin. You have shown great courage and involvement in your work. Your presence on this ship has been a great asset."

Yuri leaned forward in his chair.

"But I get the impression that you aren't as satisfied with your performance."

Rinali was still for a minute, contemplating her response. Then she turned to look at one of the walls, away from Ivanof. Yuri had never seen her do this before, but he said nothing.

"Anyone who is completely satisfied with their abilities finds themselves demoted or dead before long", she grunted.

"True," Ivanof conceded. "I wouldn't expect you to become complacent. But I think it's also important to acknowledge you successes. You can recognize that you've made progress without using it as excuse to stop progressing further."

Rinali took heavy breaths through clenched teeth. Again, Yuri called no attention to it. He realized that what she was about to say was likely difficult for her.

"It...isn't so much my performance as chief of security," she began. Rinali inhaled sharply and turned abruptly to face Ivanof again, her composure regained.

"When I came aboard the Griffin, I initially sought to isolate myself from the majority of the ship, in order to avoid any...emotional situations that might hinder my work. I have recently realized that this was a mistake and I am working to rectify the situation."

Yuri guessed by the finality of Rinali's statement that she did not want to discuss the matter further. He spent the rest of the allotted time going over records with Rinali, never steering away from areas that might need improvement, but always trying to stress the positive. He thought Rinali seemed receptive to his comments, both good and bad.

As their time drew to an end, Rinali stood to leave. She thanked Ivanof once more and started out the door. Yuri had said everything he had planned to, but he felt one more point needed to be made.

"Lieutenant Commander Travin," he said. Rinali turned slowly and Yuri guessed it was the first time she had been addressed by her new title.

"Don't think of it as work," he said. "I've had the pleasure of getting to know this ship and I'm sure they'll make it easy for you to do the same."

Rinali gave Ivanof a genuine smile in return.

"Thank you Commander. Good luck with the new ship."

"Good luck to you too," Yuri said as the doors closed behind Rinali.

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Chapter 3

{Nauklon IV}

Euraysh and Priscilla walked through a beautiful garden under the clear starry night sky. It was just this side of warm out, but comfortable enough with the slight breeze that occasionally blew by. Euraysh had wanted to show her around, but everyone at the dinner had decided it would probably be best to not introduce the new aliens to the world by a stroll through the capital. And especially not without Security escort, Rinali had made it a point of insinuating. So Euraysh settled for just giving Priscilla a tour of his property.

"Thank you for the lovely dinner," Priscilla said. "I always find it fascinating to try another culture's food. You can learn a lot about a people by their food."

"And by their manners," Euraysh added. "Thank you again, Captain, for coming to our aid, and even standing by us when the Hadren attacked."

Priscilla frowned. "I'm happy we were able to save both your crew and your new ship. But it is unfortunate we couldn't establish relations with the Hadren as well."

Euraysh laughed, or at least made the sound that Priscilla had come to learn was their equivalent of laughing. "Always the diplomat, I see. Do not trouble your mind about the course of events. The Hadren are not a hospitable race. They dominate or destroy, and that includes themselves. For them there is nothing else."

Priscilla just sighed.

"I am certain you will fare as well as you desire tomorrow," Euraysh commented, trying to change the subject.

"Yes," Priscilla replied. "I am looking forward to formalizing the First Contact between our two governments. I'm very happy mine allowed my ship to stay and be the ones to do so!"

The pair walked and talked for at least half an hour more before they finally bid each other good night. Priscilla tapped her comm badge and had herself beamed up to the Griffin.

{Next morning}

As planned, Priscilla beamed down with her small contingent, consisting of Rinali and Sarorto, to Euraysh's home. They were to meet with Euraysh and his crew and then proceed to their government's central building.

Instead they were greeted by the local authorities and raised weapons.

Shocked, Priscilla had to steady Rinali's hand with a quick motion before someone got jumpy. "What's going on?" she asked, looking around for someone she recognized.

"Captain Priscilla Myst. You are under arrest for the murder of Euraysh, First Prirate of this city," the group was informed by the apparent man in charge.

"What? I didn't-" Priscilla began to say.

"You were the last to be with him. The two of you spent time alone walking the grounds last night. Neither of you returned. He was found this morning dead in the garden. There are no other suspects."

Rinali tapped her communicator. "Griffin, emergency beam-"

"No!" Priscilla yelled, turning to face her crew members. "I didn't do it, and we all know it. I'm not going to start a First Contact out on a bad foot by not adhering to their customs and laws." She turned back to the law enforcement officer in charge. "I'll go with you, as long as there is a chance to prove my innocence."

The officer bobbed a couple eye stalks. He knew coming here that he'd have to explain procedures to the aliens. "You are neither innocent nor guilty until evidence supports one or the other. Once all evidence it collected, a judgment is made. Currently, evidence supports your guilt, and therefore you are under arrest. Temporarily, it is only a preventative arrest. Ten days are allowed for evidence to be collected by any interested party." He moved past Priscilla, to just in front of Rinali. Handing her something, he said: "You may contact us at these coordinates and on this frequency if you come up with anything you wish to share."

Rinali frowned, but accepted the documentation. She looked at Priscilla. "Captain-"

Priscilla cut her off again. "Return to the Griffin and confer with Commander Daem," she ordered. "I'll be fine, it sounds like for at least ten of their days." She looked to the authorities for confirmation. The reply was the Nauklon equivalent of nodded.

"Yes, sir," Rinali replied crisply.

Jurmin stepped up from behind the authorities as Priscilla was being lead away. "We know you didn't do it," he whispered to her, indicating the rest of the Grueso's crew. "We'll talk to your crew and see if we can help in anyway."

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Chapter 4

Jaquelle sat in her office wrestling with her counseling appointments. They would have to all be reassigned. She felt lucky that she was always so persistent in keeping them up to date because having to do transfer memos on each case would be daunting. She could hear old Professor Ekeh's stuffy high pitched voice in her head.

*Your files should be kept so that, Saint's forbid, you are killed in a airlock accident, your client would not miss his afternoon session with the next counselor.*

Who would have thought, two years ago when she was an ensign on board an outdated ship that not only would she have been the counselor on a newly refitted state of the art star ship but would have to be sure that her clients were not going to miss their sessions because she had to assume the duties of the first officer.

For the first time in her career she heard that small voice in the back of her head. *Are you sure you are not an imposter? And will they (whomever "they" are) find out? Can I maneuver a star ship into a space dock without computer controls using thrusters only? Can I unstick the intake manifold on the warp core injectors to avoid a mix of mater and anti-mater to stop the resulting warp core breech? * OF COURSE NOT, Jaquelle almost said out loud. But I do know who on my crew can, she thought. And I know how to get it done, and that is what a First officer must do. That and care for the crew. Something she already knew how to do.

Jaquelle squared her shoulders back, stood straight up and addressed the replicator.

"Computer, red command uniform size Jaquelle prime," she said. She took her new Commander pips and placed them on the new red uniform. No longer would she wear the blue uniform which signified her status as Medical and Counseling .

Jaquelle walked from her cabin to the bridge. It would be her first shift actually commanding the Griffin. Captain Myst would be beaming to Nauklon IV to formalize the first contact between the two governments. Jaquelle knew that these diplomatic matters could take hours. Hopefully it would not take days.

{Griffin, Bridge}

As Jaquelle walked onto the Bridge, Anna Krasinski looked up from the science station and didn't even try to hide a big smile.

"Commander," was all she said.

Captain Myst walked out of her ready room in her dress uniform. Rinali and Sarorto followed similarly attired. Jaquelle noted that Rinali always seemed to look uncomfortable in that uniform. She was almost sure that it was not the uniform, but the type of situation Rinali had to wear it for.

"You have the bridge Commander," Myst said.

"Gentle thoughts and honest words, Captain" Jaquelle answered. It was an old Betazoid sending forth, given when initiating a diplomatic mission.

Jaquelle stood near the captain's chair for a minute. She wasn't quite ready to sit in it. She ambled her way back slowly to the science station where Anna sat, stopped for a minute to see what she was working on, then sauntered back towards the captain's chair. Just as she was about to sit, Sable turned to her.

"Commander, the away team has just beamed back aboard, without the Captain." Jaquelle stood still for a moment. She had done extensive research into the customs of the Nauklon people and had advised the Captain. No where did it report any need for diplomatic relations to proceed one on one.

"Commander Travin," Daem called out through the comm system, "report."

"The Captain has been taken into custody for the murder of Euraysh." Rinali answered coldly.

"The Conference room please Commander," Daem said unemotionally.

{Conference Room}

"What happened?" Daem asked.

"We were met by the local authorities and raised weapons. We were told that the Captain was being arrested for the murder of Euraysh. The Captain was the last to be with him. The two of them spent time alone walking the grounds last night and neither returned. Euraysh was found this morning dead in the garden. There are no other suspects." Travin explained.

"I take it you tried to beam the Captain up." Daem stated.

"Yes," Travin answered.

"And the Captain wouldn't let you," Daem went on.

"Yes," Travin answered.

"She ordered you to return," Daem continued.

"Yes," Travin answered.

"I take it you want to be back down there," Daem understood.

"Yes," Travin answered.

"Did the Nauklon give you any information on the next steps?" Daem asked although she was relatively sure she understood the Nauklon legal system from her studies. Travin explained what had been told to her and turned over the coordinates and frequencies given.

"Let me see if I can convince the Nauklon to allow you a security guard with the Captain," Daem stated as she move to the door.

"I would not allow a murder suspect of another race to have one of their own as an armed guard in my brig," Travin countered.

Daem didn't answer, she had something else on her mind.


Daem was standing in front of the captain's chair addressing the law enforcement officer in charge.

"I am sure you can understand our concern," Daem stated. "You have one of our most honored females without a proper chaperone." Daem had studied enough of the Nauklon customs to hope this line of reason would get Rinali what she wanted.

The officer cut the sound of the transmission and talked with someone off screen. Then came back.

"We will allow a chaperone for your Captain," the officer said.

"And of course you understand that the Captain is our highest ranking diplomat in this sector. I'm sure that we don't have to even question that she and her chaperone's accommodations reflect that.

"Of course" answered the officer.

"End transmissions," Daem ordered. She then turned to Travin.

"You need to assign an unarmed guard." Daem said stressing unarmed.

"I will take a 16 hour shift for the next 10 days and Zosin will take the other 8 hours." Travin said without hesitation. She would have suggested that she take the assignment 24 hours but she knew the Captain would object to her being away from the Griffin that long, and she did not want to dishonor Zosin by not showing complete trust in him.

"Don't you think you would be more useful conducting the investigation from the Griffin," Daem suggested.

"I can conduct the investigation from the planet," was all Travin said.

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Chapter 5

Freeman was sitting in his seat on the bridge, keeping an eye on the various ship's systems when his communications icon began to flash. Bringing the display up, he saw it was from Travin on the surface. He opened the channel immediately, wondering why it was secured.

"Travin to Daem."

Daem looked up from a PADD, setting it on her lap and out of the way, though she still kept a finger on it. "This is Daem," she replied. "What is it Travin? You left only a few moments ago."

"I know sir ... but I'm not going to be able to investigate a thing here. I thought wrong sir .. my hands are tied baby-sitting the Captain," Travin replied a second later.

"Oh," Daem relied simply.

"Requesting permission to return to the ship, and assume command of the investigation."

"Hold on, Travin. I'd still like the captain to have a guard," Daem huffed slightly, trying to think as quickly and logically as possible under the circumstances. "I've studied their culture a bit further and there are a few things regarding their criminal justice that make me nervous."

"Sir?" Travin replied, not getting the answer she wanted. "I ask you to reconsider, I think I could be of more help on the ship."

"I understand, but I don't think that is the answer here," Daem spoke firmly. "Remain with the Captain, while I figure a few things out up here."

"Aye sir," Travin said sharply, closing the channel.

"Lieutenant Freeman," Daem turned on him quickly. "Send a message: Senior Staff meeting now, in the conference room."

"Aye aye sir," Freeman answered, instantly sending the message. A moment later he stood up and followed Daem and Sable into the briefing room.

{Briefing Room}

Daem had quickly given the lay of the situation to the staff, and gazed on them expectantly. "Suggestions?"

"Well sir ... I have experience in forensics. Perhaps Zosin and I can head down and see what we can root up?" Freeman said thoughtfully, looking at the XO.

"It sounds like a good idea. Travin can remain as guard and maybe keep an eye on the investigation from afar," Sable concurred. "But I would like to also suggest that we go through the Griffin's transporter records. Somehow that evidence slipped our minds."

"That's a good idea." Freeman added.

Daem nodded immediately. "Do it."

"I for one would appreciate a chance to study the body," Doctor Stone added with a perk from his brow.

"All right. I'll contact the government and see if you can do an autopsy," Daem replied.

"Any other suggestions?" Sable called, eyeing McInnis and then Freeman -- map reading seemed a subject that he could have been attended to after the meeting.

"Yeah ... " Freeman spoke up. "Permission to go armed."

Daem shook her head, "Request denied. We don't want to give them the impression we're hostile. This is merely an investigation."

"Well I don't want to be jailbait, but okay," Freeman answered.

McInnis interjected, "We shouldn't forget the sensor logs. If she wore her comm badge the whole time, her locations could be in there."

"McInnis, you check the transporter. Sable, you get the sensor log," Daem added a second after. "Is there anything else?" the XO added in finality.

The Staff shook their heads, satisfied with the outcome of their short, hasty meeting.

"All right then, get to it!" the XO concluded. Instantly the crew sprang to life, heading for their assigned tasks.

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Chapter 6

{Nauklon IV - Nauklon Judicial Center, Holding Center}

Zosin had seldom seen a look of such relief on Lieutenant Commander Travin's face. It was no secret on board the Griffin that Rinali was not happy being tied down guarding the captain at a time when Rinali felt guarding was hardly necessary. Zosin wondered whether she would take the break his shift offered her to sleep or to investigate. He figured it would be the latter.

"Is there any news?" Rinali asked as Zosin came down the hallway towards her.

"Dr. Stone has just received permission to perform an autopsy, provided that the Nauklon Medical Association heads may attend. It seems that Nauklon society only values a few particular vital organs in memorial services, so bodies are normally cut open anyway. Plus, I think the Nauklons are quite eager to check out our medical technology."

"Indeed," Rinali nodded. "What else has happened?"

"Well," Zosin began uneasily. "Commander Daem has been going over Nauklon criminal justice codes. Apparently, Captain Myst is currently suspected of 'unjustified murderous attack'. This could change depending on what we uncover, but the usual sentence for this crime is that 'the guilty party must take the life of the victim'."

"Isn't the problem that they already suspect her of doing that?" Rinali said slowly, wondering if she was missing something.

"We were confused by that too," Zosin answered. "When we talked to Jurmin about it, we learned that 'take on the life of the victim' is a little more accurate. The convicted must live out the life of the victim in the community, acting as a replacement for the dead."

Rinali looked grave. "Thank you for the information" she said. She headed off down the hall as Zosin took up his position by the door.

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Chapter 7

"Well ... let's head down and see what we can see," Freeman said flatly, stepping up onto the transporter pad. He checked his tricorder one more time before nodding to the transporter officer. Zosin stepped up on the pad beside him.


The two officers appeared in the garden a moment later, and began scanning the area with their tricorders. They were very relieved to see that none of the locals were interfering.

Back on the Griffin, Lieutenant Commander Sable was scanning sensor log after sensor log from Freeman's usual seat. The search was going slow due to her carefulness, but that was what the situation demanded - the utmost care.

Behind her, Commander Daem was reading a report, and contemplating the situation. It was a very unfortunate situation indeed that her first real chance to command as the Executive Officer was on a first contact mission gone terribly wrong.

Back on the surface of Nauklon IV, Lieutenant Freeman and Zosin were carefully looking at the murder scene.

"Zosin ... I'm not getting any thermal traces here that would be even close to the Captain's. They match the victims ... and the only others from the time frame are coming from two other indigenous life forms."

Zosin looked up.

"I know ... strange isn't it. The Captain's thermal traces are hours older than the victims."

'Very ..."

"I'm forwarding this to the Griffin now," Freeman replied, tapping a few keys on the transporter, and dumping it's data into the operations console. A dull beep and flashing icon alerted Sable to it.

"Commander Daem ... Lieutenant Freeman has sent this up, and I think you should see it."

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Chapter 8

{Nauklon medical chamber}

Doctor Stone again conferred with the Nauklon Doctor standing next to him. The autopsy was going very slow since Jack didn't know much about Nauklon physiology. Before starting he had gone over the basics that had been provided to him by the medical facility so he'd at least have a clue while working. But it didn't keep him from having to check every specific thing with the other Doctor. Mostly because he wanted to make sure the autopsy was accurate.

After nearly seven hours he was done. If it weren't for the reason behind having to do the autopsy, Jack would have considered the experience a very successful exchange of medical knowledge and techniques. However, since he didn't quite know what the results meant in relation to the investigation, he wasn't sure it was a success yet. Especially when he considered the reaction he thought the other Doctor had. He still didn't know how to judge the aliens' unique habits, but he could have sworn the other Doctor was either afraid of what they had found, or as utterly confused as he was himself.

{Griffin, Conference Room}

"I'm not sure what the implications of it are," Jack reported as he turned over his autopsy report, "but it seems he died of an injected poison that has many of the same effects as radiation poisoning."

Jaquelle looked over his report then handed it over to Rinali. "So the next step is to try and find what on the planet this matches to, where it comes from, and who has access to it."

{Griffin, Main Engineering}

McInnis smiled at Ugalesh's approach. "Any news?" he asked.

"I was going to ask you the same thing," Ugalesh replied.

The two men regarded each other for a few moments while silent in thought. Finally Ugalesh spoke again. "Jurmin and I came aboard to let you all know there's a bunch of rumors starting to run around. I thought you might be able to help me reason through them and see if we can't dispel a few."

"Well, first I need to know what they are," McInnis replied with a nod.

"The first one is that the government somehow got news of the dinner and set the whole thing up."

Scott was taken back. "Why would they want to do that and frame the Captain?"

"Because your Captain has much more experience in space travel and interspecies relations than anyone on our planet," Ugalesh replied. "It would make sense. They will have forced her into a position in our society to significantly advance the extraterrestrial program."

"Uh... I suppose," McInnis replied, trying to absorb all the implications of what Ugalesh had just said. "But I've never heard of a government being able to do anything that complex so quickly."

"Actually, our government is very efficient," Ugalesh replied with what seemed like pride. "Ever since the Hadren..." his four arms curled in as his voice trailed off. Soon he shook himself and returned to normal. "Someone like your Captain could really help us against them," he commented.

Scott exhaled and shook his head. "What are the other rumors?"

"One is that the disarray Euraysh had left his personal affairs in when we launched the Grueso escalated while we were gone. Though I have very little information on what all was going on there. We'd have to do some personal investigating to figure that out. The other is that the anti-space group did it to force the government to shut down the extraterrestrial program. If you all are portrayed as being like the Hadren, the government would have to see how dangerous what we're trying to do is. That we might attract or run into species after species like them that we'd have to deal with."

"Well now that sounds like a reasonable theory," Scott replied. "Unfortunately they all could be plausible. But the murder had to have been accomplished with some measure of stealth or there would be more evidence. And stealth means special equipment. Is there anyway to distinguish the other groups' resources from your governments?"

{Griffin, Bridge}

Jurmin approached Sable. "How's the search coming?" she asked.

Ryan shook her head. "Very slowly. It turned out that the records of the transporter lock we had kept on the Captain contains more information than our sensors. So I'm searching through them now. All we can say for certain is that Euraysh was alive when the Captain left him. However, I just heard that Doctor Stone's autopsy showed he died of an injected poison."

"Which the authorities could claim she may have injected him with and then left," Jurmin replied, her whole body seeming to shrink a little.

Both women fell into thought. After a few moments Jurmin spoke again. "May I see the report of the poison? Perhaps I can help identify it?"

Ryan nodded. "Let's go ask Commander Daem."

"That is good," Jurmin replied, "I have a few things I need to tell her and Lieutenant Travin."

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Chapter 9

{Previously, Griffin, Conference Room}

"I'm not sure what the implications of it are," Jack reported as he turned over his autopsy report, "but it seems he died of an injected poison that has many of the same effects as radiation poisoning."

Jaquelle looked over his report then handed it over to Rinali. "So the next step is to try and find what on the planet this matches to, where it comes from, and who has access to it."

{And now ...}

Jaquelle was glad she had a talk with Rinali about the "chaperone" on the planet for the Captain. It had never been her intention that Rinali would stand guard at the Captain's door. Instead, the request for the appropriate quarters for the "chaperone" was so that Rinali could put someone there who could do some on planet investigation and be close to the Captain if needed.

"One other thing, Commander," Dr. Stone added, "I may not be an expert on the Nauklon's unique habits, but I am positive that their Doctor was either afraid of what we had found in the autopsy, or as utterly confused about the poison as I was."

"Meaning?" Jaquelle asked.

"I don't know, but I think you should." Jack waited a second, then left.

"I think we should also give the poison information to Lt. Krasinski. There may be something scientific about a poison that gives the effect of radiation."

Just then the door chimed.

"Come," said Jaquelle. Ryan came in with Jurmin following.

"Commander," Ryan stated, "Jurmin wanted to see if he could identify the poison found." Jaquelle nodded to Rinali who handed Jurmin the padd.

As Jurmin looked over the report, Jaquelle could sense his reaction. She now fully understood what Dr. Stone was talking about when he commented on the Nauklon doctor's reaction. It was clearly fear. Jaquelle waited for him to stop staring at the padd.

"What is it, Jurmin?" Jaquelle asked.

"The poison is actually a high dose of a substance once used in early experiments to allow us to transport ourselves short distances. It was made to help the molecules in our skeletal structure break down to facilitate transport. But then we found that those who used it were slowly and at first not perceptibly being altered. The substance was banned and all forms of it was supposedly destroyed," Jurmin explained.

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Chapter 10

{Nauklon Detention area}

Rinali beamed down. She nodded to Zosin.

"Nothing notable has happened," he informed her, returning the nod.

"Very good. You are relieved," she informed him.

He simply called the ship and a moment later was beamed out.

Rinali looked around the adequately furnished attaché room the Captain's guard had been given to stay in. Then she proceeded to the door that separated the two rooms and knocked.

Priscilla opened the door and smiled. "Lieutenant," she acknowledged.

Rinali noted Priscilla was in a robe. "Sorry to bother you Captain. I am just checking in for my shift."

"It's not a problem," Priscilla assured her. "I was just about to take a nap, but wasn't asleep yet."

"I will let you sleep then," Rinali replied and closed the door.

{Same time, Euraysh's home... somewhere}

Priscilla woke slowly. Her head hurt. Her arms hurt. (Uh oh,) she thought. She recognized this feeling...

She opened her eyes carefully and tried to take stock. Yup, she was quite bound in an unfamiliar place. Surprisingly though, she discovered she was on a bed.

Then, as expected, broken memories started coming back: figures, unnatural rustling of leaves, a sharp pain in the back of her neck...

She and Euraysh had been ambushed on their tour. Priscilla squirmed a bit so she could move her head to see the entire room. She sighed. There was no sign of Euraysh.

Just then the door opened. Two Nauklons entered.

"She awake," Priscilla thought she heard one say. But it was just her best estimation in translating. Now she didn't have to check her chest to know she didn't have her communicator anymore.

"Yes. Time when they said would happen," was her best guess at what the other replied.

They both looked at her. One moved hesitantly towards her. "Understand we?" he asked.

Priscilla weighed her current options. Finally she sighed. "More or less," she replied as best she could in their language.

The two looked at each other. The woman motioned to the man, who retrieved a small dark device out of his clothing.

The man tapped the top of the device. "Do you understand us now?" she heard him ask in Federation Standard (that's English).

"Yes," she replied carefully.

"Good," the woman replied, pulling out what looked like a writing pad. "We have a few questions for you to answer."

{USS Griffin, Sickbay, medical lab}

Doctor Stone peered over the data once more, finding his eyes returning to the same point for the third time. Something there attracted his interest greatly, but he could not yet meditate on it or analyze it clearly. There was important information missing no doubt.

The information under question was the data recovered from Euraysh's autopsy. The unusual radiation was like a taunting puzzle. He had been told that this radiation was used by the Nauklon's primitive transporter targeting systems (among other components), but the nature of the radiation within Euraysh's body caused him to wonder otherwise. In comparison to other Nauklons, his body was missing several key elements. As Doctor Stone looked over the composition of the radiating atoms he found he was hard pressed to discover the catalyst that had turned the missing elements into the present poison which had killed the Nauklon.

Stone sat back a moment, reviewing in his mind the short amount of information he had received regarding the poison. His mind continually returned to the Nauklon transporter as he pondered, and each time he felt the urge to shake his head. Transporters were not catalysts... then at once it struck him. How ridiculous to immediately judge the Nauklon technology by Federation technology, as it had every possibility to operate in a manner very different to that which Doctor Stone was familiar.

With a sharp press against the floor, Stone spun his chair to face an adjacent console. A few buttons were keyed, and the records regarding Nauklon transporter technology requested. The computer informed him of a wait time approximately ten minutes. During that down time he tapped his badge, requesting the presence of the ever genius, chief engineer, McInnis.

Ten long moments later, Stone grinned over the console as he read, while McInnis peered idly over the doctor's shoulder from the distance as he waited. The article which delighted Stone began, "Dael is an element injected ... to facilitate travel by quantum level destructuring and restructuring (i.e. transportation/beaming) ... due to the nature of this element, the chemicals of the [Nauklon] body, and the process of destructuring ... acts as a catalyst, combining Dael and bodily chemicals ... which resulted in the first cases of high electromagnetic energy bombardment (i.e. radiation poisoning) ... use of destructuring was subsequently banned until prevention of bombardment or an advancement in destructuring achieved..."

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Chapter 11

{USS Griffin - Conference Room}

Doctor Stone looked on his audience expectantly, though it seemed too few were intrigued. Though perhaps it was more stress and a lack of sleep than boredom in their expressions.

"So, you're saying this radiation poisoning is a result of Nauklon transporters?" Commander Sable questioned, more to insure the facts were straight.

"Correct," Stone answered and nodded.

"And this dael is not radioactive until after transport, so Euraysh would have to be transported for it to become radioactive and kill him, correct?"

"Yes," Stone answered again, gazing at Sable with some puzzlement over her questions.

"So, how could this exonerate the Captain?" Freeman questioned in turn.

Doctor Stone had obviously prepared for such a question, as he straightened and his expression hardened with intellect. Of course, he had probably prepared to inform the crew about his findings and answer their possible questions in one move, but as usual they had interrupted him mid-game.

"Lieutenant McInnis and I reviewed the transporter filter logs. If the Captain had been injected with the substance it would have registered in the filter, but the filters did not detect a trace of dael," Stone replied.

"With all due respect, Doctor, that doesn't necessarily prove Captain Myst wasn't behind his murder," Zosin retorted, who's superior was on the planet's surface with the Captain.

"No, it doesn't," Stone agreed, he then brought a diagram up on the view screen. "But this does." He moved to point various points of the screen as he spoke. "The regular dael dosage used with the Nauklon transporter would not have killed Euraysh. He was given nearly ten times as much, and subsequently the Captain should have been bombarded with radiation once he was beamed back the garden. But the filters did not detect radiation."

"That seems a sloppy arrangement if the murderer planned to permanently pin this on the Captain." Sable commented to herself.

Stone nodded, an odd exuberance emanating from him as he spoke. "Yes, but I believe the murderer wanted him killed instantly. Any less of dael in the Nauklon's system and he would have died a slow death, but with the amount Euraysh had been given, it was quick and a little messy--logically leaving behind trace radiation. And logically, that radiation should have transferred to the Captain... if..." Then came more of the ifs.

"You assume that the murderer beamed Euraysh away and immediately back?" Commander Daem asked.

"Yes, my tests say that he was beamed and returned to the sight at approximately the time Captain Myst returned to the Griffin. Transport could have occurred no later," Stone replied.

"Hypothetically speaking," Sable interjected, "what if Captain Myst didn't really walk the gardens with Euraysh. What if they left and she had him transported immediately, and then returned later?"

"Again, my tests suggest that Euraysh was beamed and returned to the sight at that particular time. If he had been beamed away earlier, his system should have shown further signs of degradation than they do."

"What if the Captain remotely controlled the transporter from the Griffin?" Krasinski ventured to ask.

McInnis finally spoke, shaking his head. "I've gone over the Nauklon's transporter and the radio frequencies they understand how to use. The sensors didn't detect any anonymous signals from within the ship to the planet." He then added as Freeman opened his mouth, "And I also checked for other frequencies on regular radio and subspace radio bands, not to mention for signals using carrier waves as a mask. Nothing." Freeman shut his mouth, his question thwarted.

"You sure we've got a case here?" Freeman then asked.

McInnis nodded. "Stone has the medical evidence, and you've looked over the garden."

Sable continued the thought with, "The Captain held no traces of dael or radiation, though the surrounding area of the garden where Euraysh was found, did. Euraysh was transported to ... anywhere, and back around the same time the Captain transported to the Griffin, plus the Captain was transported from the same area that Euraysh was found dead..." she looked to Freeman and Zosin for confirmation and they nodded. "We haven't detected any remote radio signals from the Griffin to Nauklon... am I missing anything?" Sable asked.

Daem began to count on her fingers as she went through the facts again out loud. "Captain Myst transported to the Griffin around the same time Euraysh is killed with a Nauklon transporter. No dael or radiation is detected on the Captain. Euraysh was found dead where the Captain left, and the area is saturated with radiation. No unusual signals were sent from the Griffin to the surface. And no time elapsed between the time Euraysh was killed and the Captain left that could cause suspicion." The executive officer looked around the room for agreement. It seemed all the evidence they needed was in order.

"Good work," Daem commented. "Let's go free Captain Myst."

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Chapter 12

{Same room, somewhere on Nauklon}

When Priscilla next awoke, she continued to find herself in the same restraints on the same bed in the same room. This time, however, they were waiting for her.

The woman started to ask more questions. For the last, what... three days? That was Priscilla's best guess as to how long it had been since she was kidnapped, assuming she hadn't been unconscious the first time for more than one night. And ever since that first time she awoke, the same pair had been showing up almost exactly to the moment to question her. Each time the questions built upon whatever little information they had managed to get from Priscilla the time before.

This time, the woman's words sounded garbled. Not due to a malfunction in their translator box, which Priscilla had determined was only programmed to handle Nauklon to English and back. She just wasn't hearing properly... Maybe she wasn't fully conscious yet this time?

Her stomach rumbled loud enough to be heard across the room. The two Nauklons jumped slightly. (At least my eyesight is working properly,) Priscilla mused. (I think.)

Again her stomach growled it's great protest. Priscilla had realized the last time she had woken that they weren't going to feed her. And she had started to worry. If they weren't feeding her it could only mean that they didn't intended to hold her long enough to bother with food. Which could only mean one of two things, either they were planning to let her die, or... or she had no idea what the other possibility was.

"Wa-ter," she asked with a raspy voice.

The man said something that Priscilla again didn't catch.

"I. Can't. Under. Stand," she beseeched. "Water. Plea-se..."

She watched the man and woman exchange sentences. The woman seemed to get more upset at each reply from the man.

Priscilla just watched, letting her mind drift off behind her eyes. This was the first time in a while that she had been given time to think, to try and piece this strange puzzle together. They wanted information from her, it seemed specifically relating to space travel and such things found in 'the great beyond'. But they weren't concerned for her health. Her crew hadn't found her yet, which could mean they weren't looking, as it should be easy to find a part human person on a planet of only Nauklons, or that there was some sensor blocking effect in place, which she doubted since the Nauklons weren't technologically advanced enough for that yet. There was the possibility that something natural on the planet could block sensors, but she didn't believe that either as Science should have detected it on approach to the planet and let her know. So she was back to that her crew wasn't looking for her. Why, she had no idea... though there could be any of a number of reasons. Or, perhaps they were trying to rescue her, and she just didn't know it because her captors kept her unconscious whenever they weren't in the room. Which also struck her as odd. Why keep a prisoner unconscious? Well, most logically, to keep her from escaping. But what if she had no apparently viable means of escape? Perhaps to keep her from crying out and being heard by someone passing by? It was possible... she did appear to be in a fairly nice room, and there was a window through which the sun shown when she was awake during the day. She could tell from it that she wasn't on the ground level. But... they could just make sure no one passed by the room. Not like she could call out in any event. Her voice was weak, and had been for awhile. Her other option for calling out would be telepathically, not like there was anyone on this planet who would be able to receive such a communication. Unless...

Priscilla blinked as an object was passed quite near before her eyes. Could it be a container of water? She refocused and saw the note pad the woman had brought with her on every visit. She mentally sighed. It was getting too long, without anything. It took a week or more to die of starvation, but dehydration, that went quicker. If she didn't get something soon, one of these time she wouldn't wake up.

"If. No. One time. I. Won't. Wake," she tried to explain.

Her statement brought another set of words from the male. The woman looked back at him.

"Then we get all we can now," she replied, and turned back to Priscilla. "Can you hear me when I stand here?"

Priscilla nodded slightly.

"Good," the woman replied, having learned some of the humanoid gestures that held meanings. "I want to know-"

Priscilla half listened and half tried to think of how to avoid the answer, as usual. But something kept tripping her up. He had been thinking of something before... but what was it? She felt it was important, but she couldn't remember.

"-and when you communicate with-"

Communicate! That's what it was. Telepathically! But there was no one on this planet who could receive it... unless... Unless what was it?

Unless her crew was still around, she finally remembered. If the Griffin hadn't left yet. There were enough telepaths on the Griffin, if even one of them was on the planet for whatever reason then that person should be able to hear her. Not that Priscilla could tell if any of them were, or even if such a person was if the person received her, since she didn't have the full capabilities of a telepath. She could only send, and receive what was sent out, she didn't have any of the sensing abilities. But it was worth a try... perhaps they had been keeping her unconscious because of that very reason?

"You're not paying attention!" the woman called out, bringing Priscilla's thoughts back to the moment at hand. She saw the man react to that statement by pulling out the needle he always used to sedate her.

"-can't risk it," Priscilla heard him say as he approached.

(Help!) Priscilla called out mentally, as 'loud' as she could. She didn't know if she'd have another chance.

She shied away from the needle as best she could. (Help!) she tried again.

The woman turned away, with what may have been disgust, and walked out of the room. The man pricked Priscilla with the needle and injected her with whatever compound it was that they used to put her under.

As she was falling away, she caught something. A reply? (Captain?) it asked with a mixture of caution and alarm. The voice seemed familiar...

(Rinali!) she tried to call back, and darkness took her.

{Detention area}

Rinali looked over the most recent information that she had requested be sent down from the ship. She was getting more and more frustrated over finding nothing, absolutely nothing to help show the Captain's innocence. She frowned. It almost seemed like things were *too* perfect in keeping from proving the Captain hadn't been the murderer.

Suddenly she jerked her head up. She though she had heard something, and it had sounded like the Captain's voice. As she carefully listened, she quickly moved to the door between her room and the Captain's.

Then she heard it again. (Help!) It was definitely the Captain's voice, but...

(Captain?) she replied telepathically, opening the door at the same time without announcing herself. Something was clearly wrong, but what?

She saw her Captain sleeping, or maybe just laying, in her bed. The Captain sure had been sleeping a whole lot, ever since she had been arrested. "Captain?" Rinali asked aloud.

"Rinali!" the Captain exclaimed, startled, and sat up. At the same exact time Rinali heard the same exclamation in her mind.

Rinali frowned. "Are you alright, Captain?"

"Yes, fine, I was just sleeping," she hastily replied. "You startled me."

"I'm sorry, Captain, but I her-"

Rinali was interrupted by the sound of a transporter whine. She turned to see Daem, Zosin, and Stone materialize. Rinali raised an eyebrow at them as Priscilla walked over to see what was going on.

Jaquelle was smiling. "We believe we've found evidence to clear the Captain's name," she informed them.

Rinali immediately moved to take a look at the PADD the Doctor was carrying.

A shocked look crossed Priscilla's face, followed by reflexive frown, which, realizing Zosin was watching her, she quickly covered with a smile. "That's wonderful. Good job, Commander," she said with a nod.

Jaquelle looked over. The Captain's word had initially struck her as... off, somehow. But the smile reassured her. "As soon as we go through this with the Nauklon legal authorities, we'll get you back to the ship."

"Very well," Priscilla replied. "I would like to still go through with the official meeting with the Nauklon government, as was planned two days ago," she informed the four before her.

Jaquelle raised an eyebrow, but then nodded. "I understand, we want to show them that we respect their laws and have not taken any offense by all this. I will ask about it as soon as this issue is settled."

"Yes, and thank you," Priscilla replied. "We can't let this tragedy derail what good might come from establishing relations with these people."

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Chapter 13

Jaquelle, knew something was wrong, and it occurred to her that was the first time she was on the planet since the Captain beamed down. She looked over at Rinali and without even trying to sense her mind set she knew Rinali also realized there was a problem.

"Very well Captain," Daem said. She turned to Rinali. "If you will leave Lt. Zosin for awhile, I need your assistance in completing the report."

Rinali called for the beam out.

(Immediately upon their re-materialization on the Griffin)

"That's not the Captain," Daem said to Rinali and Stone. "Right before I beamed down I sensed the Captain almost screaming out, then a sense of overwhelming hunger, thirst and pain."

Rinali interrupted. "I also heard her calling out telepathically. That is why I was with her when you beamed down. The captain in that room said she was asleep, and you arrived before I could question her more. Then there was nothing I could read."

Rinali was using her powers. Daem was even more worried just by that occurrence. She activated her communicator.

"Lt. Krasinski, search the planet for Captain Myst's life signs. The woman being held is not her. When you find her, beam her directly to sickbay." Daem ordered. Daem then opened her mind to see of she could sense the Captain as the three walked to sickbay.

Lt. Krasinski knew this was serious, not by the order but by the way Jaquelle used her last name.

"So much for diplomacy and first contact protocol," Dr. Stone said to Daem. "Don't you think the Captain and Starfleet will be very upset if you are wrong?"

"Since I'm only an acting first officer, I only have the unofficial First Officer's guide and it tells me something about what Ambassador Spock called 'cowboy diplomacy' and that my ultimate duty is to protect every person on this ship, including the Captain. If the Captain is fine, we can beam her back immediately. Daem looked back to Rinali. (was that a hint of approval in her eye?)

Daem could not get another fix on the captain. There were just too many minds and emotions flooding in on her and none were the emotions of the Captain. Then came the question that Daem was not so sure she ever wanted to ask Rinali.

"Commander, I am very sorry to ask you to do this, but the Captain maybe held in a place that our senses can not detect---

"Commander Daem," the voice came from the comm. "I have Commander Concord on a secured channel.

Victoria Concord, Jaquelle thought as the group entered sickbay, maybe I don't have to impose on Rinali.

"Put her through to sick bay," Daem ordered.

The Captain's face, in the gold uniform of a Commander came up on the screen.

"Commander Daem, I heard my sister in pain calling telepathically for help," Victoria stated in a concerned but unexcited voice.

"Yes, Commander," answered Daem, "those of us who are at least somewhat telepathic also heard it. We are searching for her now. If you have the ability to pin point her whereabouts, we--"

At that moment a transporter beam initiated in sick bay.

"It's the Captain," Stone confirmed.

"Commander Daem," Krasinski's voice rang out in triumph over the comm, "I've got her. She is unconscious and her life signs are somewhat weak but stable. She seems dehydrated and somehow drugged. She was located in a small room some 10 meters above what we thought her actual location was. Apparently they some how placed her in the same position as the fake captain in an attempt to th--"

"Thank you Anna, I will hear your full report later," Jaquelle said as kindly as possible. Jaquelle thought, Anna had to be the only science officer in Starfleet that would try to perform a complete physical while beaming the Captain on board. And she knew Anna would go through every detail if allowed and right now she had a sick Captain, a concerned telepathic sister and possibly a diplomatic disaster on the planet.

Victoria, being Starfleet and hearing enough to know her sister was in good hands quipped:

"And I will await a full report from my sister if she wants to tell me, Concord out."

Jaquelle turned her attention from the monitor to Dr. Stone who was working on the Captain.

"What is the prognosis Doctor?" Jaquelle asked.

"Well, 'Dr.' Krasinski's assessment was accurate. I am clearing the drug from her system, hydrating her and administering nutriment. She should be fine."

With the concern for the Captain quite literally off her mind, Jaquelle turned to Rinali,

"I think we need to talk with Ugalesh and Jurmin about this turn of events," she said. (And maybe evoke a little of the 'cowboy diplomacy,') she thought.

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Chapter 14

{Planet's Surface}

"You bloody incompetent morons. I TOLD you not to let something like this happen. I gave you all the tools you needed, and still, your genetically deficient carcasses blundered it!" the captain, or rather the impostor that looked like Captain Myst, shouted into a secure landline to an unknown source. Out of the corner of her eye she watched Zosin and the Nauklon guard with him outside. The Nauklon's on the other end wavered nervously, mumbling something unintelligible.

"Consider the arrangement OFF." Before she could get a reply, she closed the circuit. Fuming, she closed her eyes, and when they opened she appeared as calm and serene as she had before. Pocketing something, she stood up from her desk and headed for the door of her office, the door of which Zosin and the other guard were standing sentry duty at.

Zosin swiveled to face her on his heal as the captain appeared, greeting her with the professional nod of his head. "Captain." The Nauklon guard also gave a friendly smile and greeting, though his eyes seemed to tell of something more. A sort of knowing nervousness, which made the 'captain' sneer within.

"Let's get back to the ship," the 'captain' replied, looking at the two guards. "Are you ready Zosin?" she asked flatly, eyeing the other guard with hidden contempt, and through the eyes of a predator.

The Nauklon guard seemed to blanch at the 'captain's' statements, if Zosin wasn't mistaken. "Yes, ma'am," he replied flatly, also eyeing the guard, but with deep curiosity.

"Good. Have us beamed up to the Griffin immediately," she ordered, smiling at the guard when Zosin was busying himself with making sure his weapon was secure.

Zosin nodded again, tapping his badge. "Zosin to the Griffin, the Captain is ready to return." He was slightly puzzled to the reason the Captain had remained on the planet while he was left as guard. Surely, he would have been informed if something was amiss he reasoned. Of course, Daem still had the task of giving the government the evidence to acquit the Captain, he then recalled.

Suddenly the 'captain' exploded into action, snapping a kick at Zosin's head that sent teeth and blood splattering. Before the Nauklon guard could react he found a very pointy piece of steel in his gut, exactly where his voice box was. Making sure Zosin was down for the time being she grabbed the hilt of the strange knife and jerked it upward, splitting the hapless guard in two from the torso up. Reaching in her pocket, she dropped a handwritten note in the Nauklon's archenemy's language warning them about bringing in outside help.

"Hapless fools," she hissed, making sure her artificial Hadren fingerprints were all over the crime scene. When she was done, she was beamed away, but not to the Griffin. On the chest of an unconscious Zosin, a combadge chirped with the transporter chief's voice. "We're unable to beam up at this time, we're receiving some sort of interference, sir. And Commander Travin would like to speak with you. ... Zosin? ... Zosin...?"

The 'captain' Rematerialized in the meeting hall of the Nauklon Cartel. They all looked up surprised, then horrified as they were all coldly and methodically shot with a stolen Hadren energy disrupter. None escaped, and the call for help only fell on a tapped and intercepted source. At the same time, all over the planet, family members and spouses suffered a series of fatal accidents (including those who had held Captain Myst captive), and strategic files suddenly disappeared.

The 'captain' stood over the last Nauklon as she lay wounded -- purposely. "I warned you if you ever failed us, or betrayed us you'd never live to tell your tale." The Nauklon coughed up blood, trying to plead for mercy. The Nauklon found it in a blast to the face.

Now having completed her task, the 'captain' disappeared. She left Nauklon, the system, the area of space, unknown, undetected, and unmolested. Gone forever, never to be seen again by anyone, returned home to where she had sprung from. Her mission was complete. It was not the original mission, but there were always contingencies, dozen upon dozens planned for such occasions. It mattered little to her.

{USS Griffin}

With the concern for the Captain quite literally off her mind, Jaquelle turned to Rinali.

"I think we need to talk with Ugalesh and Jurmin about this turn of events," she said. (And maybe evoke a little of the 'cowboy diplomacy,') she thought. At that moment her combadge beeped.

"Commander Daem," Freeman reported from the bridge over the intercom. "There is an urgent message for you from the surface. I tried to take a message but they insisted they speak with you."

Daem fought a sigh. "That's all right, Lieutenant. Please send it to Doctor Stone's office," she said, looking to the busy doctor for approval. He merely shrugged, and resumed his check over Captain Myst. Travin followed Daem from a silent waving command.

Daem settled into the visitor's chair at the doctor's desk, turning the screen to face her. She opened the channel, met by a Jurmin that appeared to be very agitated and frightened. The Nauklon dismissed any pleasantries, opening with his immediate point.

"Commander Daem, we have been ambushed," he spoke quickly, with fear and even a taste of regret. "And your Captain has disappeared."

Daem did her best to calm him. "Our Captain is fine," she replied, though suddenly thought better of giving the captain's location. "What do you mean you were ambushed?"

The Nauklon's eyestalks shook violently. "The Hadren, they somehow attacked us secretly. They broke into the chamber where your Captain was staying. Our guard is dead and your officer is unconscious ... we think. And several of our prominent citizens and leaders have been murdered! We think they kidnapped your Captain!"

Daem's mind was boggled and could have rolled with this shocking information. It seemed so sudden, and unexplainable. Behind her, stood Travin, soaking the information in.

"How do you know it was the Hadren?" Travin questioned, her composure utterly professional.

"Because they gave us a note, saying they had warned us about bringing you here. And we have found knives and detected traces of their other weaponry. There were rumors that a strong leftist group was working with the Hadren, and many of the families killed were members of that group. We are lost!" he wailed, falling to depression. "Lost! We wish to apply for membership with your Federation. It is our only hope for protection!"

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Chapter 15

{Planet's Surface - Outside of Military Hall}

"Daem to Travin."

"Travin here."

"What is the situation on the planet?"

"For the moment, we have things under control. Most of the Nauklon's equivalents of generals are dead, so they were more than eager to let me aid in the deployment of troops. All remaining potential targets are being guarded and we have a military presence throughout the city. The citizens are being reassured that the Federation has no intention of leaving their planet in such a state."

"Well done, Lieutenant Commander. Keep me informed of any further developments."

"If I may ask, Commander, is Captain Myst recovering?"

"She's doing fine. Once we have the OK from Doctor Stone, we'll talk to her about her abduction."

"Thank you, Commander. The Nauklons seem to have things in hand for the moment, so I am going to see Ensign Zosin. Travin out."

{Planet's Surface - Location Unknown}

"They killed them?"

Nal looked into Asurgen's enraged eyes, waving about wildly on their stalks.

"Yes. The streets were in chaos when I left. The Federation ship is assisting in restoring order. I believe..."

"Our operatives too?" Asurgen demanded. Nal sighed.

"Yes, they're all dead. But the important thing is that we've secured Federation interest. I believe that the temporary government has already asked to join."

"What's the point!" screamed Asurgen, waving her arms furiously. "The social recovery alone will take decades! I say we show them we're not just pawns! Take the initiative!"

Nal straightened up and faced his second in command.

"I am still leader here and I say we do not move until our allies give the word."

"And who," Asurgen said, her voice dangerously raspy, "who do you think our people will follow when they learn that our so called allies have abandoned us?"

{Planet's Surface - Room in City Hospital}


That was far more startling than Zosin's injured appearance. When had Rinali's steady, professional second ever referred to her by her first name?

"Ensign Zosin," Rinali replied, trying to restore a sense of formality to the exchange. "How are your injuries?"

Zosin ignored the question. "Are we alone?"

Rinali nodded. She had managed to get the Nauklon guards and doctors to give them some privacy, in case something problematic was revealed when she spoke to Zosin.

"Where..." Zosin began haltingly, "where is Captain Myst?"

Rinali decided to start at the end of that story, then work backwards to cover anything Zosin didn't know.

"The real Captain Myst is on the Griffin recuperating from her abduction."

Zosin nodded. "The Captain, the other one, attacked me, and the guard I assume. Something about this....it feels wrong. I don't....."

To Rinali's alarm, Zosin trailed off. She made a quick check of his vital signs and was relieved to find them normal, as far as she could tell. The strain of recovery must have simply tired Zosin out. Rinali frowned at the numerous crude bandages over Zosin's wounds. She tapped her communicator and called for transport.

"One to beam to sickbay," she ordered. Zosin's unconscious form shimmered and disappeared from the bed.

Rinali had only a brief moment to contemplate her next move before she heard it. She had been subconsciously shutting out the sounds of fighting and calamity for most of the day as she dealt with citizens in a panic and leaderless soldiers in shock. But these sounds were significantly closer. Rinali turned just as the door behind her burst open. A group of twelve Nauklons burst in, armed with what Rinali recognized as Nauklon weaponry. They were clad strangely, wearing armor that looked either makeshift or outdated.

"We are the Nauklon Army of the True Blood!" one of the Nauklons barked at Rinali. "We have taken this facility and you are our prisoner! Surrender!"

Rinali let a grin smile play about her lips.

"I find that unlikely to happen."

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Chapter 16

In truth the Nauklons had rarely been left to their own development once placed on the spatial map of many different species. Numerous peoples had approached the government and it's political parties promising technology, relocation, and some even boasted they would conquer the Nauklons. It seemed the world had a buried treasure that the inhabitants did not understand, a coveted treasure. Then the allies arrived, negotiating with the Army of True Blood protection and technology. It was best offer they thought they had yet to receive and openly accepted. The Nauklons began to learn and understand the mechanical miracles of their heavenly neighbors, and soon learned what treasure lie beneath their rocks. And being a generous people, they saw no harm in sharing it in abundance with their new found allies.

But then the Army of Blood all too soon discovered that they were not the only political power with an ally. The Cartel, their great enemy, had gained one as well, and they were advancing and prospering far quicker than the Army of Blood. They felt threatened ...

{Planet's Surface - Location Unknown}

"They killed them?"

Nal looked into Asurgen's enraged eyes, waving about wildly on their stalks.

"Yes. The streets were in chaos when I left. The Federation ship is assisting in restoring order. I believe..."

"Our operatives too?" Asurgen demanded. Several agents from the Army of Blood had infiltrated the Nauklon Cartel the day they discovered their largest political enemy had gained an unknown outside ally. Yet, they had failed to positively identify the intruder, and now they would never know.

Nal sighed.

"Yes, they're all dead. But the important thing is that we've secured Federation interest. I believe that the temporary government has already asked to join."

When they had first been approached by their own ally, they had been promised an abundance of technology comparable to the Federation, but soon the organization, boosted by stories of a great technological, exploratory empire, had become enamored with idea of joining them. Yet some within the ranks still felt distaste to the idea of joining the Federation, and their ally felt similarly, attempting on several occasions to guide the Army of True Blood leader away from the idea. Their ally had also strongly cautioned against following the impostor Myst (as she was of the Federation) should she be found guilty, though he had not known she was an impostor.

"What's the point!" screamed Asurgen, waving her arms furiously. "The social recovery alone will take decades! I say we show them we're not just pawns! Take the initiative!" Asurgen had been one to show some sort of indifference, yet a strong opinion that the Nauklons should establish themselves in the galaxy before joining a Federation; and perhaps she felt it even unnecessary to join if they more than successfully established their society in space.

Nal straightened up and faced his second in command.

"I am still leader here and I say we do not move until our allies give the word." Nal still hoped their ally--who had mysteriously abandoned them when the impostor Myst had disappeared and the Hadren had finished their murderous rampage--would miracle a return to guide them.

"And who," Asurgen said, her voice dangerously raspy. "who do you think our people will follow when they learn that our so called allies have abandoned us?"

{Room in City Hospital}

Rinali had only a brief moment to contemplate her next move before she heard it. She had been subconsciously shutting out the sounds of fighting and calamity for most of the day as she dealt with citizens in a panic and leaderless soldiers in shock. But these sounds were significantly closer. Rinali turned just as the door behind her burst open. A group of twelve Nauklons burst in, armed with what Rinali recognized as Nauklon weaponry. They were clad strangely, wearing armor that looked either makeshift or outdated.

"We are the Nauklon Army of the True Blood!" one of the Nauklons barked at Rinali. "We have taken this facility and you are our prisoner! Surrender!"

Rinali let a grin smile play about her lips.

"I find that unlikely to happen."

A female Nauklon, her presence possessing and assertive, stood forward from what was most likely her posse. "Do not be so confident, prisoner. We have set up a dampening field that will disrupt your transporter." Her expression seemed pleased as Travin calmly attempted a transport without success. The Chief Security Officer seemed momentary mystified, but far from rattled.

The other Nauklons filled the room, surrounding Travin.

Travin titled her head slightly with the rise of her chin, eyes narrowed. "When I do not report to my ship, they will come looking for me," she informed them firmly.

The female Nauklon waved her hands and stalks in a gesture that Travin was unsure of the meaning, but it seemed she held no amount of regard for the information, confident beyond a doubt of their abilities to withstand.

Travin was not impressed. "Why are you holding us prisoner?"

"Because we don't need you," the leader hissed. "We are more than capable of being our own great empire. We must convince our own of this, and you, prisoner, will help."

"Some great empire ... look out the window, you were nearly obliterated by a few fighters," the only other security officer with Travin mumbled.

Travin was slightly taken back by this comment, studying the Nauklon for a moment. "You feel threatened by us," Travin interpreted.

"You and others have threatened us, it will stop today."

The scenario seemed all too familiar and sickly at that. "Who put you up to this?" Travin questioned, hoping that she might find the source behind the chaos on Nauklon--prove her theories correct.

The Nauklon was deeply offended, her stalks twisting and cracking in vexation. "No one put us up to this. We are our own people," she growled.

"But there was someone before," Travin pressed, grimacing at the leading question, but it seemed necessary. "Someone that told you what to do?"

The Nauklon was silent a moment, obviously contemplating whether to reveal the information Travin was asking for. "We were allied," the Nauklon replied after a moment in some hesitation. "They promised us protection from the Hadren and other hostiles, if we would someday let them have a substance from our planet."

Travin instantly jumped on the moment, her mind accelerating for the crowning moment. "Who was this ally?"

"They were the Lrexians, mortal enemies of the Hadren," the leader responded.

Travin mentally slumped, that had not been the answer she had been expecting. Yet perhaps ...

In the distance, the dull CRUMP CRUMP CRUMP of conventional warheads landing from an airborne source became clearly heard. The lights flickered, and dust trickled down from the ceiling. At one edge of the city, four Hadren attack fighters came in low dropping a type of cluster munitions as well as conventional type bombs. On the street several dozen Nauklons were obliterated, and a Starfleet security officer was seriously injured. The alarmed cries of warning, and the more organized orders of the Federation personnel to take cover began ringing out, the shrill scream of the fighter's engines getting closer to Travin's position.

In orbit, Freeman's monitors lit up with the appearance of Hadren craft. Turning to face the Center seat, he spoke loudly.

"Sir, four Hadren attack craft are bombing the city below. The jamming field around Travin is gone sir. Should I bring our people back?"

Myst sat in her seat, contemplating a moment. She still looked rough around the edges. A curt nod gave him the answer he needed. Immediately Freeman forwarded the order to recall the exposed personnel back to Griffin.

"Our people have been brought back." Freeman reported a moment later. Myst nodded, and scarcely before he could look back at his sensor panels the alarm sounded again. "Another contact, coming in low and fast from the East. On an intercept course for the Hadren vessels. Does not match any known Nauklon types ..."

Back on the planet, the Nauklons were cringing as the bombs came down. Above them the Hadren rained down fire without retribution. All of a sudden a fifth craft appeared (Lrexian), engaging the Hadren with some type of energy projectile weapon, and exploding one Hadren fighter like a plastic toy. The other three broke off their run, and jettisoned their ordinance, the explosives vaporizing cubic meters of the streets. In an acrobatic dance that lasted a moment, another Hadren craft went down in flames, followed by the Lrexian fighter that came to relieve the beleaguered Nauklons.

The wreckage crashed to the ground and exploded, incinerating everything for meters around. The damage was done however, the Army of True Blood explosively rent apart in the center of the street and hospital building. When the Lrexian had come to offer protection, it had ironically offered an end with its own demise, incinerated beyond recognition.

Back in orbit, the Griffin was at red alert, breaking orbit to intercept the Hadren craft. The larger, more advanced Federation starship caught up easily, and was preparing to lock her tractor beam on target when the Hadrens fired a weapon that resembled a photon torpedo.

The weapons hit the forward shields, shaking the ship violently. Travin's replacement on the bridge reported the damage.

"Ten percent drain on the forward shields sir."

Myst stood up, and calmly gave the order to return fire. "Engage the enemy. We have to protect the Nauklons."

Travin's replacement wasted no time, and the primary phaser array on the dorsal surface of the saucer energized and fired two quick bursts, exploding the Hadren attack fighters into clouds of vapor. The whole 'battle' lasted about twenty seconds. Upon it's completion, Freeman tossed a quick glance to Sable as Myst gave the order to return to the planet.

"Form up security details and medical teams."

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Chapter 17

{Two hours later: Griffin, Ready Room}

Priscilla fell into her chair behind her desk. As she waited for the connection to Starfleet Command to be made, she lay her head in her hands being propped up by the desk. She was tired, oh so very tired. Not mentally, her mind was racing at trying to figure out what the next step was based on all she had been filled in about the last few days, but physically. Doctor Stone had made sure all of the Nauklon drug was out of her systems and she was fully hydrated and fed before releasing her from sickbay, but there was no medicinal quick way to solve her body's deep desire to simply not move.

The next thing she knew, someone was calling her name. She sat up with a start. Then exhaled as she realized where she was. She blinked a couple times as her eyes focused on the location of the voice. "Admiral," she stated upon seeing that the comm screen before her was looking back at her with concern. She said it more as a realization to herself than as a greeting, but it worked either way.

"Are you alright Captain?" he asked. "What happened?"

"I'll be fine after a good day or two of sleep," she replied with a slight shake of her head. "The *really* short version is that the Nauklon military is practically decimated, a few of their prominent leaders have been killed as well, and the Nauklon government is asking to join the Federation. The planet *is* united under one government, but as you know they only just made their first warp attempt. However, it is *quite* clear that they need protection, and not only from the Hadren."


"That's the name the micro-wormhole using people are called by the Nauklons," Priscilla explained tiredly.

The Admiral nodded, then shook his head. "Even if they did manage to get themselves admitted, the process takes a minimum of months. I assume from what I see and hear that their situation is more immediate..."

Prisillca nodded. "Oh, I know membership is highly unlikely for them at this stage. But from all I've gathered, we're the only ones who've approached in kindness. I wouldn't be surprised if there was actually a reason behind the Hadren and whoever else keeping the Nauklons out of the Federation's sight before now..." she closed her eyes and shook her head. She was beginning to ramble. "My official report is that they have requested and are in need of immediate humanitarian aid," she finally informed him.

The Admiral nodded thoughtfully. "I will see what I can do about getting at least preliminary relief there within the next two days. And I await your full report," he informed her before signing out.

Priscilla sighed. (Yet another thing that must get done before sleeping...) But a moment later she had another thought.

"Myst to Commander Daem, please come to my ready room."

"On my way," Jaquelle replied.

Seconds later, as she had been on the Bridge, Jaquelle entered. "Captain?"

"As you were in charge these last few days and so have first hand knowledge of all that's gone on, as your first official act as First Officer I want you to write up a full report for Starfleet Command." Priscilla stood and smiled. "Congratulations, Number One. I know it wouldn't take you long to earn the promotion."

Jaquelle smiled back. "Thank you Captain."

Priscilla nodded and started to move around her desk. "Now, since Travin, Freeman and the Doctor are coordinating the teams on the surface, and you and Sable are coordinating with them and things up here, and I believe everything is under control, I'm heading to bed for the next dozen hours or so," she finished with a flourishing gesture of her arm.

"Sleep well, sir," Jaquelle replied as she followed Priscilla out of the office.

"Oh I will, I don't have the option," Priscilla replied with a slight laugh.

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